The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

May 5 - 7, 1972 Home from the hospital!


A beautiful morning. A wonderful day because Kimberly and Walter IV came HOME from Maine Medical Center. Kimmy was tired and kind of weak, also quite pale looking. Zak was much better. He looked good. We all were as pleased to have them home as they were to get home. Bill and I to town. I went down to Betty’s and done her work for her this morning. Betty called with Kim and Zak. Kim came up a little later. Walt picked her up in the new car. Carmen had a guest tonight, Beth Doucette.

Saturday, May 6, 1972

A nice and sunny day. Bill painted. Billie cleaned up and raked. Walt worked on the trailer. I did a lot of cooking. Creampuffs, cake, tarts, bread and beans. I did an ironing. Carmen came up. Kim and Zak are quite good.

Sunday, May 7, 1972

A beautiful day. I did my regular Sunday work. Then Billie helped me do refrigerator, couch, washed lites and all the odds and end jobs. In late p.m. Betty and Walt went and got Italian sandwiches. Fern, Lloyd, Es, Cliff, Hortons and us Crooks all had them here, they were so good. Bill and Billie worked outside. Bill painted rest of the windows.

Friday, August 30, 2019

May 2 - 4, 1972

Tuesday, May 2, 1972

Cloudy and rain. I went down to Betty’s early. She went to Maine Medical Center to be with Zak and Kim. Kim had her stitches taken out today. I done up some work down there and came home. Bill and I to town. We cleaned the furnace radiators. Zak pretty good at the hospital today. They took tests etc. Walt saw the head doctor on the second floor about the care or neglect the Dr. Timothy was giving Betty about Zack and all the things he had done etc. about Zack. One week ago today was Kimberly’s Open Heart Surgery.

Wednesday, May 3, 1972 Zak operated on again, RAIN RAIN RAIN

This has been a very rainy day. I went down to Betty’s early. Done some work, came back home. Bill and I cleaned ceiling in kitchen and bathroom. To town, down to Betty’s again. Es was there getting their supper. Today Zak was operated on again at the Maine Medical hospital. Betty down there to be with him. Poor kids, how do they  go through all this? And I’d think Betty would be exhausted. This has been a sickly and nerve-racking month. Cliff and Esther too going through all their upset.

Thursday, May 4, 1972 Rain all day

Betty to Portland to see the two small patients. Zak quite good, Kimmy not so good. She was better in p.m. I went down to Betty’s early, got Carmen off to school then I did her work up and washed for her. Esther over in evening. We went down to Fern’s while Billie and Lloyd got a haircut. Bill didn’t do much today. Betty called in evening. Carmen up before supper.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

April 29 - May 1, 1972 Zak Back in MMC and Cliff Too

Saturday, April 29, 1972

A nice sunny day. They raked and cleaned up some outside. Billie had to go with Lawrence so he didn’t get too much done. Bill raked a lot. I had Zak, he didn’t feel too good. Took a nap. When he got home tonight he had a 104° fever. I cooked, done up the housework. Kimberly has improved a lot. As of today she got 14 cards. She called on the phone. She is more content downstairs on the second floor Betty said. Carmen up for a little while today.

Sunday, April 30, 1972 hot, Cliff to hospital

A most beautiful day. The sun has shown all day. No wind and it has been very nice and warm. Bill and Billie raked some more and got it all done and cleaned up outside. Billie got the cow’s water tub, feed and dishes etc. all out and ready today. Everything is all set to go for the summer. I had Zak while Betty went to see Kim. Walt worked on tractor. Carmen helped him and drove tractor. Kimberly is much improved Betty said. She called on the phone today while Betty was there and alone herself. Today Cliff entered the Maine Medical Center for observation etc. Esther called in evening. Poor girl, she is so alone. I had a roast pork supper and Hortons up. Zak awful tired and it hurts him to urinate.

Monday, May 1, 1972 Saw Kim, Zack back to hospital

Today Billie starts a new work schedule. Don’t start work until Tuesday and works from seven to five thirty. This is been a beautiful day. Hot. Betty to Portland to see Kimmy. I went down to take care of Zak and done some of her work. Billie down there and raked for Betty. When Betty came home, Zak wasn’t very good. He has a bladder infection. When Walt got home Zak was very bad so he and Betty rushed him right back to the hospital. Bill, Dorothea and I saw Kimmy and Cliff at the Maine Medical Center. We took flowers to Kim. She was quite upset when she saw us. I stayed with Carmen and got supper for her and Pa while Betty and Walt were gone. We are all so concerned about Zack.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

April 26 - 28, 1972

Wednesday, April 26, 1972 Betty and Dorothea into see Kimmy today, a very sick girl

Another nice day. Betty up early and to Portland to see Kimberly. Dorothea went in with her. She was more comfortable. The doctors had taken out more of the tubes. She was still very sore and in pain which they gave her (?) hypos for that. Betty and Dorothea said she improved a lot since yesterday. It nearly floored them and Walt when they saw her immediately after her operation. She had tubes all over her body, white, laying flat on her back and in much pain. We are also worried about her. Esther stayed with Zak. I did my windows inside and out, went to town, then down to Betty’s to stay with Esther til Betty came home. Walt went to see Kim after work. She had been sleeping for about three hours but much more rested and seemed quite cheerful he said.

Thursday, April 27, 1972 I saw Kim today, brand-new VOLKSWAGEN

A nice day. Clear and sunny this morning, on the cool side until after the sun got going. Bill and I went to Portland with Betty to see Kimberly, the first time since the operation. She was doing okay. She wasn’t very talkative. On the lonesome inside. Tonight they took the electric buttons off her and took her back downstairs where she seemed more content. Dorothea had gone in this evening to see her and called Betty and told her. Walt got a brand-new Volkswagen today, a reddish. Carmen stopped off at Beth Doucette’s to play after school. Bill acted better today. He has been so upset and worried. It was hard for us all.

Friday, April 28, 1972

Pretty nice day. I took care of Zak while Betty went down to see Kim, also Dorothea went in to see her. She is feeling better Betty said, more contented back on the second floor. She has a phone, TV and private bathroom. I done some work for Betty today while I was down there. When Betty got home she took me to town. Zak is gaining it seems all the time.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

April 23 - 25, 1972 Open Heart Surgery

Sunday, April 23, 1972

Cloudy, dreary day. I done regular work. Carmen helped. Carmen took a shower. Betty brought Zak up about 10 this morning. I was kind of late in getting up. Took a bath, got breakfast. Betty got back from Portland about 2:45 PM. Kim was okay, glad see Betty. Dorothea going in this evening, when she got there another little girl was in there and she and Kim were having a good time. She wasn’t so lonely as last night so Dorothea told Betty after she got home. The astronauts left the moon tonight. Es and Cliff were here. Carmen was sick last night in the night. She went home tonight.

Monday, April 24, 1972

I done my regular work. Bill down to Gordon’s. Zak up here. I went down to Betty’s in late p.m. with Zak. Betty said when she got home from seeing Kim she was quite nervous, showing it in a peculiar way. Dorothea went with Betty. Betty came home with Walt. Left her car at Dorothea’s. This is been a very tense long day for all. Tomorrow night at this time I will be over. In evening Fern and Lloyd called, also Betty and Zak called.


Today at 11:30 AM Kimberly went to the operating room on the fifth floor of the new wing in the Maine Medical Center for Open Heart Surgery. At 2:30 she came from the operating room to the sixth floor to the intensive care unit. She was a very sick little girl and in some pain. The operation was a success, now if all goes well for the next 24 hours she will be okay. Her congestive heart failure was discovered at the age of three months. She has been in and out of hospitals ever since. In last few years she has been better and able to attend or start her schooling. It has been a day to long be remembered in our families. Dorothea, Joy, Betty and Walt were with her at the hospital. Fern, Esther and I stayed with Zak at Betty’s. We cleaned kitchen cupboards and worked like hell to keep busy. Carmen went to school.