The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

July 22 - 25, 1977

Friday, July 22, 1977 colder and very windy, BILLIE ALL THROUGH WORK AT M AND M ALLOYS AND CASTING


It has been a very cold windy day. I went to town early in a.m. Kim went too. Came home, went to barn, garage and lawn sales with Betty, Joy and Dawn. Came home, picked string beans and peas. Made two blueberry pies, a blueberry cake, got supper. Susan and kids came over and called after supper. We are inside tonight with doors and windows all closed. Billie all done work at M and M Alloys. He is on vacation for now.




Saturday, July 23, 1977


A nice day. I done regular work, made bread and rolls. Billie, Bill and Walt worked on the fence all day. We went to a barn sale. Zak up here tonight.



Playing games at Dawn's





Sunday, July 24, 1977 horses moved


A nice day. I got the regular work done. Dorothea and David came. She brought spare ribs and they brought us up a hibachi grill. They also brought salad, cakes etc. I had peas and string beans. So we invited the Wolfs and Hortons. They brought hamburger and hot dogs. We had a very good feed. Then Laurie brought her mother a very pretty grandfather clock. Also they moved the horses up into the new pasture Buddy and his crew made.




Monday, July 25, 1977 RAIN


We got some rain today which we needed badly. Billie and I went down to Sebago, he got some parts for the mowing machine at Massey Ferguson dealer. Stopped at the grocery store and came home up through Brownfield to look for cucumbers. Zak up here tonight. Betty down to Dawn’s.




Saturday, January 30, 2021

July 18 - 21, 1977 HOT Weather


Monday, July 18, 1977 Hot


Another hot day. I did a big wash. Went to town with Betty. Then in PM down and helped Betty and kids make root beer. Susan called in evening. The kids, Zak and Vince, stayed in the tent again tonight.




Tuesday, July 19, 1977 HOT AND HOTTER


I got my work done up early. Got ready and at about 8:30 Betty and I left to go to Portland. Kimmy went to the dentist to get her teeth checked and new braces. Kathy went with her. They went with Walt early. After we went there, we went shopping for Walt’s birthday, also got some things for Kim. Zak stayed at Susan’s. He was so hot when he got home. It has been a very hot day. Bill didn’t do much today. I picked swiss chard greens. Carmen here for supper.




Wednesday, July 20, 1977 HOT HOT AND HOT


I done regular work. I did a wash. I went down to Betty’s. Tonight they had a steak cookout for Walt’s birthday.




Thursday, July 21, 1977 HOT HOT RED-HOT DAY


This is been a very hot day. It has been burning hot all day 95 to 100° all day. In late PM we got a very heavy thundershower, very high and damaging winds. Power went off for several hours. Kim came up tonight and stayed all night. Betty to a meeting.



Friday, January 29, 2021

July 14 - 17, 1977

Thursday, July 14, 1977 Beautiful day


A beautiful day. On the very windy side. A most perfect hay day. Betty and Kim got home about 2 PM from Dawn’s. I did my washing. I got the two bedspreads washed and put away. Bill worked at Camp Encore this PM. Susan and kids called in PM, again in evening. Betty showed movies tonight of the parade, Dawn’s trip to Colorado and Nevada, she and Ed, a prize-winning trip. Zak didn’t get up till late. He had a good time today.




Friday, July 15, 1977 MAMA’S 97th birthday


This is Mama’s 97th birthday. A quite nice day. It got hot as the day wore on. I went with Betty in a.m. to barn sales. Joy and kids went. I didn’t get to town till late. Bill was mad. Billie was mad. Why do people get so despicable.




Saturday, July 16, 1977


Another very hot day. I done my regular work, got my beans to baking then Billie and I went to Twitchell’s, Longley’s etc. One thing we was looking for a clothes line. Called at Lloyd’s, the same.




Sunday, July 17, 1977


HOT. It has been a very hot day. I done regular work. Dorothea and David here for day and stayed for supper. Kids came up off and on. They went swimming. Vince and Zak sleeping in tent tonight.




Thursday, January 28, 2021

July 10 - 13, 1977


Sunday, July 10, 1977


A beautiful day. I done my work up. Billie and I got ready and went to Buckfield to look at some cattle. He bought a cow and calf. I cooked a chicken dinner and had the Horton’s up. Betty very tired out I guess. Bill went with Ilan.




Monday, July 11, 1977 Betty and Walt’s hay all in


This is been a nice day. I did a big wash. Bill worked on Betty’s lawn tractor then he mowed all her lawns. Kim home all forenoon alone. Betty and Zak down to Dawn’s. Kim up here after supper to stay all night. Carmen went away with the Wolff’s for the day up to their camp lot. Tonight after supper they hauled rest of the hay from Ervin’s.




Tuesday, July 12, 1977


Nice and sunny in early a.m. It clouded up and we got rain rest of the day. Bill mowed Owen’s hay. I did a wash of extra things this morning. I ironed early also three other things later in the day. Kim didn’t get up very early. She had to go home to clean her mother’s house. Carmen mowed lawns. Billie and Lawrence went over to Buckfield or Hebron after the cow and calf.




Wednesday, July 13, 1977


Rained. It cleared late in PM. Betty, Carmen and Laurie here for breakfast. I done some things I wanted to get caught up and done. Now I got the scraps to look at. I got Billie’s shirts all put away. Cow and calf are doing well.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

July 6 - 9, 1977

Wednesday, July 6, 1977 JEFF’S 18th birthday, GOT WALT’S HAY all in


Another beautiful day. I done my work up. Done a dite of figuring. This is Jeff’s birthday. Bill mowed at Owen Smart’s. Today Fern was down to Betty’s for the day. She said she never saw so much excitement and going ons. In PM Billie came home, he, Bill, Betty, Joy, Dawn, Laurie, Debbie and Carmen got their hay all in. Also they got some at Ervin’s.




Thursday, July 7, 1977


Zak and Vince here today. Joy came, brought strawberries. I done a lot of work. I done a wash, I made two pies. I did a lot of ironing. A busy day for Betty, lots of company, some on business, some friends called.




Friday, July 8, 1977


A rainy day. It was quite nice when we got up but it clouded up and rained. I got ready, we went to town. Didn’t do much. Bill didn’t do anything. Carmen don’t feel too good tonight. Kimmy up a little while in evening.




Saturday, July 9, 1977


Cloudy and foggy when we got up. Billie gone with Lawrence. It cleared away and was a nice day. I went with Betty and Joy to a barn sale. We had a good supper. Billie mowed up to Chet’s place for Lawrence. Bill worked on tractor.