The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Friday, June 30, 2023

June 16 - 19, 1986




Up at four this morning to take Kim to the airport. She is flying too far far away from her home surroundings. She left to go to Jakarta in Indonesia halfway around the world. Alone except Eddie met her in Boston and saw her off. We, Carmen, Betty, Zack, Betty Smith and I took her to the airport. I hope she makes the trip all right alone and will like when she gets out there, gets a good job and good pay. We hate to see her leave all alone. She’ll arrive on Wednesday early our time. Cloudy and showers this PM and tonight. Billie backed into Carmen’s car.




Tuesday, June 17, 1986 Zacks last day of school


No word from Kim as yet. I wrote to Esther. I got word she has broken her leg, in a cast up to her waist. Walks with a walker. Well today schools closed for the summer vacation. Zack has a busy summer ahead of him. Bill down to Betty’s watching the shows on video. It is windy and very cold today. Carmen looked at a new car today at Rowe Ford in Portland. She saw one she likes.




Wednesday, June 18, 1986 Kim arrived in Jakarta Indonesia at Wednesday at night


We got the long waited call from Kim. She arrived all safe and sound. What a relief. She was going to bed, she was very tired. Well Carmen, Betty, Zack and Milan called. It was sunny in forenoon then it clouded up with the wind blowing, it was cold. I sent Esther’s letter and 2 get well cards. Zack cut his leg, went to the NCM hospital, had stitches taken. Got a tetanus shot.




Thursday, June 19, 1986 Carmen Car


It was a nice warm sunny day, on the windy side. Bill, Betty, Zack and I to Portland with Carmen to get her new car. It is a nice-looking car. I hope she don’t have any trouble at all with it. She didn’t work today. Carmen got her new car today at Rowe Ford in Portland. It is a nice-looking car. She is very pleased. Been thinking of Kimmy all day.


Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 12 - 15, 1986 Going Away Party


Thursday, June 12, 1986


The same old miserable rainy weather. We get so sick of it. Well, cleaned all of my silverware today, put my shoes away. Went down to Betty’s a little while. I now have all rest of my odds and end spring jobs done.




Friday, June 13, 1986 Dorothea to the Dr. in Portland


Well another miserable day. It rained so hard all day. I vacuumed the house. I did the washing, watched TV soaps. Kim busy making preparations for her several thousands of miles journey. Carmen and she went to Portland today. Carmen treated her to lunch. Zack up and played with Cassie tonight. Dorothea says her skin Dr. in Portland was very pleased in the progress she is making. He said she didn’t need to come for her treatments unless she got a turn for the worse.




Saturday, June 14, 1986 a nice sunny day


Well at last a nice sunny day, beautiful day. It was so good to get outside and look outside to see it sunny and beautiful. I did a lot today. Been so hard on that leg. I done up regular housework. I washed floors, dusted the pollen off. I cleaned up the breezeway. Betty Smith called early. Kim and her friends had a good time and their last get-together up to camp. Kennard and Kenny born 84 years ago in East Stoneham, Maine.




Sunday, June 15, 1986 Kim’s party, got nice gifts and money


Another very nice day. I got up early, got the breakfast. Walt came for coffee. I took a bath, got things ready to go to Twin Oaks for a big going away party for Kim. It was nice, it being Father’s Day. Betty had barbecued chicken, salads, chips, hot rolls etc. and very good lemonade and cake, crackers and cheese etc. Kim got some nice cards and money. She also got some gifts, earrings etc. Also Walt and Bill got cards and gifts. The dogs had a good time up there.



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 8 - 11, 1986

Sunday, June 8, 1986


Well it was cloudy, rain and late in PM sun came out for afternoon. It also got hot and muggy. Milan and Walt called this a.m., had coffee. Zack called in evening. He took Cassie out and played with her. Dorothea and David called at Jeff’s in PM to show him the new car.




Monday, June 9, 1986 SUNNY


Well it was a nice sunny day. How nice it was. The wind blowed hard all day. I washed, defrosted refrigerator. I cleaned the mops etc. I watched the soaps. Well today Kim got her plane tickets for her halfway around the world. A week from tonight she will be on her way. Billie been to town and to Fryeburg. Milan, Betty and Kim called today.




Tuesday, June 10, 1986 NEW WATCH, Kim here for her last supper before she goes, Carmen looked nice


A beautiful day. I done regular work. Bill took me to town. I came home, washed. Made a chocolate layer cake for supper. Started roast pork. Kim up for her going away supper. She enjoyed it very much and we was very pleased to have her. Dorothea called late PM then she stopped on her way home from exercise class.




Wednesday, June 11, 1986


Well another miserable day, raining when we got up. It has been cloudy and rainy most of the day. It broke away some. I did Kim sweaters and did the ironing. Kim here for breakfast. She done a lot of odd jobs, we ironed etc. I’m so glad she came because she won’t be here too much longer. Then she is going way way off. Betty and I up to camp and to see a cottage. Milan and Betty called, also Betty C and Carmen.




Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 4 - 7, 1986

Wednesday, June 4, 1986


David to the Central Maine General Hospital for test. Head scan. Dorothea went with him. Kim and Eddie called. Eddie looks good. He was so pleased to see Kim. Carmen had a call on the house. Bill got haircut. Kim and Eddie called. Billie bought a lot of medicine today. Carmen and Dennis called. Eddie brought Bill a lobster. He liked it very much. Also Carmen had some.




Thursday, June 5, 1986


A quite nice forenoon. Then it clouded up for the next few days. This is what we will have for weather. I made out the bills I got them off. I washed some things that have been on the breezeway for a long time. David and Dorothea called a little while.




Friday, June 6, 1986 David’s x-rays okay


Another one of those cloudy gray showery dismal days. That is about all we get now for weather. I hate so much of it. I did a wash and did that ironing. David called. David got word that his x-ray showed nothing wrong. That is very good. Someone came to look at Carmen’s house today.




Saturday, June 7, 1986 NEW CAR


Today Dorothea and David bought a brand-new car at Ripley and Fletcher. They are very pleased with it. Milan called a little while. Also Carmen. Carmen looks very nice in her new dress. Kim called on her way home after taking Eddie to the bus. She stopped on her way home and got her hair cut. She also looked very pretty. She went to Portland with Sue Paul to a Cambodian wedding. He came and got her.




Monday, June 26, 2023

June 1 - 3, 1986


Sunday, June 1, 1986


Well this has been another cloudy day, some sun in forenoon but in PM we had awful thundershowers and heavy rain. I done up the work. Then Carmen and Dennis called here and down to Betty’s. They went home and planted there garden. Bill and I went over and called on them. Then we went up to Horton’s camp, had hot dogs and hamburgers. We had to get up to the cottage because of the storm. Came home about four. David had been here for a visit. Milan called this morning. A bad thunderstorm and large hailstones in southern parts of the state. Sebago, Casco and Gray area broke many windows, dented cars, broke windshields, a lot of bad damage.




Monday, June 2, 1986


When I got up it was raining but the rain let off and it was cloudy most of the forenoon. Then the sun came out and it was sunny but windy. On the cool side. Kim and Betty went shopping at Ames then we went grocery shopping. We saw Carmen and Dennis. Carmen had been to see her baby doctor. A possibility she will have a large baby or twins, will know tomorrow. Bill to the doctor. He is in very good health.




Tuesday, June 3, 1986


A nice sunny day. It was windy and cold. I did a big wash. A prepared a roast beef supper. Cooked rhubarb sauce. Bill to the doctors, he is better now. I called at Betty and Kim’s after supper to see how they was getting along. Done a good job. Kim is going after Eddie tonight, he is coming to visit Kim for a couple nights and days. She is very pleased. Dorothea dropped in a little while at suppertime. Carmen didn’t find out about her baby. Billie’s toe is bad today.