The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Monday, November 30, 2020

November 25 - 28, 1976 Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 25, 1976 a quite nice day 

Another Thanksgiving. Horton family and Yates family were guests. For dinner we had: Turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potato, mashed potato, turnip, shell beans, onions, cranberry sauce, olives, relish, salad, hot rolls, dark rolls, celery, lemon sponge, date filled, squash pies, Indian pudding, creampuffs, coffee and chocolate milk. Lloyd got along quite well and he got out to the barn. They went home before dark. The Horton stayed till after supper. 



Friday, November 26, 1976 Stormy, Sleety 

Betty and the girls gone down to MSSPA. Walt gone to work. Bill didn’t do much, in and out. Roaks back down in the woods cutting. Zak up here for the day and tonight. I didn’t do too much today. Betty and the girls got home about 10 in the evening.



 Saturday, November 27, 1976 nice and mild 

Showery in a.m. I did some washing. It cleared off. I called at Betty’s a little while to see the things she got in Portland yesterday. Zak was here all a.m. He watched programs all a.m. He went home about 1 o’clock. This is been a very nice mild and sunny day. I done up my work and a big wash. Betty and I were going to Norway, but Betty had company, and couldn’t so Carmen and I cleaned the cars, vacuumed and windows washed. I made biscuits for supper, made a cake. Linda and family up to Betty’s for supper. 



 Sunday, November 28, 1976 fair in a.m. but it clouded up 

 It was very nice and sunny when we got up. It clouded up. In p.m. I went down to the lower lot with Betty, Walt and kids. Gabriel went too. He is so funny. Also Freya and Heidi, a good walk. When we got back David, Dorothea and Billie were down in the pasture where Walt’s pasture is cleared up. Dorothea and Dave came up to dig the grave for King. She is very sick. Betty, Dorothea and I went up to the lot in Sweden on Stearns Pond. I made two turkey pies, for Betty and our supper. Very good. Billie down to see Chet tonight.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 21 - 24, 1976

Sunday, November 21, 1976 another cold windy day


I done up my regular work, did my ironing and got my Christmas orders ready to go. Kim up in late p.m., also Betty called. Bill and Billie working in the barn all day. Carmen and some friends went horseback riding all day.


Dingle going for a ride on Ebony





Monday, November 22, 1976 cold and windy, sent orders


It was a nice clear sunny day, but cold and windy. I washed. Done regular work, went to town twice. Made out my schedule for the Thanksgiving week. I sent my Sears and Spencer orders today. Bill worked on the windows out in the barn. Keith worked in the woods at Walt’s today. He finished the job today. It looks very nice.




Tuesday, November 23, 1976


I made dark bread, creampuffs. Betty and I went up to Shaw’s shopping and around. She is looking for a jacket for Zak.




Wednesday, November 24, 1976 a nice day, ZAK got his GLASSES


I did one million things getting ready for Thanksgiving. Cooked, ironed, washed, cleaned the house, washed windows, cleaned silverware and dishes etc. etc. Betty to the eye doctors to get Zak’s glasses. Keith called in late p.m. Kim and Carmen up and helped me after supper get the vegetables ready.




Saturday, November 28, 2020

November 17 - 20, 1976

Wednesday, November 17, 1976


I done a very big wash, also I done some ironing. Defrosted my refrigerator. I made a cake and pie. Betty to coffee group. We went down to Fern’s in evening. Bill busy all day. Hortons to Portland and had their pictures taken. I sent an order away. Keith worked clearing.






Thursday, November 18, 1976


I went to Portland with Betty and Kim. Kim went to the orthodontist for her teeth. We did a dite of shopping. Came home in time to get Kim to school for afternoon. We picked over things Betty got at Chet’s in p.m. I had a baked ham supper. Carmen was up for supper. Keith cleared down in the pasture.




Friday, November 19, 1976


A quite nice day. I was busy all day. I finished doing all my work for fall. I went to town. Dawn came up to Betty’s. They hauled some things up from Dawn’s to store at Betty’s. Kim up here for the night. Keith worked down in the woods.




Saturday, November 20, 1976 sawdust, clear, cold and windy


A nice day, but very cold and windy. I done a lot of work today. I was late getting it all done. Washed blankets, all bedspreads, sheets. Cooked, cleaned up the whole house and one million other things. Kim here in a.m., Zak here today also. Today Mike Ryan hauled sawdust for Billie and Betty. Billie got his material to use out in the barn down to Grossman’s. Betty and kids over to NE Horse Supply.




Friday, November 27, 2020

November 13 - 16, 1976

Saturday, November 13, 1976 Flu Shots, Cold


This is been a nice sunny day, but very cold. I done my regular work, washed floors, made bread and rolls. We went down and got the flu shot. Bill, Billie and me. Also Fern, Delores and Pat went. Zak up here all day. Betty took Kim to Dawn’s and then took us all down to get flu shot. Then she went down and got her flu shot.




Sunday, November 14, 1976 cold, Chet


I done my regular work. I did a big wash. I went down to Betty’s, we took a walk down where Walt was looking for Christmas trees. Mrs. Swett took Chet into the hospital today. She called here. Billie down to see him, also he called at Fern and Lloyd’s. Betty, Carmen and Zak down to Dawn’s to get Kimmy.


Flicka - 6 months old





Monday, November 15, 1976 PERMANENT, A DITE WARMER


It was a dite warmer. I went down to Betty’s to see Kim’s new dress she made. Then I helped Betty some and then I came home and did some washing and washed all my windows outside. I went over to June’s and get a permanent. It looks good. Keith came and began down to Walt’s.




Tuesday, November 16, 1976 ZAK TO EYE DOCTOR


I got up early, done up my work. Betty, Zak and I left at a few minutes after 7 AM. We went down through Sebago to South Portland then we met Walt. He directed us to the area where Dr. Murphy’s eye doctors office was. Got home in time for Zak to go to school. Betty and I went down to Betty’s and wrapped Christmas gifts. Bill took Betty’s car down and got it fixed.




Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 9 - 12, 1976 Joy Leaves For Bermuda Again

Tuesday, November 9, 1976 COLD WINDY


We are having some very cold and windy weather. I have been busy. Bill down to Lloyd’s.




Wednesday, November 10, 1976 Cold


I done regular work. Down to Betty’s a little while. Cooked a roast pork supper. Was busy all day. I washed some things. Kids got their school pictures. Susan came over and brought kids pictures over.




Thursday, November 11, 1976 nice day not as cold, NO SCHOOL


I done up my regular work. I washed some windows. I went with Betty, Joy and kids out to the tree where they found Robert. Went down to Fern’s and helped her clean her living room, DR and washed and waxed her kitchen floor. Came home, washed a few things and ironed. Got supper.




Friday, November 12, 1976 JOY LEFT


Up early this morning. Got ready and Betty came. We picked up Joy and Pat at about 4:45, then down to Dorothea’s at 5:30. She got ready and we got to the airport at 5:45. Joy got her reservation made and got on the plane at 6:45. At seven they left. We went out to Dorothea’s until the bank and stores opened up. We did some shopping. Came home to take Fern to the doctors. I stayed with Lloyd. Then I came home, went to town to shop, came home, got supper.



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 5 - 8, 1976

Friday, November 5, 1976


I done my work. Betty and I to town to shop. I done some odds and end jobs. Bill worked at Betty’s, made a corral fence for them.


Old Gray Hen





Saturday, November 6, 1976


Cold, windy, some sun. I did my regular work, washed, busy all day. Made a pie and cake. Zak here all day. Bill and Billie worked on the tractor etc. Bill down to Lloyd’s and done some odd jobs. Billie and Betty up to Chet’s and cleaned up. They brought home a lot of things which will be very useful. Also David was up there and he got a lot of things too.




Sunday, November 7, 1976


A nice drying day. I washed, clothes dried good, it was cloudy, wind and clouds. Bill and Billie worked out in the shed putting away the farm tools for the winter. Kimmy went home when she went to Sunday school. Carmen called a little while. Billie up to Chet’s in p.m. Chet was pleased with the way he cleaned up his house etc.




Monday, November 8, 1976 Cold


A nice sunny day but very cold and windy. Billie didn’t have to work. I did a big ironing this morning. Billie and I went up to Chet’s. I went all over the house. In evening Betty and I called at Fern’s. Bill down to Lloyd’s most of the day, working. Got our first letter from ESTHER.