The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

February 26 - 28, 1986


Wednesday, February 26, 1986


A nice day. I didn’t do very much. Odds and end jobs. I went down to Betty’s to see the living room. It look so nice. It is very attractive and especially that bathroom. Milan and Betty called. I got ready, we went down to see Billie. He is just the same, he may have this foot operated on tomorrow. Carmen called tonight and had a midnight lunch. She was so tired, headache. She also told me she had a job two hours a day for six weeks in Naples typing and completing work. Dennis is better, he comes to see her as much as possible because of the cats. She is going to give them away.




Thursday, February 27, 1986


A beautiful day, clear and sunny. It was on the chilly side last night. I have been busy today. Watched some of my shows. Milan here, Dorothea called. Betty and I down to see Billie tonight. Eddie and Kim here this PM. Glad to see them. They worked on Billie’s toe this morning. Bill to the hospital and Dr. for his blood pressure.




Friday, February 28, 1986


They cleaned the poison from Billie’s toe and the bone. Maybe home Saturday. It pains him a lot. Well he met Carmen’s new friend Dennis. He is a nice neat looking guy. We liked him. They went down to Betty and Walt for supper. Kim over to Betty’s today, they cleaned up the house. Kim did some painting. She helped to get the supper.



Month recap:

Flicka was taken sick on the 7th and died early on the 9th. It was awful. We all loved her very much. It has made Carmen quite upset and sick. Also on the 20th Billie entered the NCM hospital for a bad toe infection. Also they have had many meetings on antinuclear waste deposits in this region. We met Carmen’s new friend. He gave her quite a surprise. He may be better now, time will tell.





Tuesday, May 30, 2023

February 22 - 25, 1986

Saturday, February 22, 1986


A very nice clear sunny day. A dite of wind. Bill to hospital for his insulin shot today. Morning and PM. Billie still in hospital. Zack up and done chores and shoveled. Milan and Betty called in PM. I did regular work, washed floors, vacuum, dusted, washed some windows etc. Made rolls. It was awful to see all the snow around. Zack’s friend went home this morning. Haven’t seen or heard from Carmen or Kim today.




Sunday, February 23, 1986


Well it was a partly cloudy and sunny day. Walt up this morning for coffee. Milan called a little while. He had been to see Billie. In PM Betty and I called to see him. Also Dorothea and David. Dorothea got stranded along side of road with truck. Betty and Walt came along and gave them a hand. It was late when we got to the hospital. Haven’t heard from Carmen, Kim or Eddie all weekend. Very late tonight Carmen gave me a ring. She had been with Dennis all weekend. But he (Dennis) had a bad asthma attack. She had to take him to hospital. Too bad. I hope you will be okay.




Monday, February 24, 1986


A very nice day. I done up the work. Did the washing. Milan and Betty to Portland to see the Dr. and to the Social Security and Blue Cross Blue Shield companies. They got a lot of things cleared up.




Tuesday, February 25, 1986


A quite nice day. I done up the work and ironed. Milan called, also Carmen came. She wanted me to go to Norway. She had to pick up a few things. I went. She is suffering with a bad case of asthma. Also her friend Dennis. I hope she will decide to make a wise decision to help keep her from these spells. Dorothea called. Billie still waiting in the hospital for the doctors decision on his problem. He had a lot of visitors today and tonight Eddie and Kim called, also called here. Betty painted her living room and papered and settled her room before she went to bed. Bill to the doctors, he is okay now.






Monday, May 29, 2023

February 19 - 21, 1986 Billie in Hospital


Wednesday, February 19, 1986 Cows gone


A fair day, on the cloudy side but there was some sun. Billie to the toe Dr. over to Fryeburg. His foot is bad and he has got to go to the hospital, NCM, for possible operation. Wade Kimball came and bought the cows today. I hated to see the heifer go, she was a nice one, going to have a calf.




Thursday, February 20, 1986 BILLIE TO THE NCM HOSPITAL


A nice sunny day, done regular work. Carmen, Kim, Eddie and Kay Fleck all working at Betty’s papering and painting. Bill watched TV shows all day. Milan called, Carmen called also Dorothea. She called, she got me some groceries.




Friday, February 21, 1986


Well this has been a nasty miserable day, snow, cloudy, rain. We got 5 to 6 inches. Trees and lines all covered. I done regular work, watched soaps. Called Billie, he is the same. Nothing from the Dr. in regards to what they are going to do. Won’t find out til Monday probably. Zack has a friend over today. They came up and did the chores. The power went off two or three times today. Tonight it was off for an hour or so. They plowed the roads tonight.




Sunday, May 28, 2023

February 15 - 18, 1986 Betty's 43rd Birthday

Saturday, February 15, 1986


A very nice day. The wind was kind of raw. I been busy all day. I did regular work plus the Saturday chores. I worked on puzzle in late PM. Zack was up and he worked on puzzle also. Betty, Kim and Zack called. They all went to get haircut. Kim’s was good and looks very nice. I am so pleased she had it cut the new style. Billie up to David’s.




Sunday, February 16, 1986


A nice day. A nice day. Walt and Milan in for coffee. Kim called, she had a flat tire. I did some work at the desk and worked on the puzzle.




Monday, February 17, 1986 Betty Louise Crook Horton 43


A beautiful day. I did the washing. Regular work. Milan called. I made a cake for Betty’s birthday. Carmen call. Betty over to Carmen’s for papering job. Kim painted down to Betty’s. Betty, Walt and Zack here for with cream cake and ice cream for Betty’s birthday. Zack stayed and we worked on puzzle.




Tuesday, February 18, 1986


This has been a dreary miserable day. I done regular work. Made a blueberry pie, ironed. Cleaned the stove over to Carmen’s with Betty. Bill to the doctors for sugar checkup. It is very high. He has got to use more insulin. Dorothea called, Milan called.