The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

September 23 - 27, 1971

Thursday, September 23, 1971

Kind of cloudy today, some sun. I done up my work, down to Betty’s. We went to town shopping. Esther went with us. We went down to the cottage where Bill is working. I bought some things of Avon dealer Mrs. Alice Leavitt.

Friday, September 24, 1971


Saturday, September 25, 1971

A nice day. Bill worked at Helen Jones’s cottage painting. I done up my work. Went down to Betty’s for a little while. Carmen came up and stayed all night.

Sunday, September 26, 1971

A pretty good day. Bill painted at the cottage. Billie up to Chet’s and sawed wood. I washed my living room floor. Carmen here all day.

Monday, September 27, 1971 Tom left

Bill began work for Gordon building a house down to the Lake. I went down to Betty’s early. We went to town to get her paint for the kitchen floor. She painted the floor in the kitchen and around ends of dining room floor. Got a new rug for dining room. They came up here for supper. I washed today, made a pie etc. Tom left Susan and his children today for good.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

September 19 - 22, 1971 Billie Begins New Job at M & M Casting in Bridgton

Sunday, September 19, 1971

A pretty good day after he got cleared away from fog. Bill worked at the cottage painting. Billie worked in the garden clearing it up. In p.m. he and I went for a ride. Betty’s folks cleaned up their garden too. In p.m. they went to Harrison. The Ragers and Demings went to look at a house for Susan.

Monday, September 20, 1971 Billie on a New Job

Billie to work at M & M Casting, a new business opening up here in Bridgton. Done up regular work. Betty, kids and I to Norway in a.m. Betty took Zak to Portland to the doctors for an examination and to make an appointment for his operation. Stan was operated on today for growth in his chest.

Tuesday, September 21, 1971

A pretty nice day. I washed, ironed, cooked, done up my work. I went down to Km’s when she got ready for school. Betty, kids and I over to Harrison etc. looking for a place for Susan to move. Billie got a call from Dielectic to come back to work. Sue and Tom are not getting along too well.

Wednesday, September 22, 1971

A very nice day. I had Kim and Zak while Betty painted playhouse porch floor. I washed and ironed. I went to town with Betty in p.m. Esther went too. Susan out looking for a rent. Tom is going back to Ohio in the few days. In evening Fern, Lloyd called, also Es and Cliff. Bill worked painting at the Helen Jones cottage.

Friday, June 28, 2019

September 15 - 18, 1971

Zak turns 2 on the 15th

Wednesday, September 15, 1971

It cleared off and came off very hot and humid. Bill and Billie to work. I did my washing and dried some of it at Betty’s. Bill worked for Gordon today. We got over 4 inches of rain in this past storm.

Thursday, September 16, 1971

A nice day, on the very hot side. Bill and Billie late getting home from work. I went down to Betty’s early and got Carmen off to school then brought Kim and Zak up here. Did my washing, ironing and cooked. Betty to Portland, got her bread and donuts.

Friday, September 17, 1971

On the cloudy side. I’ve been down to Betty’s, she mowed lawns. Blanche been gone seven years today. To town in p.m. with Betty. We had thundershowers last night.

Saturday, September 18, 1971

Cloudy in a.m. I made rolls, baked beans. In p.m. bill and I went to Waterford. We sold the guns to Merrill. Bill down to the cottage to paint, it was too wet. It cleared in p.m. Esther and I went to the Oxford Plains Speedway races, very good.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

September 11 - 14, 1971 Picnic in the Garage

Saturday, September 11, 1971

Fair today. Kind of on the hazy side. I got plans made for tomorrow. Cooked a turkey. Called at Ferns today.

Sunday, September 12, 1971

It began to rain in the night. Rained hard all day. We had the planned picnic here in the garage. Thomases, Yates, Hortons, Crooks and Pa.

Picnic in the Garage at Nanny's

Then down to the Farm to celebrate Zak's second birthday

A long day

Monday, September 13, 1971

Bill didn’t work today. He and I drove around looking at new houses and over Knights Hill development. Bill worked today at McSherry’s Orchards.

Tuesday, September 14, 1971

A miserable day, rained hard all day. I done my work up. Billie and I went down to Cornish for butter. I came home, made a turkey pie. Fern had a lot of pretty house dresses given her today. We called at Ferns. She don’t look too good.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

September 8 - 10, 1971 School Begins

Jeff and Zak

Zak looking for a juicy kiss

Wednesday, September 8, 1971 SCHOOL BEGAN TODAY, KIMMY’S FIRST DAY

HOT. A very hot and humid day. I got up early this morning, got my work done than down to Betty’s to see Carmen off the first day of school. She started the third grade this year. She looked as pretty as a picture when she left in her new clothes. I came home, done up my work. Rushed around then went down to see Kimmy get off on her first day of school and her first year. She looked like a doll in her new dress. In p.m. Dorothea and Jeff came up. Jeff looked very nice in his new school clothes. He is a very nice looking guy. First time we had seen him since he got home from Michigan. All three of my school-age grandchildren looked very good. Dorothea, Betty and I made plans for picnic. Dorothea got a lot of vegetables here and at Betty’s.

Thursday, September 9, 1971

Still hot and humid. I done regular work and then went down to Betty’s to babysit while she did her lawns. I got Kimmy ready for school. She looked so cute in her little dress. It was a red and white check today. I washed. Called at Ferns in evening. Bill worked at Helen Jones’s painting.

Friday, September 10, 1971

A nice sunny day, I went down to Betty’s. We went to town, did the shopping. I washed and ironed in PM. Bill worked. Billie worked this past week.