The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

June 25 - 28, 1983

Saturday, June 25, 1983


A nice day except for on the coolish side. I done regular work. Hortons called, some had breakfast. I made bread, rolls, washed floors. Bill up to camp with Betty and Walt in evening. Walt called, Dorothea was here. BILLIE DEMING left today. He made a nice long visit all around. A call from Milan and Betty. He goes in to the hospital tomorrow.




Sunday, June 26, 1983


A nice day, on the coolish side. We went up to camp. They worked on the dock some more. We ate up there. Bill, Betty, Kim, Zak and I. After we got home we picked 10 boxes the strawberries. Carmen and Lisa on a long trip today.




Monday, June 27, 1983


A pretty good day, some cloudy, some wind. In PM it was very sunny and got mild. Today I washed in the new machine. They did a good job. I made a meat pie for supper anda strawberry shortcake. Billie over to Norway and called to see Howard Millett. He isn’t very good. Bill, Betty and kids up to camp, TWIN OAKS, working.




Tuesday, June 28, 1983


A fair day, cloudy some. I done up my work. Billie got ready to go to Portland. Betty called and Dorothea called. Then I got ready and went to Portland. Betty came up, we picked six boxes berries. We went down to Fern’s after supper.




Tuesday, August 30, 2022

June 21 - 24, 1983


Tuesday, June 21, 1983


A very nice hot day. I washed and ironed. I made a salad. Betty, Zak and Kim called. It was clear and sunny this morning. Betty over to Norway today. She and Walt out for supper tonight again. Betty called in PM and Carmen here for supper, also Zak. Kim is babysitting tonight. Dorothea called today. Carmen found a kitten this morning up in the road and brought it home. Bill to the Dr. for his Barium test. He didn’t feel too good, but after he ate he felt better.


Jake and with Tara





Wednesday, June 22, 1983 COW CAME HOME


Ellie May was some pleased to get home. She knew right where she was. Billie was tired when he got her milked at night. It is good having her back. Dorothea called. Joy brought Billie some decaffeinated tea. Bill worked for Betty again. They want to get that work done. I worked at my desk today. Billie done some odd jobs.




Thursday, June 23, 1983 HOT


A quite nice day. I went to town with Dorothea. Betty was over to the Norway camp and Bill getting it ready for the tenants to move in this weekend. I came home, it was very hot. I had Italian sandwiches for supper. Betty got them over to Norway. Carmen home early from work.




Friday, June 24, 1983 A MAYTAG WASHER AND DRYER


A nice day. I done regular house work, made a custard, did a wash. Then in PM Betty and Ray Stanford brought Betty’s washer and dryer up here. She took my old one and sold it to John, the guys she works for.



Monday, August 29, 2022

June 17 - 20, 1983


Friday, June 17, 1983


Foggy all forenoon, cleared about 12:30 – 1:00. But it was hazy. But it was good to see the sun. It was quite humid. I got the work done up, made a pie, two cinnamon rolls. A tuna fish casserole. I watched all shows today. Billie out in his truck today driving, went down, got some pills, up to Dorothea’s and down to Fern’s. In PM he took a walk down to Betty’s and back. Bill over to the Norway camp today again. Kim and Zak all forenoon and PM. Betty only over there in PM.




Saturday, June 18, 1983


Cloudy when we got up after the heavy showers last night. It cleared away late in the day about noon. I done regular work, washed floors etc. Bill and Kim over to Norway camp working. Kim home early to go to work.




Sunday, June 19, 1983 Father’s Day


Foggy when we got up but it burned off early and was a beautiful day. I done up the regular work, made a cake. Fern came up early. She liked the porch. Bill working at Barnaby’s. We left to go up to Twin Oaks at about 2 PM for a cookout. Dawn, Charlene, Fern, Bill, Billie and me and the Hortons. It was nice up there.




Monday, June 20, 1983


It seemed good to see the sun RISE. I did my wash. Bill on his liquid diet, the reason for an examination at the hospital tomorrow. I was busy all day. It was a very hot day. Kim and Billie over to Norway. They went over to see the cow Ellie May at Clyde Rowe’s. They said she was so home sick when she first came she bellowed all the time day and night. Didn’t stop for a minute. She won’t eat or drink. He will bring home in a day or two.



Sunday, August 28, 2022

June 13 - 16, 1983


Monday, June 13, 1983 BAD BAD AND VERY VERY HEAVY THUNDERSHOWERS, another very hot humid day


I done up my work, got my washing to going, put a rinse on my hair. Then Betty went down to get Kim at 10:30 after the exams. I went with her and didn’t see Bobby. After I got home I did more on the washing. Betty and Kim called and wanted me to go up to camp also DAWN them. It was so very very pretty up there. Kim and Tara went swimming. Kim stayed up till suppertime and Betty went back up and got them. We had one of the worst and longest thunderstorms we have had for years between 5 and 6 PM. Bill worked up to the camp in Norway all day.




Tuesday, June 14, 1983


I done up my work. They came and finished the work on the porch which they are going to do. It will be nice, it sure does shut out a lot of daylight from the kitchen. Billie about the same, he took a walk again.






Wednesday, June 15, 1983


Hot and afternoon showers again. It was hot and muggy. I did some odd jobs, busy all day. Billie down walking. Bill worked all day up to the Norway camp. Zak helped. Betty up there for a while. It was awful hot. Bobbie Robbins called on Kim today. She was quite pleased about that.




Thursday, June 16, 1983


Cloudy and rain today, not so hot. I went to town with Dorothea. Betty had other things to do. Billie got all shook up because of his appointment in Portland. Dorothea took him. Carmen and Kim up to Augusta. Carmen applying for work. I did the wash this PM. Bill working for Betty today.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

June 9 - 12, 1983


Thursday, June 9, 1983 A NICE DAY, STARTED PORCH


This is been a nice day all day, clear all night and nice and sunny all day. It is something we are not used to. It seems so good. There was some breeze which made it quite cool. Before 7 AM Barry Richardson and his father came and started the back porch. It will be very nice out there. They did a very good job as far as they went today. Billie to town with Dorothea, cashed his checks, got his haircut and other things. I went grocery shopping with Betty. Billie called at Fern’s.




Friday, June 10, 1983


Cloudy in a.m., on the coolish side with the South wind blowing in a breeze all day. They came again, worked on the porch. Betty came up and cleaned up outside, packed up the junk etc. Bill, Kimmy mowed lawns then Zak mowed his and Kim trimmed down there too. The sun came out late in PM. I didn’t do much today.



Saturday, June 11, 1983 AT LAST A VERY HOT HOT DAY



The first time all this spring we have had a hot day. I made a cake, baked beans and cleaned up the house. Kids up, Tom and Charlene called. Billie a little tired after yesterday.




Sunday, June 12, 1983


Another very hot hot day. I got up at 7:30, got the breakfast, did up the work. Dorothea and David came. Susan and Monica came. Charlene, Tom, Betty, Walt and Carmen, Kim and Zak called. Hortons up to Twin Oaks for a cookout. Down to Fern’s in evening. Betty got Fern’s little outside building ready to move some furniture into. Woodrow Dobbins called on Bill.