The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Monday, July 31, 2023

October 4 - 7, 1986

Saturday, October 4, 1986 Billie mowed lawns


A mostly cloudy day, some sun and a quite nice day for the Fair. I done up the regular work. Washed the floor. Then I took down the living room curtains and washed the windows. I read the papers. Carlton and Phyllis called and Dorothea and David. They took Iva to meet Louise at the Fair to go home. Then they took off for Lewiston. Dorothea got her a new coat. Before they left Eddie and Kim came. Kim has a job, a dentist receptionist. Eddie did well out to sea. Billie mowed the lawns and leaves.




Sunday, October 5, 1986


A beautiful day, on the cool side. Got the work done up. Walt came and then Kim and Eddie came. They had breakfast. Then they went down to Betty’s and began to get loaded to go back home. I wrote to Zack and got a couple letters ready to go in the mail. Dorothea and Dave called.




Monday, October 6, 1986 Betty Smith’s birthday


Well, a day of all kinds of weather today. It rained last night. I did the washing. Made a cake for Betty Smith. Bill to town. Billie to the Dr.’s. His foot is coming quite well. It has got to be watched. Milan called. Also Betty Horton dropped in a couple times. They started to work in the bedrooms at Betty’s.



Nanny down to Uncle Milan's



Tuesday, October 7, 1986 first egg, Betty got a letter from Zack


This is been a nice day, on the coolish side. Carmen came and cleaned. Betty was here. Milan called. Dorothea called in evening. Made a chocolate pudding and cooked a T-bone supper. Watched the soaps. They got another letter from Zack. The painters have been working at Betty’s. Bill down, got his haircut. Betty S and Betty C helped Carmen cleaned her kitchen today.



Sunday, July 30, 2023

September 30 - October 3, 1986


Tuesday, September 30, 1986 very mild, Carmen all through work for the baby leave


A foggy cloudy day in the morning. It began to clear about 10:30 AM and it became very hot. I done regular work, watched programs. Carmen came. She cleaned up the house, changed beds, dusted. Done a very good job. It looks very nice. Kassie and I up to Twin Oaks with Betty, Tara and Trinna. Also Milan and Betty went up. Milan got a good fire to going. They cooked hamburgers and hotdogs. Bill came up and ate. Then Betty H and Betty S cleaned up the two houses and got them ready to leave until next cookout season. Billie still has a lot of pain in his toe. Carmen all through work for her baby leave.




Wednesday, October 1, 1986


At last the first day of October. Still getting rain and unsettled weather. I done up the work. I did the ironing. Made cookies to send to Zack.




Thursday, October 2, 1986


A nice day. Betty and I over to Norway. Came home, got the dinner. I didn’t do too much today. Watched shows. I did a few odd jobs. Betty came and we wrapped Zack’s box.




Friday, October 3, 1986


Some sun and cloudy. I got up early. I made a pie and chocolate chip cookies. Bill and I over to Carmen’s to see her new baby room. Also the nice gifts she got. Bill said the room looked very good. I came home, got the lunch and did the washing. They worked at Betty’s today getting ready to paper and paint. Carmen here for supper. She did Billie’s toe for him.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

September 27 - 29, 1986


Saturday, September 27, 1986 pullets, Billie home


This is been a beautiful sunny on the coolish side. Billie home from NCM H, his foot is very sore and pains him a lot. Milan went and got him. Also Betty and Walt got a nice letter from Zack. It was very interesting. He is happy there by all indications. Betty and Walt went up to Robert’s Poultry in Bethel and got the pullets. Milan and Betty came up this PM.




Sunday, September 28, 1986


A quite nice day, mostly sunny. Walt came up for coffee this morning. I done up my work, wrote to Zack and got ready and went up to Kennard’s house now occupied by his son Carlton and family during their vacation. We met Linda’s husband Warren McKeen. A very nice guy, smart and intelligent. Also Amy and her boyfriend was there. They are nice girls. Dorothea, Fern, Betty, Walt, Milan, Betty, Susan, Vince, Monica, Vince’s girlfriend, Billie, his wife Jane and two children. Had a nice lunch. Talked and it was very nice.




Monday, September 29, 1986


A mostly nice day, some clouds and rain. Sunny most of the day. I did a wash. Made molasses cookies and fancy brownies. They was good. Betty dropped in, also Milan called. Billie’s foot not very good. Carmen came and wrapped it and it felt a lot better. Bill reading. Betty got another letter from Zack. A nice letter. David called, had coffee, talked. Dorothea and Iva called this evening.



Friday, July 28, 2023

September 24 - 26, 1986 Newborn Filly


Wednesday, September 24, 1986 little filly born shower for Carmen


They had a baby shower at the hospital for Carmen today. She got a lot of nice useful gifts. Very pretty and nice. She called here tonight on her way home. Betty was here. Carmen went and did the (blank). Last night in the night a little baby colt was born at the farm. Bill and I got to see her. She is very pretty. Billie down to see it after supper.




Thursday, September 25, 1986 Billie to hospital for his toe.


Milan took Billie this morning. He had another toe taken off. I’ve been busy all day, watched shows. Bill reading all day. He and I down to see the little colt. I came home, got ready for the man to come to fix the faucet. He didn’t come. I got most of the work done and watched soaps. Milan called. I wrote a letter and sent Kim. Carmen did the shopping today.




Friday, September 26, 1986


I been busy all day, washed, made out some bills. Betty got a lame back problem again. Randy and his wife came to help her with the chores. Also Carmen called and helped her do some cleaning. Bill to town this morning. Dorothea and Iva called tonight. I watched TV soaps. I defrosted refrigerator, cleaned the stove oven, and washed the windows on the breezeway.