The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

July 14 - 17, 1982

Wednesday, July 14, 1982


A beautiful day. It was quite hot. I done up regular work, made brownies. Finished ironing. Betty and Bill up to the camp. They got the pump going. Zak helped to. Zak has worked up there steady this summer. Got to do the screens now. Billie mowed Delores’s hay. Kim called a minute after supper. Barry working on barn tonight.




Thursday, July 15, 1982 Mama’s birthday 102nd, hay


Hot, we went to town today. Billie got his hay 250 bales. He had a couple guys, Wayne Lyons and Scott Harmon helped him. Dorothea and Betty were here but didn’t have to help. Zak did though.




Friday, July 16, 1982


Another hot day. I did a wash. And other odd jobs. Bill and Betty up to camp then Bill started to work on the screens today here. Carmen worked all day but didn’t feel very good, sore throat and teeth. Kim to work tonight.




Saturday, July 17, 1982 hot and humid, new car Subaru, 4 strawberries


It has been a very hot and humid day. I done up regular work, changed beds, swept, washed floors, made rolls and a cake. Today we get another car, very pretty blue one, traded ours with Walt. We like it very much. Betty and kids up to the Lake at their cottage to swim. Barry and Walt worked on the barn. Billie picked berries. Bill finished screens. Bill and I called at Dorothea and David’s today. Dorothea is about pooped with the extreme heat.



Monday, May 30, 2022

July 10 - 13, 1982


Saturday, July 10, 1982 nice sunny day, 6 quarts berries


Gee, another nice sunny day, it is so unusual. It is so good to see the nice sunny weather. Hot but not uncomfortably so. I got up at 5:30. Got the breakfast, changed beds, done up the cleaning etc. in this part of the house then I got Billie’s after he got the chores done. I cleaned up in the kitchen, made bread and rolls, washed floors, took a bath, picked our greens, read some papers, picked berries. Billie and I. Bill watched ballgame. Billie out and in. Vince came over. Kids over to the Carnival at Harrison in PM. Kim to work tonight.




Sunday, July 11, 1982 Rhône heifer went, 4 quarts and peas


A nice sunny day. I didn’t get up until 7:15. Got the breakfast and done up the work. We picked 4 quarts berries and about ¾ bushel of peas. Barry worked all day at Walt’s. Zak didn’t come up at all today. Nor Kim. Carmen called late in PM after supper. Dorothea called and wanted me to go down to Fern’s with her. The rhone heifer went today to be shipped to market.




Monday, July 12, 1982


Up early and done the work, washed. Bill over to Norway. Billie mowed grass along side of the road. Carmen worked. It was cloudy because of fog. It cleared away.




Tuesday, July 13, 1982 6 quarts berries


A beautiful hot day. We picked berries and peas. I cleaned up the house. Esther came over and here for PM and supper. She liked the peas and berries very much. I went to Norway with Betty. We saw Carmen on the road. Directing traffic. Es came a little while before I got back. I didn’t see programs today. I ironed, didn’t get it quite done.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

July 7 - 9, 1982 Esther Arrives


Wednesday, July 7, 1982 five berries HOT AND HUMID, CUT HAY


A very hot and humid day. It seems good after all the raining cloudy weather we have had. I done up regular work. I put a rinse on my hair. Billie and I picked five boxes strawberries. Bill and Betty up to camp. Betty got the painting most done. Bill worked on the building. Billie mowed about two thirds of Walt’s hay today. I hope they can get it in without it getting wet. Worked on the barn again tonight at Betty’s.




Thursday, July 8, 1982 Esther, hot, 6 quarts berries


Esther came today for a visit at Susan’s. It seemed good to see her, she looks nice. Betty, Delores and I to town. I done up rest of my work and then I watched soaps in PM. About 3:30 they came and raked the hay then about an hour later they came and baled it. Dorothea called, we had a light supper than they began getting the hay in. Bill, Billie, Walt, Zak, Carmen, Lisa, Betty, Dorothea was the crew. At about 7:30 it was all in all dry and good. How pleased everyone was when it was all in. Now I hope the last batch won’t get wet either.




Friday, July 9, 1982 3 quarts berries


Another very nice day. I done up regular work. Then early this morning Esther, Susan and Vince called. Esther looks real nice with her white hair. She seems so pleased to be home. She has got a lot of work to do over to Susan’s. Dorothea and I called in evening and visited for a long while. I cleaned up the house. I cooked hamburgers. Betty and Carmen up for supper. Kim working tonight. Bill, Betty, Kim and Tara up working at the camp all day. Walt and Zak left about 6 AM and went to Rhode Island for the day. They came home about 12 midnight. Dorothea called at Betty’s a few minutes.



Saturday, May 28, 2022

July 3 - 6, 1982


Saturday, July 3, 1982 another nice day, ON THE WINDY SIDE


I done up my work. Made bread and brownies. I washed floors, changed beds, swept and dusted. Had Fern up today and for supper. Carmen and Kim called. Tom and Charlene. Kim working today and tonight. This is the night before the fourth. Verna called this evening. They worked on the barn at Betty’s today, got it started.


An unusual sighting of a rare Betty in her unnatural habitat.



Sunday, July 4, 1982 windy, 3 quarts berries


A very nice fourth. It was a sunny day. It hasn’t rained since last Tuesday. It sure is very good having such nice weather. And for several days. I hope it will be like this rest of the summer. Just enough rain for the gardens. I done up the work this morning. Then I went to 4 of July parade with the three Horton kids and Fern. Fern came up and then down to the Hortons for a cookout. Very good. It was very cold and windy. Tom and Charlene came and they cooked chicken for them selves. Came home, Carmen to the fireworks with Lisa. Zak went with Betty and Dorothea.




Monday, July 5, 1982 Windy but Sunny, 3 quarts berries


Well another nice day, on the windy and cool side but it seems so good it isn’t raining. I did the washing today, watched TV soaps in PM. Carmen working. She gets tired quite hot and sunny over there. Kim didn’t work tonight. She gets bushed up so late every night. Barry worked at Walt’s again today.




Tuesday, July 6, 1982 2 quarts berries


A nice day, not any wind to speak of. I done a lot of odd jobs. I did my ironing. Picked berries. Today Bill and Betty up to camp. Betty took Delores and I to town to get to the bank etc. Also Betty did Fern’s banking. Dorothea, Betty and I went up to the camp. It is so nice up there in evening.


Friday, May 27, 2022

June 30 - July 2, 1982

Wednesday, June 30, 1982 No Rain, DOROTHEA $900


Well the sun came up this morning. It kind of got a little cloudy. It was fair weather clouds. I done regular work and did a dite of washing. Bill and Betty up to camp and Zak. Kim was up today. She was sick yesterday. Billie did a dite of mowing. He trimmed lawns. It seemed so good to see such a nice day after the awful weather of yesterday. Dorothea sold a big lot today. Over $900. She and everyone was so pleased. I hope she keeps it up.




Thursday, July 1, 1982 NICE DAY, picked strawberries


Quite a nice day, it was windy but the sun made it quite warm. Toward late PM the wind made it quite cool. Billie trimmed lawns. Bill mowed after supper. Bill and Betty and Zak up to camp. Kim up middle forenoon, she looked more rested and acted better. She worked tonight. Carmen worked about three hours overtime tonight. Billie got awful lame very bad today. Betty took us to town. Fern went and got her hair done.




Friday, July 2, 1982 picked a few berries, NO RAIN $488.50 old amount $522 new amount


Clear when we got up this morning but it got hazy. Bill, Betty and Zak up to camp. I done regular work and worked at desk. I went to town in late PM. It was a quite nice day, on the windy side which made it a dite cool. Billie and I up to the camp, and it looks very good. They did a good job. Carmen called this PM. Kim home sick today. Joy up to Betty’s camp. She had Ronald so they couldn’t talk things over.