The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

June 24 - 30, 1944

Saturday, June 24, 1944

Mama and Dorothea went to see Lassie Come Home. Rained hard again today all day. Sold roosters to Breezy Acres. $54.87 for them. Blanche took them.

Sunday, June 25, 1944

Bill, kids and I went down to Chet Haley’s today. Bill and Billie fished in Adams Pond. We also went up to Sweden to Lee Gray’s to see our heifers that are up there to pasture.

Monday, June 26, 1944

Wash today. Bill back to work today. Nice day. Stanley went to war.

Tuesday, June 27, 1944

Nice day. Wash today again. Bill and Billie began haying.

Bill standing on top of a load of hay 1942

Wednesday, June 28, 1944

Painted front bedroom today.

Thursday, June 29, 1944

Awful hot. Bill bought a hay rack off Hazel Mayberry today. I went up to Minnie’s today.

Friday, June 30, 1944

Billy and I (?) up potatoes. Billie mowed. Much cooler today.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

June 17- 23, 1944

Saturday June 17, 1944 

Chet and Bert finished the plastering. Set up in evening till Bill came home.

Sunday, June 18, 1944

Bill home all day. We papered mama’s room. Cold all day.

Monday, June 19, 1944

Bill, Dorothea and I went to town on special business. We washed. Cooked. Rained hard all day.

Tuesday, June 20, 1944 

Rained hard. Dorothea and I went down to Fern’s. She made me three dresses out of bags.

Wednesday, June 21, 1944

Rained hard all day. Didn’t do much.

Thursday, June 22, 1944

Cleared off today nice p.m. Fern brought Mrs. Maxfield up to visit Mama. Fern, Betty and I went over to Aunt Linnie’s.

Friday, June 23, 1944

Nice day. Did a big wash. Settled mama’s room.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

June 10 - 16, 1944

Saturday, June 10, 1944

Bill, Betty Louise, Dorothea Jean and I went to town. It rained. After a long drought. 

Sunday, June 11, 1944 

Bill didn’t work. I cleaned the car. We went for a little ride in evening. Nice day.

 Monday, June 12, 1944

I wrote to Jack tonight. Chip Haley plastered today. Nice hot day. Bill set out tomato plants. I went over to Aunt Linnie’s in p.m.

Tuesday, June 13, 1944

Cark Warren came and got the two veal calves. We washed, machine went to pieces. Cold and windy today.

June 14, 1944 

Kennard and Kennie 43 years age today. I painted mama’s room and ironed. Nice day.

Thursday, June 15, 1944

Graduation today. Cloudy. Bob’s folks up in the evening.

Friday, June 16, 1944

Hot today. I went up to Minnie’s in eve. Showers.

Monday, July 28, 2014

June 3 - 9, 1944

Saturday, June 3, 1944 

Mama went down to Kennard’s. Carlton leaves tonight to go back. Very cold and windy. Finished hauling our dressing. School kept today to make up for Monday. Had a bad frost.

 Sunday, June 4, 1944 

Mama went down to Kennard’s to stay with Dolores, she isn’t so well. Bill stayed at home. Begun to fence. Took two small heifers over to Lee Gray’s pasture. Still cold had another frost.

Some of Bill and Billie's cattle  1941

Monday, June 5, 1944 

I washed. Bill home. Bill, Raymond and Herbert Allen are fencing. We went down to Jean’s in evening. Warm.

Tuesday, June 6, 1944

Minnie came down in eve. Invasion started. Bill still home fencing. A lot hotter today. Jerrie Pride get killed by a tractor.

Wednesday, June 7, 1944

I finished setting out dahlias and planted flower seeds. Cold today. Dorothea had first mess of strawberries.

Thursday, June 8, 1944
(Holstein cow) Finished fencing today. Made ice cream after supper. Raymond came in with Bill and had some.

 Friday, June 9, 1944

Got a letter from Milan today. Bill back to work today. Mama came home from Kennard’s tonight. Dolores a little better.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

May 27 - June 2, 1944

Saturday, May 27, 1944

I used oil stove for first time. Bill stayed at home. Finished planting. Mama came back from Kennard’s. Bill, Dorothea and I went for a ride up over the ridge.

Sunday, May 28, 1944 

Dolores had spell. Hot again. Did a big ironing. Bob’s family here.  Guinea hen got away.

Monday, May 29, 1944

Billie went fishing with Hayd and Val. Jean and Charlie up in evening. Went over to North Bridgton hot house and got tomatoes and plants for cemetery. Also went down to cemetery. Saw Carkie this a.m. downtown.

Tuesday, May 30, 1944

I clean the grain room. Hot today. Made baby’s nightdress and Dorothea a sun suit. Mama did.

Mama with Baby Betty and Big Sister Dorothea looking on 1943

Wednesday, May 31, 1944

Nice day. Swept and dusted. Made another sun suit for baby. Billie and I cleaned up the barn. Carlton came up.

Thursday, June 1, 1944

Bill, Betty Louise and I went to town.

Friday, June 2, 1944

 I did a big wash and washed up all of the blankets.