The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 21 - 23, 1989 Billie's 58th Birthday and Wallpapering!


Tuesday, March 21, 1989 Permanent


Well got up this morning and snow everywhere and cloudy. It began to clear quite early. I got the breakfast. Took a bath, went down to Barbara’s and got my permanent. Carmen and Brogan here for supper. Carmen took me down to Barbara’s and came and got me.



Wednesday, March 22, 1989  BILLIE 58 My Bedroom


Got my bedroom all papered. It is beautiful. Carmen and I got the room cleaned yesterday. Today Betty and Dorothea came and papered. They did a very good job. Brogan up here also. She is cute one. Tonight we went down to Betty’s for a very good steak supper. Walt cooked the steaks. They were delicious. He got $140 in money. Had a nice loaf of banana bread made by Kim. He had cake and ice cream at Betty’s. Dorothea came for ice cream and cake.



Thursday, March 23, 1989 Billie’s room


A nice sunny day, warmer. Betty and Dorothea here and started the papering in Billie’s room. Worked until about 11 AM then she came back at 7:30 and they papered rest of it. Carmen and Brogan up after supper. Got done papering at about 1:30.




Saturday, March 30, 2024

March 17 - 20, 1989


Friday, March 17, 1989


A sunny day. I done up the regular work. I watched the programs today late because I went to Norway with Betty and the girls. We got the wallpaper for the living room. They plan to begin papering this coming week. Cleaning and all. I changed the beds today and did the washing. Carmen, Betty, Brogan and Kim called today. Carmen took Brogan over to Lewiston to visit tonight and tomorrow.




Saturday, March 18, 1989


This has been a miserable day. I didn’t do much. I read in the old diary. I am trying to get it all read through to put it away. I love reading it. It sure brings back many nice memories of the past years. I did not baked beans today. I don’t like them anymore. Had rest of soup. David came down this morning for coffee. Carmen called in a little while from her trip to her mailbox. Kim didn’t work this weekend. Late in the PM Carmen had to go and get Brogan from Lewiston. She met Brogan and her aunt over to Poland corner. It was very bad traveling. Kim went with her. Billie got his papers read and caught up. Zak called a little while tonight.




Sunday, March 19, 1989


A sunny day in a.m. I got up, got breakfast, done up the work. Zak came for breakfast. I was glad he did. Also Walt up for coffee. Brogan and Carmen called. I read in that old diary. I wrote to Esther. It got to be a cloudy cold day. Zak here this evening also.




Monday, March 20, 1989


It was clear in a.m., it got cloudy during the day. Then at night it clouded up and snowed a few inches. Betty and Carmen shopping. They got my new curtains, two new summer dresses. Also a suit for Brogan. I did the washing. Made a chocolate cake and chocolate pudding. Frosted the cake. Had a good corn beef and cabbage supper. I had Walt up. Shampooed my hair.


Friday, March 29, 2024

March 13 - 16, 1989


Monday, March 13, 1989


I did the washing. I didn’t have to get supper because Billie went down to Betty’s for a spaghetti and meatballs supper. Quite nice day after the clouds passed off. Not much going on around here. Carmen and Zak moved Carmen bureau from the shelter.




Tuesday, March 14, 1989 Kim got a driving permit today, she can drive to work only on this slip until 12 April


A beautiful day. Just like spring. Sunny and mild. Snow disappeared alot. I done regular work. Carmen and Brogan came up. Carmen went to town and done the shopping. Billie had trouble out in the barn with the pump. It didn’t work so he worked on it all day. Finally hooked it up to the other well out by the barn. I ironed. Kim got a permanent today. She can drive to work only until her birthday 12 April. She is very pleased about that. So is everyone. Carmen and Brogan here today for a while. They came back for supper. Betty dropped in.




Wednesday, March 15, 1989


A quite nice day. I done up regular work. We have had to nice spring like day. Billie chopping out the ditches so to keep the water from running into the barn. Betty, Carmen and Brogan came in for a little while today. I’m still reading the old diaries.




Thursday, March 16, 1989


Quite nice day. I made a vegetable stew for supper. The snow went quite a lot today. Carmen called. Betty and Brogan. I watched soaps and read in the old diaries.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 10 - 12, 1989 Zak's Open House


Friday, March 10, 1989


A nice day. Carmen’s first day of her brief retirement. She cleaned the house for four me and did some errands. Kim got a fancy meal Betty and guest. Zak did some more moving tonight. He is quite pleased with his new apartment. He is such a good honest young man. I did a washing today. Brogan here with Carmen. She is a buzz. Very cute, she was here for supper. Dorothea and Joy were here for a little visit.




Saturday, March 11, 1989


Much milder day. I got up and got my work done then I made some brownies and bread. I baked red kidney beans. Betty and Kim called to show us Kim’s new puppy. Golden retriever. Very cute. Kim was pleased with it. Carmen has a date to meet her new friend in Lewiston for the day. Brogan will be with her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, also will be seeing her father. I’m reading all my old diaries. They are very interesting to me.



Trinna and baby Brie


Sunday, March 12, 1989 ZACK’S OPEN HOUSE


Today Zack had open house at his new apartment. It is a very nice place for him. He had it fixed up and looked very nice. He is very proud and we are all proud of him. Betty, Walt, Carmen and Kim, Dorothea, Dave, Betty S, Joy and me. It was a cloudy wet snowy day. It cleared very late PM. We all enjoyed being at Zack’s. Carmen helped Zack in late PM. Betty and Betty made spaghetti and meatballs at Betty’s tonight. Carmen came up, got the supper. She and Brogan ate here.