The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Monday, November 30, 2015

June 7, 1957 Betty Louise Crook Graduates BJHS

Friday, June 7, 1957 Betty Louise Crook BJHS

Today Betty graduated from Bridgton Junior High School. A very nice graduation, all very pretty. Milan, Fern, Aunt Ava, Uncle Os and I went in Milan’s car. Aunt Linnie went with Esther Allen. Milan left for home this p.m. Nice weather for graduation, rained a heavy showers before we got home. Got some snaps of the baby, Billie Deming. Betty up to Steve’s and Steve back here with Betty.

Betty ready for graduation

Betty Crook with Kay Fleck

The girls with Miss Wiley

Billie Deming

Sunday, November 29, 2015

June 4 - 6, 1957

Tuesday, June 4, 1957

A nice day. Got cold in p.m. I washed in forenoon, in p.m. Dolores and I went down to Dearborn’s and finished up. Kennie Whitney, Stevie Morgan and Betty went fishing, didn’t get home very early. Milan and Billie went fishing up to Stearns Pond.
Steve Morgan, June 1957 - Fishing- but the fish weren't biting!

Wednesday, June 5, 1957

A very nice day. Harry S Truman had a grandson born early this morning. In a.m. Milan took Mama, Fern and I over to Norway. I got me two dresses, a few underclothes. Donnie went too. I came home, cooked and Milan took me down to Ferns and she marked my dresses for shortening. Betty home early from school. Took Mildred Chadbourne to hospital today. Cold. Milan over to Aunt Ava’s for supper.

Thursday, June 6, 1957

B. H. S. Graduation this p.m. I went down to Ferns in a.m. I ironed, cooked, Milan went and got a nice mess of trout. I got my hair done tonight. Fair today. Got some colored pictures of Dorothea.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

May 31 - June 3, 1957

Friday, May 31, 1957

A nice day. I worked for Lila today, helped her clean her cottage. We got a very nice picture of Dorothea today. Also a letter. This evening we went down to Gorham and got some strawberry plants at Neil Haden’s.

Saturday, June 1, 1957

A very nice day hot. I cooked, cleaned up the kitchen and did some other cleaning up. Betty got her permanent. Today Kay came home with her. In p.m. Kay went home and Betty went swimming. Billie bought some new clothes tonight. Gone away with Dennis this evening.

Sunday, June 2, 1957

Rained most all day. Bill got the plants all set out today. I helped him. Betty washed dinner dishes. Milan came last night in the night, from Connecticut for a week. Billie harrowed the ground and Bill sowed the seeds. Betty’s hair looks very nice when she went to church. My jaw sore all day.

Betty - June 1957

Monday, June 3, 1957

A nice day. Dolores and I cleaned Dearborn’s cottage. A very nice cottage. Dot, Lorraine, Wanda Jean and Karen called up here to the house. Donnie real good now. Bill and I down and called on Judy and her family this evening. Fern, Lloyd and Kennard called in evening.

Friday, November 27, 2015

May 26 - 30, 1957 Memorial Day

Sunday, May 26, 1957

A cloudy day, rained some. Bill got Jim’s tractor, harrowed, Billie fenced. Betty mowed lawns and to church. Donnie quite sick today. I did regular work. Bob called this a.m.

Monday, May 27, 1957

Rained all day. It cleared late p.m. Thena called, Dolores called. In p.m., Carlton and Fern called and Carlton showed us moving pictures of Cindy and Linda and rest of his family. Very good. Fern called on them in p.m. In evening had a bad thunder shower. Donnie still sick. Billie took the Jersey heifer up to Del Chadbourne again tonight.

Wednesday, May 29, 1957

A very nice day. I ironed, done up the housework. Cooked, cleaned up the house and cared for Donnie, not much better, maybe some. We went to the cemetery tonight. Betty down to Kay’s tonight.

Thursday, May 30, 1957 Memorial Day

Bill and Bill Jr worked. Betty came home from Kay’s in p.m., went to the parade. Stan Wallace (? Walker) broke his leg. I cleaned up the house. Got ready to go down to Lila’s tomorrow to help her clean her cottage. Donnie up today and some better. Dolores and Kennard called in evening and made a long visit. Bob and Ronald called. Kennie, Arthurlene, Holly and (?)Jennie was up and played ball with Betty.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

May 22 - 25, 1957

Wednesday, May 22, 1957

A nice day. I cooked to get ready to go away tomorrow.

Thursday, May 23, 1957

A very nice day, quite hot. I went down and cleaned Seaber’s cottage. Fern helped in p.m. In the mail today we got a nice picture of Dorothea, a triple one. Very good. Also a letter from her. Donnie little nervous and upset today. Dot, Lorraine and baby up here today.

Wanda Jean Harmon

Friday, May 24, 1957

A very nice day, cooler. I cleaned up the house, took a bath. Donnie not very good today. To town in late p.m. Betty and her classmates at school having fun getting ready for the graduation. Bill got some new pants, shirt, shoes, also haircut tonight.

Saturday, May 25, 1957

A very nice day, quite warm today. Billie worked only in a.m. I cooked, cleaned up the kitchen. Betty up to Kennard’s in p.m. In evening Billie took Mama, Fern, Betty, Donnie and I for a nice long ride and down through Poland, West Poland, East Poland, Minot, Auburn, Danville Junction, Naples and Harrison. Also Donnie went but he wasn’t feeling very well. He seemed better in p.m.