The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

August 9 - 13, 1959 Last of Summer Company Leaves

Sunday, August 9, 1959

Cloudy. Got up late, done the work. Bill and Evelyn Ridlon called. Billie up to Chet’s. Betty and Norma up to Dawn’s.

Monday, August 10, 1959

Rained all day, a very good rain for the gardens. In a.m. Milan took me down and I had my eyes fitted for glasses. In p.m. Milan and family went over to Poland to visit Betty’s niece.

Tuesday, August 11, 1959

Kind of a cloudy day in a.m. Cleared about noon. Milan and family left at 10:10 AM for home after 10 days visit. They are going to camp on the way home. Going through New Hampshire and Vermont. It is a relief now they are all gone. We have had company ever since sixth of June. So glad they all got home to see us. I washed today. Had showers. Clearance

Wednesday, August 12, 1959

A hot day. I ironed, took care of bedding and got some things back in place. I got a very nice birthday gift from Esther and family today. 4 pairs of pillowcases. I ironed and cooked and churned.

Thursday, August 13, 1959

A hot day. I did up the regular work and cleaned up the upstairs. Made a chocolate layer cake. Dolores called in a.m. Betty and Dawn called in p.m. I picked peas in p.m. I got a very pretty card from my children in Riverside, California. They are looking forward to the arrival of Sandy and Freddie Adair next Monday.

Monday, May 30, 2016

August 6 - 8, 1959 Nanny's 49th Birthday

Thursday, August 6, 1959

A nice day. Milan took Mama, Betty and I over to Pownal to see Donnie. Dolores went to. Donnie looked better than he did last time we were over there. I was so glad to see Donnie. Milan, Norma and Betty called at Ferns today. Milan and Betty all out tonight.

Sizzling Exotic Meats and More 

Friday, August 7, 1959

A cloudy day. Some rain showers. Done up the housework. In p.m. Milan, Betty and I all went shopping. Raymond over and watched game. In evening Bill and I down to Jean’s.

Saturday, August 8, 1959 Althea Green Smith Crook’s birthday

A nice day. Milan, Betty and kids (Betty and Norma) out boat riding today. In evening Milan, Betty, Billie, Betty C and Norma and Fern and Lloyd gave me a very nice birthday party at Fern and Lloyd’s. Mr. Yates and Aunt Ava there. Had so many nice gifts and a good time. Got $20 in money, dress, broom and (?) come for stove and a very pretty cake. Bill mad at me, I don’t know why.

Nanny, Norma, Billy, Betty, Bill, Bob, Lloyd, Betty - seated Ava and Fern

Brothers Bob and Milan

Sunday, May 29, 2016

August 2 - 5, 1959

Sunday, August 2, 1959

A much cooler day. We done regular work. Milan over to Bob’s. Bob called. Betty over to Fryeburg. I wrote two letters. Betty and Mike had a last date tonight.

Monday, August 30, 1959 38 degrees

A very nice day. I washed, clothes dried good. It was very cold in morning, 38°. Milan, Betty and Norma to Portland today. Betty up to Dawn’s. In evening Billie and I up to Dawn’s and down to Fern’s.

Tuesday, August 4, 1959

Another nice day. Milan to Portland. Betty and I ironed. I cooked. Norma up to Dawn’s. George and Dawn got me some blueberries. Milan, Norma and I to town after supper.

Wednesday, August 5, 1959

A cloudy day. I done up the work. Alice, Betty’s sister, called here this morning. Milan and Betty took her up to Readfield. I picked over blueberries, had 8 pints. I picked a mess of green peas for supper. Betty up to Dawn’s. Raymond called in evening. Norma down to Lillian Allen’s in a.m. In p.m. she came up here. To Dr. Skillings in evening. She has infection in the ears.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

July 29 - August 1, 1959 Dorothea's Birthday

Wednesday, July 29, 1959 Dorothea Jean Crook Adair’s birthday

Another awful HOT day. I went to the opening of the new A&P store this morning with Dawn and her mother. I washed, ironed. Went blueberrying. Kids swimming in day and in evening. Dr. Nash came back tonight.

Dorothea in California - July 1959

Thursday, July 30, 1959

Cloudy today, yet it was drying. I picked some peas today. Betty and Norma up to Dawn’s today and tonight all went swimming. Bill and Billie to Portland after supper with some vegetables.

Friday, July 31, 1959

Another letter from Dorothea, good. I wish she would write like this all the time. I love this picture of Jeffrey Dennis Adair. He is the sweetest baby I’ve seen for a long time. This past week he has had measles and a sore throat. I cleaned up the kitchen and rest of the house. To town in late p.m.

25% Off on all products

Saturday, August 1, 1959

A nice day. I churned, cooked, done up the regular work. Mike here today. Kids gone to the circus. Milan and Betty came about noon. Betty, Norma, Betty and I went to the circus tonight. Had a good time. Mike and Betty broke up today. Too bad, he is such a nice little fellow. I feel sorry

Friday, May 27, 2016

July 25 - 28, 1959

Saturday, July 25, 1959 Randy Scott Smart’s birthday

A very nice day, cooler. I done regular work. Kids swimming. Pat drove Billie’s car. I went to town in p.m. Raymond here for supper. Brud, Jeff and Kennard called in the early evening.

Sunday, July 26, 1959 Jacqueline Smith’s birthday

Bill, Betty, Lassie and I took Pat Sangilo home to Portland. Billie worked at Chet’s. Brud and family called. Norma over to Cox family reunion.

Monday, July 27, 1959

A hot day. I washed. Kids swimming and up to Dawn’s for a cookout in evening. Kennard called.

Tuesday, July 28, 1959

A very hot day. I ironed and did some cooking. Kids swimming and up to Dawn’s for supper. Raymond called in evening. Dolores called in late p.m.