Wednesday, July 14, 1982
A beautiful day. It was quite hot. I done up regular work, made brownies. Finished ironing. Betty and Bill up to the camp. They got the pump going. Zak helped to. Zak has worked up there steady this summer. Got to do the screens now. Billie mowed Delores’s hay. Kim called a minute after supper. Barry working on barn tonight.
Thursday, July 15, 1982 Mama’s birthday 102nd, hay
Hot, we went to town today. Billie got his hay 250 bales. He had a couple guys, Wayne Lyons and Scott Harmon helped him. Dorothea and Betty were here but didn’t have to help. Zak did though.
Friday, July 16, 1982
Another hot day. I did a wash. And other odd jobs. Bill and Betty up to camp then Bill started to work on the screens today here. Carmen worked all day but didn’t feel very good, sore throat and teeth. Kim to work tonight.
Saturday, July 17, 1982 hot and humid, new car Subaru, 4 strawberries
It has been a very hot and humid day. I done up regular work, changed beds, swept, washed floors, made rolls and a cake. Today we get another car, very pretty blue one, traded ours with Walt. We like it very much. Betty and kids up to the Lake at their cottage to swim. Barry and Walt worked on the barn. Billie picked berries. Bill finished screens. Bill and I called at Dorothea and David’s today. Dorothea is about pooped with the extreme heat.