Friday, October 14, 1983
A beautiful day. It was very mild, some wind. I done up the regular work. I made a pie. Down to Betty’s for a little while. Billie worked out in his barn all day, on the windows, done some painting. I got a rinse on my hair today, it looks good, a good dark shade. They hauled all the lumber off today across the road. Bill didn’t feel at all good, he looks bad too.
Saturday, October 15, 1983
A very nice sunny day. They worked on the shed. Today Bill helped in a.m., he didn’t feel like going back in PM. I did regular work. Made bread, cake, washed floors. David came down. Dorothea worked today. Kim worked most of the day. Billie still working in the barn. Betty Smith called this forenoon on the phone.
Sunday, October 16, 1983 Carmen and Alan came home
Nice and sunny. I didn’t get up very early. I got the breakfast, did up the work, did a few odd and end jobs. Betty, Walt and Zak worked on the shed. Bill didn’t help. He is still sick. Tonight Carmen and Alan came home from Rhode Island where they had been for a week working for Walt painting Aunt Vi’s house. I was so glad to see them.
Monday, October 17, 1983
Cloudy all day. I did a wash. Carmen came up. She went to town, she picked up some things for me at the store. She did her laundry and has been very busy all day. Betty and Billie have moved and hauled things all day to the new shed. She is so pleased with it. They hauled the tractor down they bought off Billie.