The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

January 28 - 31, 1980


Monday, January 28, 1980


Another very nice pretty day, very sunny, clear and dry. The wind did blow some. I did my wash and hung the clothes out, most of them. Billie in and out. Bob Thomas called. Bill to town and around. I made a cake, watched the programs in PM.




Tuesday, January 29, 1980


The nights during this past winter have been very pretty, also nice bright moons. I did my ironing this morning early. I did a wash. Washed the floors. Pat Linscott called while out on her usual walk.




Wednesday, January 30, 1980


A very nice day, very cold. Some wind. I got my work done up, got ready and went with Betty to Portland with Kimmy to the orthodontist for her teeth. Fern went. Wanted to finish Carmen’s shopping, but didn’t get it done. They don’t have the things you want. I did a dite of other shopping. The moon was very clear and beautiful last night and before daylight.




Thursday, January 31, 1980


Another nice sunny clear day. The ground is a third bare now. I done up regular work. Went to town with Betty and Delores and Susan. Today Kim stayed after school to work on the rocket her grade has been making for their science class. Bill better. Billie in and out all day.




Wednesday, September 29, 2021

January 24 - 27, 1980


Thursday, January 24, 1980 blustery day, cold


It was clear and sunny, on the cooler side. About 9 AM the wind began to blow. The early buses late again this morning. The day brought heavy wind. They blowed very hard all day. It is very cold tonight. I worked on my scraps and watched TV in PM. In a.m. I went to town with Betty. Bill been sick all day, on laying down most of the day.




Friday, January 25, 1980 10 below this morning 5:30 AM


Well it was very cold this morning, but during the day got warmer. The wind blowed nearly all the snow out of Walt’s field. They are bare again. I washed windows, ironed, and done some washing. Also worked at my desk, watched all TV programs in PM. Bill is a dite better today, it has been a very nice sunny and clear day.




Saturday, January 26, 1980


A beautiful day. I done up regular work, washed floors, dusted, made pies, cake and biscuits. Betty and kids up to the shelter. Bill didn’t do anything all day. Billie in and out. Bill is better now. Carmen called twice today.




Sunday, January 27, 1980


Another very nice day. I done up my work. Worked at the desk. Bill went to the dump. Zak, Vince, Chris and Monica down in the woods sledding. Kim and Carmen over to the doctors. In late PM Zak and Vince called for milk. Also Joy came and got milk.



Tuesday, September 28, 2021

January 20 - 23, 1980


Sunday, January 20, 1980


A very nice sunny day but on the windy side. I didn’t get up very early. I got breakfast. Done up the work. Billie held the ladder and I washed the living room and kitchen windows on the outside, also all of them inside and washed the kitchen curtains. Bill went down to see Myron Ward. No results though. Billie cleaned his truck. Carmen called, she and Kim to the doctors. Carmen has acute tonsillitis, ear infection. Better than yesterday. Betty’s finger is better.




Monday, January 21, 1980


A beautiful day. I did the wash. I hung the clothes, most of them, that is, outside. It was very windy. Bill sick with a cold. Carmen didn’t go to school. Billie over to Oxford to see about a job. He called at Fern’s.




Tuesday, January 22, 1980


Sunny part of the day. Bill better. I done up the regular work. First thing I done the ironing, had it all done before 6:30 AM. In forenoon Betty and I went down to Fern’s. We talked. She is quite upset and depressed about different things.




Wednesday, January 23, 1980 Plowed Snow for First Time


Cloudy in a.m., cleared in PM. I done my regular work. I worked on the scraps. Billie Deming came for milk. Robin and baby here in PM. Bill plowed snow for first time this winter. We got about 4-5 inches, up further north in the state they got less. Joy came in evening and got milk. Billie down to Fern’s.


Monday, September 27, 2021

January 16 - 19, 1980


Wednesday, January 16, 1980


I done up the regular work. I done a washing. Milan left about 2:30 this morning. It was a nice sunny day. I wish it could have been like this at least one day while Milan was here. I watched TV in PM I worked on the puzzle. Bill and Ilan fishing.




Thursday, January 17, 1980


It has been cloudy and very raw and cold. Snow or rain coming. Late this afternoon it warmed up and we had a rain or mist storm. It froze on the road. I went to town in a.m. Worked on puzzle in PM. I did a ironing today or early this morning. Also defrosted the refrigerator. Kim brought a girlfriend home tonight. They called here on the way up skating.




Friday, January 18, 1980 No School


Rain and sleet this morning, it ended at about 8 AM. A glass ice. But it melted before noon. This was TEACHER WORKSHOP day, no school. I done regular work, made a tapioca pudding and brownies. Kim and friends called. Also Zak. They were up to the corner skating. Bill took the kids and Betty up to Dorothea’s. Kim wanted her friend to see it.




Saturday, January 19, 1980


Well it got cleared away today so there was some sunshine in PM. I done regular work, did a lot of cooking which it wasn’t my day for cooking. Dorothea and Dave came up. They went up to the farm. Bill didn’t do anything all day. He said he had a cold again. He worked on the puzzle. I finished it late in PM. Bill and I called at Dorothea’s. It looks very nice up there. Neat and clean inside and out. Carmen very sick today. Also Betty’s finger is bad again. They both went to the doctor at the hospital. Carmen high fever, bad tonsillitis, sore throat, ear infection. Dr. Turnbull worked on Betty’s finger. Dorothea and David here for supper. Betty called. Dorothea and Dave down to see Fern for a loan.


Sunday, September 26, 2021

January 12 - 15, 1980 Milan Surprise!

Saturday, January 12, 1980


A beautiful day. I have been very busy all day. Did windows, dusted, cooked etc. Dorothea and David up to their farm then came back for supper. Bill up with them. Billie gone all day. I made rolls and pie for the supper. I had a ride in the new car this morning.




Sunday, January 13, 1980 MILAN CAME


A quite nice day, some light clouds, sun in a.m. As I was washing my dishes at the sink Milan drove in the yard about 10 AM. I didn’t get up till 8:30. I done up regular work. Worked on puzzle. Billie and Milan up to Millet’s farm. The rhone cow had a nice Heifer calf. Billie and Milan called at Fern’s. Zak and Betty called here and at Fern’s. Milan and Bill up to Dorothea’s. Kimmy and Carmen over to the doctors. Kimmy called on her way up skating. Billie D came for milk.




Monday, January 14, 1980


A quite dreary day. I did a washing. Fern up here for the day and for supper. She and Milan enjoy the supper very much. Billie gone most of the day, also Milan and Bill gone a lot. I only watched one program. I made a squash pie.




Tuesday, January 15, 1980


A cloudy day. I done my ironing. Milan in and out. Ilan and Bill up fishing. Billie busy all day going here and there. I worked on my puzzle.