The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

September 8 - 11, 1980 Esther Returned to FL


Monday, September 8, 1980 Clear but on the cooler side, Hay


It has been a nice sunny day, on the cool side. I did my wash. Went down to Betty’s for a little while. She got the cat Lizzie from the shelter. She got chewed up by a dog up there. Billie got hay tonight from Maple Lane Farm. Carmen helped him. He took some up to David’s. The dove left today and hasn’t come back.




Tuesday, September 9, 1980


A nice day, I did a ironing. Also washed some clothes. Called at Betty’s. Bill been at the camp all day working. David called this morning. He is going to take the cow and calf. Billie been busy all day. The DOVE didn’t come back.




Wednesday, September 10, 1980 ESTHER GONE BACK


It has been quite a nice day. It was quite warm in Portland. Susan, Betty, Dorothea, Fern, Carmen and I took Esther to the airport to return home to Florida. We went to see Esther off at the airport. But her plane was so late going. They had changed the time schedule.




Thursday, September 11, 1980


It has been a nice sunny day except the wind blowing. Made it on the cool side. I done up my work. Betty and I went to New Hampshire to do some shopping. Got home in time to watched the soaps. Bill finished up at camp today. Carmen called tonight. I renewed my 2 magazines TV Guide and Soap Opera Digest. Betty and I called at Fern’s in evening.



Monday, November 29, 2021

September 4 - 7, 1980 Trip to Vermont


Thursday, September 4, 1980


A nice day, got my work done up, went to town. Came home, done a few odd and end jobs. Watched soaps, got supper, went down to Fern’s in evening. Carlton, Phyllis, Brud and Verna were down there also Phyllis’s mother and father. Betty, Walt, Dorothea, Susan, Monica, Joy and me.




Friday, September 5, 1980


I began my pickles. I got some made, finished them tomorrow. I’ve been very busy all day. Billie up helping David. Bill down to cottages.




Saturday, September 6, 1980


A very nice day. I been busy all day. I finished the pickles. Did a lot of other work. I dite of cooking. Washed floors etc. Dorothea and David called. Billie worked up to David’s most of the day. Betty and family went for a long ride, Vermont and around. Vince went with them.






Sunday, September 7, 1980 bull went (Ayshire)


A very nice sunny day. I done up my regular work and made out the checks for the bills. Fern and Es up in PM and for supper.



Sunday, November 28, 2021

August 31 - September 3, 1980 School Begins


Sunday, August 31, 1980


Partly cloudy day. I got up about 7. Got the breakfast. David called, had coffee, made a good visit. After he went down, done up rest of the work. Billie done chores and then he went up to David’s. They did fencing. About noon Bill went down and got Fern and Esther. They came up for the afternoon and for supper. Betty’s folks all went to see Flicka. Carmen rode her. Kim and Zak rode some horses also. They had a good time.




Monday, September 1, 1980 HOT


A very hot humid day. I did a wash. Picked over those shell beans, canned a pint jar, watched TV programs in PM. Fern and Esther over to Carlton and Phyllis’s for afternoon and evening. Betty and kids gone all day. Billie and David finished the fencing.




Tuesday, September 2, 1980 HOTTER, Zak had a pony


Another very hot day. Carmen came up, we canned her tomatoes. Today Zak had a nice pony come. I went down to see it. I did a very big ironing. Betty and girls gone to Norway.





Wednesday, September 3, 1980 Social Security checks $305.30, $134.40, Jersey bred, SCHOOL BEGAN Carmen: Senior, Kim: freshman, Zak: grade 5


This is been a very nice day. School started again. I went down to see them all dressed up in their new clothes, stayed until after the buses went. They all look so nice, very pretty clothes. Betty, Bill and I looked the garden all over, down in pasture, just walking around. It was a beautiful morning. The humidity went out with the awful shower we had last night. The lightning was so unusual. It was a bad shower, wind. It lasted long time too. Dorothea’s company went today. Kim began high school, Carmen in her last year of high school. Zak last year of elementary school.




Saturday, November 27, 2021

August 27 - 30, 1980 Carmen gets Driver's Permit


Wednesday, August 27, 1980 CARMEN took test for driver permit


A quite nice day, I got up early. Defrosted refrigerator, made a salad and prepared vegetables for Bill and Billie’s supper. I washed kitchen floor. Got ready to go to Portland with Betty and kids to do their school shopping. Gone all day. I did a dite myself. Got home about 8:45 PM.  Debbie Woodbury, a friend of Kim’s, went with her shopping, also Kathy Wolff. Today Carmen got her permit for driving. She went in and took the test and passed and got her permit. She drove with us all rest of the day, she did very well.




Thursday, August 28, 1980


A kind of partly cloudy and clear day. I done up the work, got ready, went to town shopping. CARMEN drove. Done the shopping, came home, finished the washing. Watched some of the TV shows. Betty called at Dorothea’s. Kimmy babysitting. Dorothea called in evening. Billie worked in the garden picking beans etc. Cleaned up the garden some. Bill didn’t do much, he made curtain rod holder for Dorothea.




Friday, August 29, 1980


A fair day. I done regular work. Billie worked in the garden today. Also went away. Bill went away too.




Saturday, August 30, 1980


A quite nice day. I done up my regular work, washed floors etc. I worked in the flower gardens. Billie and Carmen gone down to get some hay at Lebanon. Also got some plums, peachs and other goodies. 


Friday, November 26, 2021

August 23 - 26, 1980

Saturday, August 23, 1980


A very nice day 80 to 85 and more during middle of day. I done up my regular work. Changed beds, washed floors, made cupcakes, rolls and baked beans. Billie and I took some corn, squash, shell beans and cukes. Esther went with us. Carmen and I made her pickles today. Carmen sick all night. She was so tired. Betty’s folks and guests went on a picnic today. It has been a beautiful day. Bill worked up to David’s. Bill and Billie mowed our lawns. Billie busy all day.




Sunday, August 24, 1980 HOT Brockle  Head


A very nice hot day. It was a pretty, sunny and clear. David called and had coffee. I done up the work. Went out in the swing until the sun got so hot. I made sandwiches and had Fern and Esther up for supper. They was very pleased. We had supper on the back porch. Dorothea called later. The Brockle Head Heifer went tonight to be butchered for beef. A man up to East Stoneham will buy it. A Mr. Barker. Betty and Walt’s company went today. Carmen and Kim to the Dr., regular visit. Billie cleaned up the pasture where the feed bunk was. Bill down to Barnaby’s in late PM.




Monday, August 25, 1980 hot and muggy


Done up regular work. Zak up for breakfast. I did a big wash. Carmen called, also Kim, dropped in on her way to Portland. She and Maureen. They took the bus down. She was going to do rest of her school shopping. I made 2 squash pies. I watched TV soaps in PM. Billie gone to auction with Butch today. Bill finished the bus for Mr. Saltman.




Tuesday, August 26, 1980 hot muggy


I got up early, got my ironing done, got breakfast, done up the work. Made some egg sandwiches, got ready to go down to Thena’s for the day. We had a very nice day at Thena’s. She had a nice lunch. We sat out on the porch and talked. Betty, Susan, Dorothea and kids came down in PM. Kids all took a swim. Didn’t see TV shows in PM.