The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

December 23 - 26, 1966 Last Christmas at the Farm (or so Nanny thought)

Friday, December 23, 1966 Cold

Snow warnings for tomorrow. I did my cooking, washed windows, floor and cleaned all up. Dorothea wrapped Christmas gifts. Betty rearranging the gifts around the tree. Kim is real good. I went to town to do a little more shopping. It is so awful hard to believe about Kennie. He will be missed so much. I hope he will find eternal happiness, no pain or suffering. He will, he is with the other loved ones who have gone.

Saturday, December 24, 1966 Kennie’s Funeral

Clear and nice in a.m. It began to cloud up in PM. Kennie’s funeral today at Lackees. It was a terribly sad day for this family. We all loved him and will miss him so much. After the service we went down to Raymond’s house. A lot of people were there. He had beautiful flowers and a lot of them. Dorothea and I to town in a.m. to do a little more shopping. Came home. Got the dinner. Got ready to go to the funeral. Bill called out at 9:30 tonight to go plowing. Dave here in evening. Betty and girls here tonight. Mike called at Betty’s with things for the girl’s Christmas. It evening Bennie and Lou called and left a lot of things for them.

Sunday, December 25, 1966

Snowed in a.m. Bill got back about 7 AM after plowing all night. Here until 9 AM. We got our packages all open. Fern and Lloyd here. Carmen and Jeff awake at 4 AM so we had to get up so early. Betty and girls here all last night. We had a nice dinner. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potato, turnips, peas, onions, celery, olives, pickles, salad, hot rolls. Custard pie, date filled pie, whipped cream cake, cookies, ice cream. Jean, Fern, Lloyd and Dave was here for dinner. In p.m. Bob, Joy, Buddy and girls called. Dot, Lorraine, Wanda and Karen and Delores here in p.m. We miss Kennie so much. He was here a year ago and every Christmas we ever had at home here. Christmas will never be the same. We all got such nice gifts.
Dorothea and David

Jeff, Debbie Wolff, Buddy Wolff, Carmen, Laurie Wolff, Karen Smith, Wanda Harmon

Nanny Billie, Delores and Carmen

Nanny and her granddaughters

Fern, Delores, Dot, Lloyd and Nanny

Bob, Fern, Delores, Dot and Do you see Nanny??

The engaged couple

Nanny back to, Carmens head, Jeff, Fern, Lloyd, Dorothea and David

Billie with his nieces and nephew

Nanny's 3 kids (and future son in law) and 3 grandkids

Nanny and Poppa with their grandchildren

Kim and Carmen

Monday, December 26, 1966

A nice day. Didn’t do much. Boutilier girls were here. Betty and Dave here for dinner. Joy called. Bill and I rode over on to Maple Ridge by the trailer. Came home, Dorothea and Jeff down to Barb’s. Billie called at Ferns.

Friday, March 30, 2018

December 19 - 22, 1966 Kennie Died Unexpectedly

Monday, December 19, 1966

I washed, got ready to go to Heber Sanborn’s funeral. Dorothea took Delores and I. We had a few errands to do in p.m. Dave up in evening.

Tuesday, December 20, 1966

A fair day. I got my work done up, varnished the living room and dining room rug. Betty and I to Portland to do our Christmas shopping. Also called to see Kim. She looked good. I done my ironing. Late in the night tonight Dot called me to tell me they had rushed Kennie to the hospital. He had hemorrhaged and had a heart attack. She was so upset. I’m so scared and really worried. All pray for him.

Wednesday, December 21, 1966 KENNIE LEFT US

Last night about midnight I got a call from Dot. They had rushed Kennie to the hospital in Portland. He was very very sick. Early this morning when Rayburn and Lorraine got back, they said there might be a slight chance for him if he came through 24 hours. Couldn’t stop the hemorrhaging so had to operate. His heart failed him. He died at 4:50 PM. It was a terrible hard blow and we all loved him and will miss him so much. I hope he is with other loved ones now. We, the whole family, down to Rayburn’s in evening.

Thursday, December 22, 1966 KIM HOME

A fair day. I washed. Joy, girls and David called. Dorothea, Dave and Jeff down to the apartment. Betty got word to go to pick Kim up. She is discharged from MMC. Still so hard to believe about Kennie. We will miss him so much. We was, I was very busy all day. Billie, Dorothea, Dave and I all over to Norway to do Billie’s Christmas shopping. Also I did some. Billie got a bonus check. He spent over $100.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

December 15 - 18, 1966 Kim to MMC

Thursday, December 15, 1966 Kim better

I finished dining room and cleaned up all the house. Washed windows on the outside. In p.m. went to Jeff’s school play. Came home, the Adairs and Thomas left for their home. I got supper. Carmen here. Betty came up for her late. Kimberly a dite better today.

Friday, December 16, 1966 Kim back to MMC

4 above, a cold morning. Warmed up during the day. Partly cloudy. I didn’t do much work on the Christmas list etc. Lloyd called in a.m. Betty got a call this p.m. Kimberly isn’t as good and has got to go back to the MMC in Portland. Dorothea and Betty took her down. Amy called here to tell us about her. We are really very worried about her. Carmen down to Dorothea’s to stay overnight.

Saturday, December 17, 1966 Mild

I washed, made rolls, baked beans. Done up the work. Betty called about 11, we went to Portland to see Kim. She was much better. Dot went with us to get a Christmas present, also I got one for Betty from Billie and I. Came home, had supper. On the way home we stopped at Dorothea ‘s and got Carmen. Heber Sanborn died this morning about 4 AM.

Sunday, December 18, 1966

Mild partly cloudy. Up early, called about the flowers for Heber. Kennie, Rayburn and Robert called to get a stove Kennie had here. Betty and Carmen came. We popped corn, made balls. Billie got the tree in and Bill fixed it. Betty decorated it and Carmen. Betty then put all of Dorothea’s things on. She wrapped her’s and put them on. Kennie and Dot called late in p.m. No word from Kim. Billie and I down to funeral parlor to see Heber in eve.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

December 11 - 14, 1966 Kim Back In Hospital With Pneumonia

Sunday, December 11, 1966 Kim to hospital, HAMS

A beautiful mild day, doors open. 55 and 60° temps. Bill painted the kitchen floor. Carmen here all day. Kennie, Rayburn and Karen came up for a Christmas tree then Kennie and Dot came up. Fern and Lloyd called. Betty here. Late in evening she took Kimberly to the hospital.

Monday, December 12, 1966

Well I didn’t do much today, as I waited for the kitchen floor to dry. Betty came up. She, Carmen and I went down, got a Christmas tree for her, one for Aunt Ava and Fern. Went to town. Then I came home and moved into the kitchen. In evening Billie and I down to see Kim.

Aunt Ava and Uncle Lewis

Tuesday, December 13, 1966

A nice day, on the cold side. I got at my washing early. Dorothea hurried around and done my housework. I went to Portland with Fern and Betty. Fern did her Christmas stamp shopping. Carmen is full of it. She is darn cute. Came home, Dorothea had a nice roast pork supper. Then she, Jeff and I went down to Dorothea’s apartment. Came home, called at Betty’s. Came home here, made out a Christmas shopping list. Dorothea and Dave wrapped gifts.

Wednesday, December 14, 1966 Kim has pneumonia

This morning we had about three or 4 inches of snow on the ground. Bill called to work at six. Lorraine and Joy here, they made wreaths. Dave here for dinner or lunch. I done my living room curtains and windows and in evening I got my clothes ironed. Betty called in evening. Kim has pneumonia.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

December 7 - 10, 1966

Wednesday, December 7, 1966

Very cold. Very icy roads this morning. Betty got to work but she is sick. I had the kids all day. Dorothea took Dot Smith to Portland today for x-rays. Bill worked for a couple of hours overtime tonight. Billie had a flat tire. Cloudy and rainy all day. A MISERABLE day.              

Thursday, December 8, 1966

Not so cold. Raining since last night. The roads are freezing some. Betty sick and not to work. Dorothea and Dave gone away to do Dave’s Christmas shopping. Carmen came up here with Fern and Lloyd.

Friday, December 9, 1966

Foggy but it burned off in the p.m. I done up my work. Dorothea over to Joys and Lorraine’s. They made corn balls. Betty worked today. I had the kids up. She was here this p.m. and took care of some of her things upstairs. Bill had to go back to work tonight after supper. Worked in garage. Billie took me to town. Dorothea and Jeff down to the apartment this weekend.          

Saturday, December 10, 1966

A very nice mild day. Betty up with the kids and off to work. After she got home she called me and she had got a $80 check for Mike. It done her good to get her pressing bills taken care of. It gave me Christmas spirit too.