The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Monday, August 12, 2024

August 1 - 3, 1990 Vacations and Demings Leave


Wednesday, August 1, 1990 Carmen and Brogan left for vacation


Another very nice day. It was quite windy, on the real coolish side. We done up the work. Esther cooked, I washed. We was busy all day. Carlton and Phyllis called also Verna, Dorothea, Betty S and some friends of Betty’s called. All calling to visit at suppertime. Susan, Billie, Monica and Larry Bean here for supper. Then Esther, Cliff and I went to the band concert. Not very good. Carmen and Brogan called to say goodbye. They are vacationing along the coast. Brogan will be with her father and family.




Thursday, August 2, 1990 Another beautiful day. Esther and Cliff left for home.


Betty and Walt came up to say goodbye to Cliff and Esther. They visited for a little while. Then Billie, Susan and Monica came, they all left to go to breakfast then Susan and Monica to work. Billie took them to Portland to the airport to leave for home then he will go home from the airport. Betty helped me do the washing and take care of it all. Betty up tonight and got the supper. A very good one. Dorothea called this evening for a little while. Betty got a phone call from Carmen. She is enjoying her vacation.




Friday, August 3, 1990 Checks came $148 SS


HOT HOT again today. A phone call from Carmen. A nice sunny day but HOT. I didn’t do much. I did up the work and sat most of the day. Betty up this forenoon. Carlton and Weyvern called this p.m. to get the pictures. Kim came up and got the supper and washed up the dishes. Good supper she got. Cards from Carmen also today. Betty and Walt left to go on a overnight trip. Jason worked today. Billie got a lot of work done. Dorothea called today and brought us a box of candy. Hope Carmen has a nice time on Matinicus Island. Newt Sanborn died today.

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