The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

September 28 - October 1, 1989


Thursday, September 28, 1989


Clear and cold. They worked up to the house today. I went up in the evening. I didn’t do much today. First day without Esther. Very cold today and on the windy side.




Friday, September 29, 1989


A nice sunny day, milder than yesterday. I done up my work. Worked at the desk for a little while. Then I went up to Brogan’s house, way to the third floor where they are working. I came home, they all had lunch then went back to work. I watched my TV shows. He went and got the heart, liver and tongue. I cooked these parts for the dog. David went with him. Carmen took Brogan over to meet her father. He will have her all night. Dorothea called this evening, also Carmen.




Saturday, September 30, 1989 2 NEW CATTLE




A very nice sunny day. Mild. I done up my housework and worked at my desk all day. Got the bills already to go and checked my account over. Carmen and Kim gone to Yarmouth, Gray and other places. Today Billie got a white head heifer from Anse Buzzell and a Rhône from David. Very pretty and they are clever. Betty called today.




Sunday, October 1, 1989


A beautiful day. I didn’t do much. Walt up for coffee. Jason came, got odds and end jobs done. Got the fence down and put away. Then Billie mowed the fields all over, they look so much better. Betty, Walt and Zack went to the fair with Ed and wife (Johnson).



Monday, May 20, 2024

September 24 - 27, 1989


Sunday, September 24, 1989


A very nice sunny clear day. All day. The wind has been blowing and it was on the cloudy side. Billie Deming was here for a chicken and biscuits dinner cooked by his mother. It was very good and he liked it. He had a very nice visit with Esther. He stayed at Susan and Monica’s overnight. Also this PM the two oldest Wolff girls called with their children. They are real cute. Billie had Jason to help him this forenoon. A lot of odd jobs they got done. Swing chair put away, birdbath etc. Billie finished cleaning up his gardens. Zak and Walt got there dock back in camp. Es talked with Cliff today.




 Monday, September 25, 1989


A beautiful day. Got up and got the work done up. Got ready, went to Conway with Betty, Carmen and Brogan. Had a nice day. Went and got some things at the Quill. Esther got some new sneakers and a few other things. Also Betty and Carmen. Came home, got ready and we went over to Harrison to Shoreland’s for dinner. Had a nice supper. Carmen, Brogan, Dorothea, Esther, Betty S, Kim, Joy, Betty H and me. Enjoyed it very much. Did a wash this morning.



Tuesday, September 26, 1989.


Rained hard all day. Esther made a apple pie and tarts and a meatloaf. We didn’t do much of anything else. Carmen, Kim, Brogan, Betty and Susan called. Esther packed a few things. It has rained hard all day. Betty and Carmen moved tonight a few things. Also made a angel cake delight.




Wednesday, September 27, 1989 STEERS WENT, ESTHER LEFT


After six weeks and two days Esther left and went home today by plane. She left about 8 AM. I done my own work today. I cleaned the kitchen stove inside and out. Up to the new house with Carmen, Betty, Kim and Brogan. It is beautiful. I got supper. Carmen and Brogan here for supper. This PM Wade Kimball came and got the beef.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

September 20 - 23, 1989


Wednesday, September 20, 1989


A good cloudy and heavy rainy day. Esther and I made two squash pies and one pumpkin. Zak called. Esther and Billie gone to Norway shopping this morning. We have had very good heavy rain for David’s well today. Hugo is coming nearer. It has touched the mainland of US. Now Florida coast etc. headed to Georgia and the Carolinas. Esther made a good hamburger delicious for supper. Carmen came home today. Kim met her in Portland, they had an appointment. Billie and I watched the TV shows.




Thursday, September 21, 1989


Nice and clear when we got up this morning. Esther has made a lot of cookies. Zak here for breakfast. Carmen, Kim and Brogan here also. I didn’t do much. I fixed my dress and a dish towel that was fraying out. Zack here in late evening and fixed his tractor. Carmen painted up to the new house. Billie watched soaps in PM. I did too.




Friday, September 22, 1989


When we got up it was raining and foggy. I got the reports on TV about the hurricane. It did a bad job in South Carolina. Charleston. As it comes North it isn’t so bad. I done my hair. Es and Billie down town. Got some groceries and Billie got his haircut. Zak down for breakfast. Carmen Kim and Brogan gone to Norway in PM for a little while. Betty and Billie got Betty’s pullets in today, the wings clipped and all.


Saturday, September 23, 1989


Well the hurricane didn’t hit us at all today. It was foggy and rainy when we got up. It cleared off in forenoon for a little while. Then it got cloudy. David came for coffee and visited. Carmen and Brogan came and also Betty. Carmen, Brogan gone out with Zenya over to Norway etc. This has been a long dreary day. Nothing to do. We baked beans. Es made a cake. I baked some bread. We bought the loaves for baking. Billie and Susan was here for supper. They both enjoyed it very much.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

September 16 - 19, 1989


Saturday, September 16, 1989 First 2 eggs


We done up the work. We didn’t baked beans. Watched some TV in evening. David came for coffee. He is hauling water. We didn’t do much. Esther got a turnip ready for supper. First time in all my born days I ever ate turnip on Saturday night. It was good. In evening Esther went over to Susan’s to talk. Dorothea was there.




Sunday, September 17, 1989


Well it has been cloudy all day. We had quite a nice rain last night. Didn’t do much. Esther made some brown sugar squares. Walt up for coffee. Today Eddie came. He helped them to move their things into the new house. Also Zack helped. Eddie was down there for supper. He was glad to see everyone. We was glad to see him. Susan called in PM. Kim, Carmen and Brogan dropped in for a little while.




Monday, September 18, 1989


Did the washing. Carmen came and did the shopping. I went to town with her and Brogan. I cooked a corn beef and cabbage. Very good for supper. Betty been busy up to house etc. They got the baseboard radiators in for the furnace. Will do Kim’s side tomorrow. Billie cleaned up most of the garden today.






Tuesday, September 19, 1989 Hugo, 2 eggs


Cloudy and some showers today. We need rain so bad. We shelled out rest of the shell beans and had them for supper. Esther made that angel cake delight, very good. Susan over here this morning. Betty called with Brogan, she stayed here while Betty went up to the house. Kim here and got the lunches. In evening Es and I up to Fern’s to visit while all hands went out papering. Carmen gone out to meet Tom and stay overnight. She will come home tomorrow. Kim’s and Susan’s. Fern, Es and I had an enjoyable evening. Billie took it easy today. Steer not feeling good.


Friday, May 17, 2024

September 12 - 15, 1989 DRUG RAID AT THE NEIGHBORS!


Tuesday, September 12, 1989


It cleared off at about noon. Some clouds, no rain which we need. We got the work done up and went to Norway. Did some shopping. Esther bought a skirt. We came home, watched shows. Esther got the supper started. We watched TV soaps. In evening Esther up to baby set for Fern. I babysat for Brogan while they papered at Carmen’s. Betty Smith helped them.




Wednesday, September 13, 1989


A nice sunny day. Esther and Susan up to Dorothea’s looking their boxes over. I cooked a pot roast. It was very good. Susan was here for supper. Betty, girls and Brogan went to Windham with Zak and got him some new clothes. Also took him out for his birthday supper. Also the clothes he got from Betty, Walt and Carmen, Billie, Kim and I gave him money. Esther gave him a package of Oreos, double stuff. Tonight Randy was arrested for selling drugs.




Thursday, September 14, 1989 Randy, killed her hens, got pullets


It was cloudy all day with a few light showers. In PM I went down to see Zack’s new clothes he got for his birthday. Esther and I cleaned the hens and washed and packaged  them after Billie killed and picked them. I went down town with Carmen today. And Brogan. Zack called tonight, was glad to see him. Billie got the hen house all cleaned out and ready for the new pullets. He got them down to Betty’s. It is a big relief to know they got Randy on this business of selling drugs because they parked out here in the cemetery driveway. It was too close to home.




Friday, September 15, 1989 First Pullet Eggs


A nice sunny day after the fog and clouds got out. Esther done a lot of cooking. I done up some of the housework. Dorothea and Zak called in evening. Carmen called in PM. She took Brogan over to her daddy’s for a overnight visit. Carmen and Kim over to Norway to take some chairs over to be refinished. Dorothea called in PM, also took Esther to bank. We saw interesting pictures of this house and Ilan’s on TV tonight in connection with the drug raid of Randy’s. Things are quieted down now. He is out of jail on bail. David’s well dry.