The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

May 14 - 17, 1980


Wednesday, May 14, 1980 Ceiling and walls, kitchen


Well it was cloudy all forenoon. It cleared some in PM. I did not go to the dentist, he called and said he rather I would come tomorrow so the appointment was changed. Betty and I to Dorothea’s a while. Then I came home and picked some dandelions for supper. Billie helped me and we did the kitchen walls and ceilings. It was done very good. Billie put the rub to it. I’m so glad that is done. Bill up to Dorothea’s again today. The element came for the oven today.




Thursday, May 15, 1980


It was very nice and sunny when we got up this morning, first time for about 2 weeks it was clear when we got up. It clouded up, fair weather clouds and then cleared off. I done work up then I made 2 apple pies and a chocolate cake. I made one pie for Dorothea and David. Also I made them a beef stew. About 11 AM we left to go to the dentist over to Mechanic Falls to Dr. Curran. He fitted my teeth. This was the first time in my life I ever had false teeth in my mouth. I will be glad to get them and hopefully I’ll get used to them so I won’t mind them. Betty took Delores to town and done Fern’s shopping first thing this morning. We called at Dorothea’s. Billie done my shopping. Bill up to Dorothea’s and worked on the brickwork.




Friday, May 16, 1980


A quite nice day. I did all my lower cupboards and draws in the kitchen. I also did a big ironing early. Bill up to Dorothea’s. Billie in and out. Betty did her barn, washed all the outside windows.




Saturday, May 17, 1980


A very nice day. I’ve been busy as a parched pea in a hot skillet. I cooked, ironed. Did some washing. I cleaned the refrigerator inside and out, also the electric stove. Washed floors. Cleaned up the house. Kim called and Zak also. I had Dorothea and David for supper.



Saturday, October 30, 2021

May 10 - 13, 1980

Saturday, May 10, 1980 Tonight is the Junior Senior Prom. Carmen not going. She is having friends in for a party.


Well it was sunny most of the day. Some clouds around but no rain. I been busy all day. I cleaned the cupboards and draws and washed ceiling and walls in the blue bathroom. I couldn’t cook because they didn’t come to fix the stove. I had stewed beans and fried biscuits for supper. I went up to Dorothea’s early this morning with Bill. Phil up working today at Dorothea’s. Bill worked on the lawn mower. Billie in and out all day. Carmen worked at the shelter with Zenya today. Kim babysitting for Dawn tonight. Dave called this morning. This is the first good day for about a week. Today I washed bedding skirts and aired out the jackets etc. in the closets. Things dried quite good.






This is been quite a nice day weatherwise. I done up my regular work. Bill up to Dorothea’s part of the day. Well I had a very nice Mother’s Day. I got very nice gifts, a wristwatch from Billie, dishes, roaster pans, towels, washcloths and very pretty cards from Horton children, Betty and Walt. Pretty apron and mixing spoons and a pretty card. A very nice useful gifts. Candy and card from Dawn. The man and his son from San Francisco landed in their balloon one in Québec Canada today. 5 days coming from the West Coast.




Monday, May 12, 1980 Zak went to school on his bike for the first time today


Well, this is been a very nice sunny day and a very mild. I got my work done up early. Dorothea called a minute. Bill went down and done Fern’s mowing lawn. Betty and I went down to Fern’s, we cleaned her bedroom closets and the one as you come in the back door. Got some of her kitchen cupboards done. We will go back and finished those and her China closet. Bill took it easy this PM. Billie had the cows out most all day. This is been such a good day but the promise of rain tomorrow. Walt home sick all day.




Tuesday, May 13, 1980


We went down to Fern’s this forenoon. Then in PM Betty went down and cleaned up her cellar. I cleaned this closet, living room. Watched programs. Carmen called. Bill started Dorothea’s brickwork in her kitchen. Billie busy and out a lot.




Friday, October 29, 2021

May 7 - 9, 1980 Milan's Request


Wednesday, May 7, 1980 TEETH


Today Betty took me to the dentist and I had the impressions taken. What a mess that was. It is so gagging. Gone all forenoon and then we stopped at Woolworth’s and I got a couple things at that store than came home. Got home about 2. I watched rest of my programs. Got supper. Dorothea called in evening. Bill up to Dorothea’s in a.m. Billie up to New Hampshire with Bob Thomas.




Thursday, May 8, 1980


Gee, this miserable weather is awful. I hate it. I done my work. In forenoon made macaroni and cheese for Betty’s supper and ours. In PM I watched programs. Bill up to Dorothea’s in forenoon working. Billie to town and done the shopping. In PM he went looking for a job. Betty to New Hampshire to the natural food store. Susan went too. Dorothea took Delores to town, did a dite of shopping herself. She called here late in PM. Bill came home from Dorothea’s at noon, after dinner he went down to Barnaby’s. If it would clear off I would clean, this miserable weather is awful. I picked over some clothes today to begin the cleaning.




Friday, May 9, 1980 Kim away to a ballgame, began to clean


Well we had a little of all kinds of weather today. Cloudy in a.m. and then a little rain. About 4 PM it cleared off. I cleaned the radiators, closets and bureaus in the 2 bedrooms today. I’m glad that is done. Well it is Friday and I started cleaning. I don’t like starting anything on Friday. Well maybe I did a dite yesterday, enough to say I started. Kim went to the ballgame at Scarborough. They played against Scarborough Junior High School. She is manager. She likes it very much. Bill and I went down to Lake Region High School to pick her up. She had a good time. Betty and Walt out for supper to celebrate finishing her cleaning, papering and painting.



Thursday, October 28, 2021

May 3 - 6, 1980 Spring Housecleaning Done!


Saturday, May 3, 1980


A very nice mild sunny day. I done a lot of work today, cooked etc. Dorothea and David down for supper. Bill up there for a little while. Bill put up some molding at Dorothea’s. They got to wait a while for her countertop and door to come.




Sunday, May 4, 1980


Clear, sunny and nice, but it was windy and on the cool side. I done regular work, worked at my desk and wrote to Esther. Bill painted on the garage. Billie painted on the fence. Carmen called and Zak. Billie called at Fern’s. Billie and Carmen hauled a load of bedding for Carmen’s barn. She cleaned the chickens, hens and horse stalls all out.




Monday, May 5, 1980


Well it was nice and clear in a.m. and early PM then it clouded up in late PM. I went down to Betty’s. Fern was there, we cleaned the kitchen cupboards and it took all day. Then after we came home Betty finished the kitchen. It is all done. 2 more rooms to do, utility and porch. I was late getting home and getting my supper. They weren’t too happy about that. Bill and Billie painted.




Tuesday, May 6, 1980 $150


Well it was cloudy but cleared some. I went down to Betty’s a little while in a.m. and cleaned her back porch. She cleaned her utility room. I came home and shampooed my hair and put a rinse on. I did a big wash also. Bill and Billie painted. Billie went to Norway, got seed, paint etc. BETTY ALL DONE HOUSECLEANING. Betty paid me $150. It will go towards my teeth.



Wednesday, October 27, 2021

April 29 - May 2, 1980


Tuesday, April 29, 1980


Another rainy cloudy miserable day. I done up my work, went down to Betty’s. We cleaned her den. Joy cleaned and painted the bathroom ceiling and all, Dawn did the living room ceiling. I worked till late PM. Came home, got supper. Dorothea called in evening and took a bath. Betty’s kitchen looks nice. Also all the house upstairs and all.




Wednesday, April 30, 1980


Another miserable day. It didn’t rain too much after early morning but it was cloudy and gray. I did up my work. Got ready and went down to Betty’s. They papered the bathroom and living room. Also painted the living room. Joy did the painting. Betty and Dawn done the papering after Dawn went. Carmen and Betty papered. Bill up to Dorothea’s working. Billie home and waited for the vet but he did not come. Dorothea and David was turned down for their money deal again today. They was very disappointed and everyone else. Billie is so shook up. Phil is working in Dorothea and David’s kitchen.




Thursday, May 1, 1980


Another dreary day. I got my work done up and down to Betty’s again. Joy was there. We cleaned rest of the living room. Joy and Betty did the dining room ceiling. The bathroom looked very nice after it was all settled too. Billie to town, did the grocery shopping. The vet came and fixed the bull. Bill up to Dorothea’s. They got the big window into the kitchen. They are making progress. Bill is doing her closets upstairs. It will look so nice when it is all done up there. They get quite discouraged. Carmen to the doctors with a bad leg.




Friday, May 2, 1980 $117.20 $266.70


Well I went down to Betty’s. Fern was there. Joy is all done. I washed and we cleaned the dishes in the dining room, also the room. I went to town. Dorothea took Delores, Susan and me. I came home, done some more down to Betty’s. I came home, got supper. We had smelts. Betty finished the dining room tonight. Bill and I up to Dorothea’s, it looks so nice with the new window. They are making progress. David having hemorrhoids again. They are going to the bank today and to Portland Tuesday. David to the doctors, he has to go again Monday.