The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March 1 - 4, 1978


Wednesday, March 1, 1978


March came in like a lamb. A very nice day. I done my regular work and cleaned the stove and scoured up some cans. Betty and I went down to Fern’s, we picked over, with her, many of her personal things. She has many interesting things and very old. Came home, cooked a roast beef supper. Bill don’t feel very good. Billie worked only a half day.




Thursday, March 2, 1978 Cold


Another very nice clear day. I done up my work, went to town. Susan took Delores and me. Bill not as good today. It has been a very nice sunny day, but very cold and windy all day.




Friday, March 3, 1978 $99.70, $227.40


A quite nice day. I done up the work. I washed and did the figuring, went to town in PM. Cashed the checks. Billie worked most all day. Betty took me to town. Delores went with us. Susan has a cold. Bill still sick.




Saturday, March 4, 1978


It was snowing in the morning and most of the forenoon when it began to break away and the sun came out at times. Not a bad day. Bill plowed. Billie went fishing with Lawrence and Wes. I done work and washed floors etc. etc. The TV man came, he says the TV tube is the cause of the poor pictures. Betty and Walt came for a little while. Kimmy went skating at the skating rink. Zak had company. I made POOR bread and rolls again today. My breadmaking is awful bad. Bill looks very bad. This evening Ronald, his daughter Jill and son Scott called. They are nice-looking kids.


Dennis - aka Fifi

Fifi with Gimpy

Dennis, Special K and Whippet

Special K

Mr and Mrs. Fifi

Carmen and Fifi




Tuesday, March 30, 2021

February 25 - 28, 1978


Saturday, February 25, 1978


A beautiful day. I got the breakfast which was late. Carmen ate and Bill took her over to do the chores then she went home. I got my dishes washed and some work done than Dorothea came and Dave went to the garage with his truck. Dorothea helped me to do the rest of the housework. I did get the windows washed. Betty came then we went down to Fern’s. Fern had us help her look some things over. She got rid of some things. We came home and Fern stayed for supper. Kimmy called for a little while. Billie went with Lawrence.


Joy's house

Carmen off to do chores

Carmen feeding Ebony and Gabe with Judd's supervision





Sunday, February 26, 1978


A very nice sunny mild day. I done my regular work then I washed my kitchen floor. Bill up with Ilan to help move the fish house. Barry Richardson helped them. Walt and Betty hauled some wood.




Monday, February 27, 1978 School began


A very nice day. I did a big wash and the clothes dried very good. I went down to Betty’s, we cleaned up her house. Fern got a permanent. Then she came up to Betty’s for a little while. Bill sick. Billie worked part of the day.




Tuesday, February 28, 1978


A beautiful day. I done regular work and a big ironing. Also I did some more washing. Bill still sick. Billie worked part of the day.


Monday, March 29, 2021

February 22 - 24, 1978

Wednesday, February 22, 1978 Washington’s Birthday


Bill has a cold. It has been a quite nice day. Billie home again, no more work for a while. He, Bill and Carmen went ice fishing down to Bowdoinham. Carmen enjoyed it all very much. They got a lot of smelts. Zak went home. Kim came up for a little while in PM. She and I worked on puzzle. I was here all afternoon and evening alone.




Thursday, February 23, 1978


It has been quite a nice day. I been busy, helped to clean the smelts. Fern called Betty. Lawyer Lane was there to talk to Fern about some legal business. It was quite astonishing what he told her. She is going to take care of her belongings.


Susan and her new wood stove





Friday, February 24, 1978


Billie not working. A quite nice day. I done my regular work. Zak and Carmen up for breakfast. Carmen and Zak went home. Betty had coffee group meeting at her house today. Zak and Kimmy played with the kids the came to the coffee group. Bill’s cold about the same. Billie went to Norway, looked at tractors, got grain, called on Lloyd. He called at Fern’s. Also Betty and I called there. We talked about Fern’s personal problems, such as what to do with her personal belongings. Carmen up tonight to stay all night. Lloyd about the same.





Sunday, March 28, 2021

February 18 - 21, 1978 Surprise Party for Betty


Saturday, February 18, 1978


Partly good day. I have been very busy all day getting ready for tomorrow. I cooked, washed windows, ironed, swept, dusted, changed the beds, washed floors etc. Billie went to Norway, saw a Lloyd. This has been the Winter Carnival weekend. All went well.


Surprise party at Susan's

Betty and Susan

Walt and Dawn

Billie Deming





Sunday, February 19, 1978


A nice sunny day all day, on the cold side and some wind. I got up early, got the dinner to going. At about 12:30 the company came. We had roast pork, onions, shell beans, turnip, hot rolls, mashed potatoes, applesauce, cheese, lemon sponge pie, white cake. It was for Betty’s birthday. Fern, Dawn, Betty’s family and later in PM Dorothea and Dave came.




Monday, February 20, 1978


A beautiful day. It was sunny and nice all day. I did a big wash and got picked up and straightened up from yesterday. The clothes all dried very good. I got them in at four. Betty moved the stove and got it set up in the little house. Billie and I went down to Fern’s. She wanted to talk to us about some things. Kim came up and stayed all night.




Tuesday, February 21, 1978


A very nice day. Betty, Carmen and Zak over to Norway to the eye doctors. Zak’s eyes are bad. Billie back to work today. Zak came up to stay all night. Bill and Ilan went fishing. Billie don’t work tomorrow.




Saturday, March 27, 2021

February 14 - 17, 1978 Betty's birthday

Tuesday, February 14, 1978


Partly cloudy. I done up my regular work. Fern up all day. She enjoyed being here. She looked at all of Betty’s albums. We both enjoyed seeing them. I cooked a chicken dinner which she enjoyed. I made a lemon meringue pie, made rolls. Billie and Lawrence went fishing down to Bowdoinham, got a lot of smelts. Bill fishing with Ilan.




Wednesday, February 15, 1978


It has been a cloudy day. Bill went fishing. I started a new puzzle. I’ve been busy all day. Doing odds and end jobs. We have had a cloudy week.




Thursday, February 16, 1978 Billie off for a few days, Kim came home, asthma trouble


A partly cloudy day. I done up my work. Went down to Betty’s. We went to town and Delores went with us. We done Fern’s shopping. Today Billie came home from work. The crew was laid off until Joe gets his financial part of his business into a sound base. He went to Norway to get grain. He called to see Lloyd. Lloyd is just the same. Betty went down to school to get Kim. She had a breathing difficulty. I done a good wash in PM.




Friday, February 17, 1978 Hair Set, Betty 35 years, a school weeks vacation


Mostly cloudy all day. A few squirts of snow in a.m., some sunshine in PM. I done regular work. I washed and did some ironing. In PM I went to Barbara’s and got my hair set. Bill and Ilan went fishing in PM and Billie and Lawrence gone fishing in Bowdoinham. Today Betty is 35 years old. She went to coffee group meeting today. Dawn down to her house while she was gone. Today Betty and Walt out on the town to supper etc. to celebrate her birthday. Carmen and Kim gone to school dances. President is in Bangor Maine tonight staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (blank).