The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

June 7 - 10, 1970

Sunday, June 7, 1970

A nice day. Mowed lawns, trimmed, sat out some pansies. Betty and Walt worked outside. They bought a new lawnmower from Alton Giles. Aunt Ava called. I had a boiled ham supper.

Monday, June 8, 1970

A beautiful day. I did a big wash. Down to Betty’s. She got her bed ready for a brand-new mattress. Got it at Thurlow’s. She is pleased with her new mower and mattress. Bill and I called in evening. Billie watered all the plants tonight.

Tuesday, June 9, 1970 Kitten

Very hot. We went to Westbrook. Betty got a kitten to help get rid of rats. I set out some plants. Made a pie, did my ironing. Aunt Ava called. We called at Dorothea’s. She wasn’t at home.

Wednesday, June 10, 1970 Hot and Dry

Another very hot day. Betty up. We made a double batch of root beer. Fern, Lloyd called. Also Kim and Zak here. It is awful dry, we need rain so bad. Betty and I sat a bed up in her downstairs bedroom. She watered her plants and cleaned the swimming pool. Horton family called in eve. Town got the new truck today. Bill drove it home. I washed and ironed a dite today. Mike called on Betty on his way fishing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

June 3 - 6, 1970

Wednesday, June 3, 1970

Hot in a.m. and sunny. In late p.m. it got cloudy and cooler. I did regular work, washed, ironed. Did some desk work. Went down to Betty’s, she and Kim came up and got lawnmower. Her lawns look so nice. Fern, Lloyd called in a.m. Bill got a insurance policy. It is a policy to cover cancer cases.

Thursday, June 4, 1970

A nice day. Betty, kids and I went to Norway to get Carmen some things to go on a camping trip with the Brownies. The car still acting up. Betty and I called at Aunt Ava and Fern’s in eve.

Friday, June 5, 1970 Carmen camping out with Brownies

Cloudy and cooler. I done up my work, did a dite of washing. To town with Betty. Finished my grocery shopping. Kim up here today. Carmen on a overnight outing with her BROWNIE group at Kennebunk.

Saturday, June 6, 1970

Rain and cloudy. Billie and I took off and got some trees and shrubbery. Went to O’Donnell’s at Scarborough and Conway, New Hampshire. Came home. Bill and Billie set them out. I babysat for Hortons. Betty and Walt out to buy a bed.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

May 30 - June 2, 1970

Saturday, May 30, 1970 Planted Garden

A nice day, still cold and windy. Not too bad. Betty over to her sisters today at East Fryeburg. Milan fishing. Bill, Billie planted the garden. Carmen here, she helped. They sat out tomato plants. Billie seeded the septic tank dirt down. Also he sat out some more lilac trees. Billie, Carmen and I down in pasture. Bill harrowed Walt’s garden, they planted. Betty, Walt came about 2 PM. Hortons, Milan, Betty, Fern here for supper. Had a baked beans supper.

Sunday, May 31, 1970

Warmer today, quite hot. Milan’s folks left at about 7 AM. I done up the work. Bill, Billie and I down to Dorothea and Dave’s to see their house. It looks so nice. Dorothea was glad we came. Came home on up through Gorham, Standish, Hiram and out to Brownfield. Got Italian sandwiches. Aunt Ava called in PM. Betty, Walt and Zak. Fern, Lloyd later. Bill and Billie relaxed all day.

Monday, June 1, 1970 Hot and Humid

Cloudy and very hot in a.m. Cleared in p.m., very hot and sunny. I called at Betty’s. Kim came up. Billie down to Lawrence’s and up to Chet’s. I did some figuring in a.m. After I came home from Betty’s I did some washing. Billie cooked steaks out on the grill. Had a good supper.

Tuesday, June 2, 1970 HOT 90 to 100° temp, Root Beer

A very hot humid day. I washed, did regular work. Betty, Kim and Zak came up, we made root beer. First batch this year. I went down to Betty’s in p.m., we set out her phloxs and I helped her clean up a mess of pine spills. We sat on breezeway, so many bugs outside. Billie back to work after a weeks vacation.

Monday, February 25, 2019

May 27 - 29, 1970

Wednesday, May 27, 1970

Cloudy. It seemed good to be home this morning. Betty and Walt came at about 11 last night. I done a lot of work today, cleaned the house up, cellar and washed windows. Kids up here. Betty mowed her lawn. Billie cleaned up the work bench, sorted out nails, screws, bolts etc. Put them into the little chest of draws which is for them. I cleaned the cars inside.

Thursday, May 28, 1970

Cloudy. I cleaned up the whole house today. We cleaned the garage, windows. Billie worked in the garage picking up and cleaning it up. Betty got a call from Walt’s sister Sandra, she is having a hard time with her father. Wants Walt to come down. They all went down. Left Kim and Zak at Dorothea’s, Carmen here. Billie and I called at Aunt Ava’s. Billie cleaned his car today.

Friday, May 29, 1970 Carmen down to Animal Farm at Gray with Brownies

A beautiful day. We got up early, Bill to work. About 7 AM Milan and Betty came. We had breakfast. I did some washing. We got ready and went over and got Aunt Ava and went up to the cemeteries at Waterford, East Stoneham and back to Bridgton. We also went over home and it is called now Evergreen Valley. They are beginning to work on the $40,000,000 project. In p.m. Milan, Betty, Billie and I down to Cornish, got butter. A beautiful ride, they enjoyed it very much.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

May 23 - 26, 1970

Saturday, May 23, 1970

Betty called me this morning that Walt’s mom died last night very suddenly. I went down to Betty’s to stay while they went to Norway. Walt is quite upset. I got my big shade curtain. Betty and Walt picked it up. Billie hauled dressing for the garden and for Walt’s too. Fern, Lloyd up for supper.

Sunday, May 24, 1970

A nice day, kind of on the cold windy side. Betty and Walt left about 10 AM to go to Walt’s home. I done up the work here, get the kids ready, went up to the house. Billie hauled the dressing and spread it on the pasture. Bill harrowed garden. Dolores called. I am sleeping at Betty’s tonight, Bill too.

Monday, May 25, 1970

Cloudy when we got up, it soon began to rain. I done up the work here, got the breakfast. Up home and done up the work. Billie worked for Lawrence today. Bill didn’t work today, the holiday. Kids up here all day. Alton Giles and his wife called to see the mower.

Tuesday, May 26, 1970

Cloudy and foggy. I got the kids up. Carmen off to school. Done up the work done at Betty’s. Came up here. Did a lot of odds and end jobs. Billie and Lloyd over to Norway, got the seeds, a garbage pail, bells and straps for the cows. I went back down after supper to Betty and Walt’s. Got the kids to bed. I did a big wash. Betty and Walt came tonight about 11. They brought me a box of Putman’s candy chocolates.