The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Thursday, June 30, 2022

November 4 -6, 1982


Thursday, November 4, 1982 Kim has a AFS guest


It was cloudy, a dite of sun at times. I went down town early, went to the bank and got the groceries then I came home. Bill took me down. I would back down with Dorothea. I was busy most of afternoon. Tonight after supper Kim came up and called with her AFS guest Frank Reves from Copenhagen Denmark. His host parents are living in Searsport Maine. He is a nice looking boy, 17 years. He and Kim hit it off great. I’m so glad for Kim, she is doing well in school this year and she is showing much interest. She goes to Portland about her leg or feet tomorrow.




Friday, November 5, 1982 Kim to Dr., Kim helping to entertain the AFS kids at school


A very cloudy rainy day. Very heavy at times. I was busy most all day. Defrosted refrigerator, did a washing and an ironing, made a pudding, cleaned up the house. Betty and Kim gone to Dr. for examination on her feet and legs. He Is Billie’s Doctor. I pray it won’t be serious. Tonight Kim helps to entertain the AFS kids in school then an entertainment after supper. Zak is having company tonight and for the weekend. A Cambodian boy.







Saturday, November 6, 1982 Kim and Frank to the dance, CALF BORN


A quite nice day at last. It is been a very nice sunny day, much cooler than it has been. I been busy all day cooking, washing windows. Changed the beds, swept, dusted washed floors etc. etc. Kim and Betty took Frank down to Lake Region High School to go to a sightseeing tour and Portland with the AFS. Kim to football game then she and Frank came home, had supper than they went to the dance. Kim called a little while. Also Zak and Chan. Early this morning Ellie May had her calf. A little black one and a good one. Cow is good. Billie was there when it was born.


International guests for a good old fashion Baked Bean dinner



Wednesday, June 29, 2022

October 31 - November 3, 1982


Sunday, October 31, 1982 REAL TIME AGAIN


I didn’t get up till about seven. It sure seems good to be on the natural time again. It gives you plenty of time to get your work done. David, Betty and Walt called and had coffee and donuts. Kim was here. Zak came home about noon.




Monday, November 1, 1982


A mixed weather day cloudy, a dite of rain than some sun. I done my washing. Made a coconut pie. Then I went down to Betty’s for a while. I cleaned her house and then cleaned her dining room. It looks very good. Bill pretty good since he got the blood. Billie doing quite well. He walks every day. Kim went on a field trip today. I wrote to Carmen. Zak up after school.




Tuesday, November 2, 1982 ANOTHER ELECTION DAY


A big turnout for the November elections. We went early and had to wait in line to get to the booths. It was a mostly cloudy day. I came home, did a dite of wash. I also worked at the desk and made out bills. Kim over to Memorial Hospital at Norway and had elastic stockings fitted to her. Her legs are a sight to be seen, they are swollen so much. I hope this will help. Billie is better in his leg, still lame but at times not so painful. Bill is a dite better since he got the blood a week ago today.




Wednesday, November 3, 1982 $159 plus $363 equals $522


Well a cloudy miserable day. I done up my work and ironed a few things that I went down to Betty’s. I helped her with her kitchen so she could get it all done. It looks very nice. Billie raked a few leaves up to David’s and down to Fern’s and up to see Howard Millett. Bill didn’t do anything. I think he would go nuts sitting all day. Betty has her house all done at last. Kimmy’s legs are bad tonight, she had to babysit.



Tuesday, June 28, 2022

October 27 - 30, 1982 Poppa Gets Another Transfusion, Billie Home From Hospital


Wednesday, October 27, 1982 Bill got more blood


A beautiful day. I didn’t do much except the regular work. I was going to take a walk down to Betty’s but she had company. Bill went to the doctors about 11:30 AM. Had a blood transfusion and didn’t get home until very late. About 6:30 PM. Dorothea came down and she ate supper. Bill ate at the hospital. Bill was very weak and got exhausted when he went to the barn. No blood.




Thursday, October 28, 1982 Billie came home


A nice mild day. We went to town, Dorothea, Delores and I. Betty went to Portland to get Billie. Bill is a lot better since he got his blood. Billie is glad to be home. His hip is still bad (lame) but the veins are better. I hope he don’t have to have more problems but I am afraid he might. Also his sugar is bad. He walked down through the field and did some chores.




Friday, October 29, 1982


A nice day. I done up the work and did a dite of washing. I watched soaps. Billie raking and cleaning up the yard. Bill quite a bit better since he got the blood.




Saturday, October 30, 1982


A nice sunny day. I got breakfast, done up most of the work. David and Dorothea called and also Kim was here. She had breakfast. Kim had been down to school for her first drivers road test. They all stayed till about 10:30 or so. Kim’s legs swollen. Billie about the same. His hens are laying pretty good now. Susan and Monica called also this morning. Betty mowed the leaves up. Also Kim and Zak raked them. She also chopped some for Billie. Zak away for all night down to Peter Rogers.


Monday, June 27, 2022

October 24 - 26, 1982 Billie To MMC

Sunday, October 24, 1982 a very nice day, Billie to MM Center


When we got up it was clear. It has been a very nice clear pretty day. Well today Dorothea and I took Billie to the Maine Medical Center for operation on Tuesday. Tomorrow he is to have x-rays tests etc. I hope that he will be okay when it is all over, life in leg and his lameness gone. Betty, Carmen and Zak came up and done chores tonight. The Horton’s got there wood all in today. Kim’s legs are not swollen quite as much tonight. They all worked on the wood.




Monday, October 25, 1982


A nice sunny day. I washed, made pies, cookies and jelly. Bill, Betty and David took care of the cows etc. Carmen and Betty hauled bedding in a.m., in PM Carmen and Zak to the dentist. Zak had two pulled. Carmen had two filled. Dorothea talked with Billie. He had tests etc. He is to be operated tomorrow. Or possibly they can do something so he won’t have to have an operation.




Tuesday, October 26, 1982 Carmen gone back to UM


It was cloudy in early a.m. but it soon cleared off, a very nice sunny day. I did up regular work and the ironing. David came also Betty, they did chores. We went to see Billie. He is quite good and what they did today he may not have to have the operation. We got to wait until tomorrow. Bill to the doctors, his report wasn’t at all good. He has angina. His blood is gone again. He has to go to Portland again to Dr. (?) Polliner. Dr. Marcia thinks it is for the best he has the operation. So that may be. Kim’s swelling in her legs have gone down. Carmen back to school with Zenya and cousin. Lida took them to Windham in Betty’s car to meet their ride.





Sunday, June 26, 2022

October 21 - 23, 1982 A BIG SURPRISE!

Thursday, October 21, 1982 FIRST EGG, Carmen came home unexpectedly tonight


This is been a very nice day. I done up the work, got ready, went to town with Dorothea. I came home and I finished the washing. Then I went down to Betty’s. I helped her finished the bathroom, cleaning in the den. Now she is all done to her living room. I came home and got supper for Bill and Billie. Then I got ready to go out for supper. Dorothea, Betty, Kim, Zak and I took Fern out for supper. It was very nice and Fern enjoyed it very much. She also got a lot of cards and gifts. We got home about 9:30 and Kim’s feet was very swollen and bad. Betty had to go after her about one. A Big SURPRISE after we got home, Carmen came. We was so pleased to see her but the time will go so quick. Got our first egg.




Friday, October 22, 1982 Homecoming weekend


A very nice day, sunny. All day on the coolish side. I have been busy all day. I made a lemon meringue pie and chocolate chip cookies. Called at Betty’s a little while to see the barn. Carmen didn’t get up till 3 PM. She was completely tuckered out. She has been working hard on test for the last three weeks. Today this is homecoming weekend. Kim up babysitting then Carmen and Zak picked her and her kids and all went to the bonfire and the skit show etc. Also some of Carmen’s friends went with her. Kim’s legs still swollen. It seems so good to have Carmen around. She was here for supper.




Saturday, October 23, 1982


It was some cloudy when we got up but it cleared and it was a beautiful day except cold. I done up my work, got it done early and took my bath and then I did the ironing and all done before noon. Billie raked and cleaned up more leaves. Betty’s family got wood in today. Kim went to the parade and then the football game. Billie didn’t do anything today. Billie working like mad to get all the last-minute things done before he leaves tomorrow.