Saturday, June 25, 1983
A nice day except for on the coolish side. I done regular work. Hortons called, some had breakfast. I made bread, rolls, washed floors. Bill up to camp with Betty and Walt in evening. Walt called, Dorothea was here. BILLIE DEMING left today. He made a nice long visit all around. A call from Milan and Betty. He goes in to the hospital tomorrow.
Sunday, June 26, 1983
A nice day, on the coolish side. We went up to camp. They worked on the dock some more. We ate up there. Bill, Betty, Kim, Zak and I. After we got home we picked 10 boxes the strawberries. Carmen and Lisa on a long trip today.
Monday, June 27, 1983
A pretty good day, some cloudy, some wind. In PM it was very sunny and got mild. Today I washed in the new machine. They did a good job. I made a meat pie for supper anda strawberry shortcake. Billie over to Norway and called to see Howard Millett. He isn’t very good. Bill, Betty and kids up to camp, TWIN OAKS, working.
Tuesday, June 28, 1983
A fair day, cloudy some. I done up my work. Billie got ready to go to Portland. Betty called and Dorothea called. Then I got ready and went to Portland. Betty came up, we picked six boxes berries. We went down to Fern’s after supper.