The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

April 10 - 13, 1973

Tuesday, April 10, 1973 Cloudy

Another mess of snow, it snowed last night. What a mess this morning. Betty had to go and get Carmen at noon. They had painted the two rooms at school. Betty worked at Ferns. I took care of Zak. Bill down to Gordon’s. They took test on Jean today. They took Jean to the Mercy Hospital in Portland today.

Wednesday, April 11, 1973

Cloudy and cold. Betty down to Ferns and help to clean cupboards. I took care of Zak. School kids home at noon. There is a teacher and parent conference at school. Betty moved the chicks out. Es called tonight. Jean has a brain tumor, it was discovered today from the results of tests etc.

Thursday, April 12, 1973 Kim seven years today, Delores 70 if birthday

It was a cloudy, windy and very cold day. I went down to Betty’s while she and Walt went up to Farmington etc. After school at noon Carmen went to Conway with the Girl Scouts for a swimming party. Kimmy home at noon, she went up to wish Delores a happy birthday. Betty didn’t work at Ferns. Esther helped her. Bill began work downstairs. He is building a bedroom.

Friday, April 13, 1973 20 degrees above this morning

A pretty good day. It was sunny but it was windy. Betty and I to Portland, we got the ceiling material for Bill’s room he is making downstairs. Cliff over here and helped them today. Betty and I called at Dorothea’s. Esther called today. Gordon and Agnes Thin called this morning. Betty didn’t work at Ferns.

Friday, November 29, 2019

April 7 - 9, 1973

Saturday, April 7, 1973

A beautiful day. I done regular work, cooked, Carmen enjoyed her visit. Zenya came up in PM for a little while. Bill down town and down to Gordon’s. He felt bad about Jean not knowing him or her being so sick. She got worse today and tonight they had to take her to the hospital by ambulance. I had a good beans supper. Carmen liked it. She made a cake. Stan came up for supper. Billie went with Lawrence in p.m. Carmen went home after supper. Esther called in evening, she had had a rough day.

Sunday, April 8, 1973

Cloudy when we got up. It cleared away. I done up my work. About 10:00 I went down to Betty’s to help make the Italian sandwiches for Kim’s birthday party. Dorothea, Dave, Jeffrey came. Also Esther came and helped make the sandwiches. Fern, Lloyd. Billie ate and had to go with Lawrence. Kim got a lot of nice gifts. She was very pleased and had a very pretty cake Dorothea made. She got money. She enjoyed it very much and so did Zak. He was so excited. Billie got back early from Freedom New Hampshire.


Monday, April 9, 1973

A very nice sunny day, on the cold windy side. I done regular work. Betty, Zak and I went to look for a horse she saw advertised in the paper. Hazen Libby in Falmouth. A very nice looking horse. Also she went to Norway and South Paris, stopped at Twitchell’s too. Came home. In p.m. Bill measured for the new room down cellar. Called to see Carmen’s bathing suit. I got supper. Stan called. After supper Betty and I went to see Jean down in the hospital. She is very sick. Can’t talk. Cliff called this p.m.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

April 4 - 6, 1973

Wednesday, April 4, 1973

Cloudy. We haven’t seen the sun since last Tuesday. What a miserable weather, cloudy, rain, snow and a mess. I went down to Betty’s. We cleaned her shed chamber. Today they have decided to take Jean to Portland Maine Medical Center for test.

Thursday, April 5, 1973 No School, a Bad Snow Storm

This morning when we got up what a mess, snow, the trees were heavy. All phone and light wires were heavy with a lot of snow. Schools were called off. I went down to Betty’s today, we done the bureaus and the closets upstairs. In the night last night the electric power went off. Betty got her chickens in. Today the power went off too. Gordon up today. He and Billie done some measuring for a cellar door to go downstairs to build a bedroom down there. But couldn’t get the right height. We may build one outside on the end of the house. It cleared off some about supper.

Friday, April 6, 1973

What a mess. This was an awful looking day, snow melted a lot though. Kids back-to-school. I called at Betty’s but didn’t stop. Bill and I to town. I washed, ironed, washed windows, did a dite of cooking. Busy all day, watched a few programs. Gordon and Sal brought Jean to their home today from Hicks Nursing Home. She isn’t at all good. Betty off somewhere today.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

March 31 - April 3, 1973

Saturday, March 31, 1973

Cloudy and some fog. Lloyd called this morning. I done regular work. Bill and Billie did a lot of raking and cleaning up outside. Billie washed the garage all out good. Betty, Walt and kids cleaned up their yard. Worked hard all day. Chickens are doing well. Betty, Walt and family called. Carmen up and called in PM. Jean just the same, her mind isn’t too good.

Sunday, April 1, 1973

Cloudy all day and late in p.m. it began to rain. I done regular work. Made a lemon meringue pie. Cooked a roast pork, it was very good. Billie did fencing. Stan called early this morning. Fern, Lloyd called and the Hortons. This p.m. I got a call from Dorothea. Dennis’s brother Freddie died from a overdose of sleeping pills. He has been in poor health for a long while. Jeff is quite upset about it. I feel sorry for them all concerned.

Monday, April 2, 1973 HEAVY RAIN, Mamma gone nine years today

Betty, Zak and I to Portland, we took Dorothea and we went shopping etc. Betty shopped for Kim’s birthday. It was a very bad day. It rained so awful hard. An awful day.

Tuesday, April 3, 1973

A miserable day. I went down to Betty’s. She cleaned her cellar. In p.m. Bill and I went to town and over to see Jean. She isn’t at all good. She didn’t know anyone very well. Stan was there. We saw Gordon and Sal down town. Gordon is made power of attorneys of Jean’s estate. He is to look after her bills etc.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

March 28 - 30, 1973

Wednesday, March 28, 1973

A nice day. I went down to Betty’s in a.m. Betty, Bill and I went over to Harrison and Betty got six laying hens for herself. Came home. In p.m. she and Fern went to Mechanic Falls to see where she could get some baby chicks. He told her about a Mrs. Lankins up around or near Farmington. So she called the lady and she will get them tomorrow. Over to see Jean this p.m. She is not any better. More weak and very nervous.

Thursday, March 29, 1973 Baby Chicks

Kind of cloudy. It was not too cold. I got my work done up early, went down to Betty’s while she went to get some hens. Took them down to Dawn’s. Then she got ready and we all went to North Chesterfield Maine, a small town near Farmington to get the baby chicks. She got 30 pullets and 20 roosters. Esther, Fern, Zak and I went with her. It was a nice ride.

Miss Peeper

Friday, March 30, 1973

Cloudy. About noon it began to clear. It was nice and sunny rest of the day. I went down to Betty’s in a.m. Came home, got ready. I washed my floor. Then when we got ready, went over to Hicks Nursing Home to see Jean. She isn’t at all good. Her mind is bad. Her appetite is not good either. We did the grocery shopping. Betty’s chickens done very well. Didn’t lose any. In evening Esther and Cliff came over. Carmen up for a little while after school.