The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Friday, September 30, 2022

October 14 - 17, 1983

Friday, October 14, 1983


A beautiful day. It was very mild, some wind. I done up the regular work. I made a pie. Down to Betty’s for a little while. Billie worked out in his barn all day, on the windows, done some painting. I got a rinse on my hair today, it looks good, a good dark shade. They hauled all the lumber off today across the road. Bill didn’t feel at all good, he looks bad too.




Saturday, October 15, 1983


A very nice sunny day. They worked on the shed. Today Bill helped in a.m., he didn’t feel like going back in PM. I did regular work. Made bread, cake, washed floors. David came down. Dorothea worked today. Kim worked most of the day. Billie still working in the barn. Betty Smith called this forenoon on the phone.




Sunday, October 16, 1983 Carmen and Alan came home


Nice and sunny. I didn’t get up very early. I got the breakfast, did up the work, did a few odd and end jobs. Betty, Walt and Zak worked on the shed. Bill didn’t help. He is still sick. Tonight Carmen and Alan came home from Rhode Island where they had been for a week working for Walt painting Aunt Vi’s house. I was so glad to see them.




Monday, October 17, 1983


Cloudy all day. I did a wash. Carmen came up. She went to town, she picked up some things for me at the store. She did her laundry and has been very busy all day. Betty and Billie have moved and hauled things all day to the new shed. She is so pleased with it. They hauled the tractor down they bought off Billie.




Thursday, September 29, 2022

October 10 - 13, 1983


Monday, October 10, 1983 No school, Columbus Day.


I did a washing. I cleaned some of the kitchen and will finish it tomorrow. Bill worked on the shed with Betty and Walt. They got one side done. Billie did odd jobs. David and Dorothea came down and Dorothea cleaned my chair. It looks very nice. Kim didn’t go to her party last night. It’s too bad. I wouldn’t have made her stay home if I had been her. I wouldn’t have done that. Kim was very disappointed.  She would have cleaned her room but Betty Smith was asleep and she didn’t want to awaken her at night then she didn’t have time.




Tuesday, October 11, 1983


A partly cloudy day, some sun. It was on the cool side. I finished the kitchen, washed and ironed the curtains, put them up and did rest of the ironing. I went down to the Catholic Church where they were distributing free food, dry milk, cheese and butter. Billie to the Dr. in Portland. Boothby’s for his hand. They took some blood samples. Dorothea took him down.




Wednesday, October 12, 1983 cleaning done, Dorothea


Cloudy day. I canned some tomatoes. I did the breezeway. Got my cleaning all done. Dorothea began to work for Sid Johnson today. I hope she will be able to stay for the two weeks. It hasn’t been a very good day for cleaning house.




Thursday, October 13, 1983


Mostly cloudy. It cleared up some. Done up the work, went down with Betty then we went to Norway. The lumber didn’t come today. Billie out in the barn doing odd jobs. Bill don’t feel very good. Joy worked at Fern’s all day, got most of her work done for fall.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

October 7 - 9, 1983 First Stone In Homeland Cemetery


Friday, October 7, 1983


A nice sunny day. I did a big wash. Milan and Betty called. Milan don’t feel very good. Dorothea and David came. Milan and Betty looked at some snaps. The man came about the gravestone. Milan showed him where to put it. Carmen and Alan came. They have to go to Portland with the car to have it checked out, cost $73. Then they came home and got ready to go. Betty here for supper. Milan down to Fern’s sick. Bill down to the hospital all day for a scanner test and get blood.





Saturday, October 8, 1983 Milan and Betty left, cleaned the living room


A quite nice day. I got up early. I got breakfast going. I watched from them to leave down to Betty’s. Carmen was up when I was. She came up here at about 10 of 6. Milan and Betty went down to Betty and Walt’s about 5:45. At 6 they all left. Milan still not feeling too good. Dorothea came, she and I called at Fern’s. We came home. Betty Smith called me at 11:10, they had got home about five minutes of 11. Walt drove them down because Milan want very good. Carmen and Alan went down to stay at Vi’s to paint the house this week. Kim babysitting all day. Zak worked all day.





Sunday, October 9, 1983


This has been a beautiful day. Sunny, on the coolish side. I dite breeze. I done up the regular work and did what I didn’t get done on Saturdays work. Washed floors and did the dusting. David came and helped Billie.  they got the plow off the tractor, oil changed etc. Betty and Walt came. Dorothea called. Delores got locked out of her house, the lock closed by accident. Kim gone over to Sun Rock with some friends for tonight.


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

October 4 - 6, 1983 Party for Aunt Betty


Tuesday, October 4, 1983 Milan and Betty came


I cleaned Billie’s room and the blue bath room. Did a dite of washing. Milan and Betty came about 1230. I didn’t get to see too much programs. On the cloudy side. Dorothea called this evening. Milan and Betty down to Fern’s to stay tonight. Milan is very tired.




Wednesday, October 5, 1983 got beef into the freezer


Cloudy and rain. It rained hard during the night. I didn’t get much done. I got the refrigerator done. I cooked a chicken dinner. Milan and Betty were here for supper. Billie been to town and worked out in the tie up. He called at Dorothea’s and Betty’s. Billie got the beef home and in the freezer today.




Thursday, October 6, 1983


A nice day it turned out to be. Betty, Betty and I to town. Dorothea took Delores. I came home, did some odd jobs, washed etc. Billie busy all day. I cooked Milan’s boiled dinner, he and Betty prepared at night, we went down to Betty and Walt’s. Dorothea, David, Fern, us and Alan came up with Carmen. A very good supper, the meat was so good. Everyone liked it. Fern made a delicious Tapioca pudding.


Monday, September 26, 2022

September 30 - October 3, 1983


Friday, September 30, 1983


Another beautiful day. I did a wash and ironed. I got ready to watch soaps but Betty called and I went down there for a little while. She is getting her house cleaned up to get ready to go away tomorrow. Their lumber did not come today either. So no work on the shed. Bill and I took Fern down to get her hair done. Betty picked her up. Billie took the mowing machine off the tractor. He does too much.




Saturday, October 1, 1983


A fair day, on the cloudy side. I cleaned up the house, made a pie. Washed the floors. Carmen came, we did the tomatoes. Then we went and got ready to go to the reception for Natasha and Bob. It was nice and a lot of people there. Dorothea called in PM. I went down to help the kids wrap the liver. Betty and Walt to Rhode Island today but came home tonight.






Sunday, October 2, 1983


Cloudy and drizzly. First day of the Fryeburg Fair. Susan working over at the fair this year. And Joy. I didn’t get up till 7:30. Kim worked. Carmen and Alan to the fair. Billie busy. Bill didn’t feel too good.



Digging up potatoes!


Monday, October 3, 1983 a beautiful day very mild


I did regular wash. I cleaned my room, would have got Billie’s done but I went with Betty to take Zak over to the fair. It was a beautiful day, leaves are very pretty. A very big crowd at the fair. Billie got his garden plowed. David home on vacation and he got his garden plowed. Kim worked all day today. Carmen back to work.