The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, July 31, 2021

June 10 - 13, 1979


Sunday, June 10, 1979


Well it is been hazy with the sun shining through the haze. Very hot and humid. I done up the regular work. Buddy came over to check the tractor and he set up the phone. Billie finished his pasture down in the edge of the woods. The cows can go down there now. Bill didn’t do anything today. Kim called, Zak and Joy. Garden stuff is up, the small things.




Monday, June 11, 1979 a very nice hot day


I did a wash. I cooked steak outside for supper. Billie and Bill put the roof on back porch. We put the rest of the screens, porch furniture etc. I hit a vein in my leg, it bled very hard.




Tuesday, June 12, 1979


Was kind of a cloudy cold day until late PM. I did an ironing. Bill and I went to Norway, in a.m. called at Betty’s a minute.




Wednesday, June 13, 1979


Very nice day, it was quite windy and on the cool side. I did a big wash. Bill and I went up to Wade Kimball’s to see a Durham steer. Saltman called and brought some refrigerators for Bill to paint.




Friday, July 30, 2021

June 6 - 9, 1979 Laurie Graduates


Wednesday, June 6, 1979 a beautiful day


Well, when we got up it was clear and the sun was coming up. Something we hadn’t seen for such a long time and I mean a long time. I got my regular work done up. I did the ironing early. Went down to Betty’s, we left at about 9:30. Joy went with us to North Conway to shop. Kimmy, Zak, Dawn and Carmen called after supper. Billie got the steer back home tonight. Tonight was baccalaureate for the graduation class of 1979. Laurie is a member of the class.




Thursday, June 7, 1979 it was clear and we saw the sun come up this morning


Another nice day. It was clear and quite warm, a little breeze. Bill hauled Joy and Buddy’s manure out also harrowed her garden once. I did a wash, a dite. I cleaned the car windows inside and out and the inside of the car. Also defrosted the refrigerator. I went to town with Joy. Zak had some teeth out this morning.




Friday, June 8, 1979 LAURIE GRADUATED


A quite nice day. I done up my work. I ironed, cleaned up the house. Did a lot of jobs. I ironed, took a bath this PM. Got ready to go to the graduation. I went with Walt, Betty, Carmen, Fern and Esther. It was a very nice graduation. Laurie looked nice and won a scholarship. She is a very smart person. A very well-liked girl, many friends. 2 more years and we go to Carmen’s.




Saturday, June 9, 1979 churned


Well it has been warm but hazy today, some showers. I been busy all day. I cooked, changed the beds. Kim came up, she and I churned some butter. We have a good Durham cow. Very rich milk. Kids dropped in. Churned a little more than 2 pounds.


Thursday, July 29, 2021

June 2 - 5, 1979


Saturday, June 2, 1979 NICE DAY


A real nice day, sunny and it was warm. I have been busy all day. Zak watched TV until 2 PM. I cooked, washed floors, dusted, ironed etc. In late PM I walked down into the woods where they were working. Zak went home in PM. Betty up to the shelter, Carmen helped her. Bill and Billie worked down in the woods getting it ready to put up a fence so the cows can go down there when it is hot. Today they took our steer down to Walt’s to help eat the grass.




Sunday, June 3, 1979 mild


It was quite cloudy when we got up but it cleared some, not a real clear sunny day. It was fair. Some haze. I done up regular work. I did some figuring. Billie worked down in the pasture. Bill didn’t do anything today, in PM he watched TV show and listen to the ballgame on TV. Kim called. Zak and Carmen at different times. Betty and kids worked at the shelter.




Monday, June 4, 1979 PLANTED


Cloudy when we got up about 10. It cleared off. I did my washing. I picked some dandelions, cooked a ham. Got ready and went with Betty, Fern, Esther and Susan and Fern to Zak’s school concert. It was very good. He looks so nice all dressed up. Tonight they planted the garden. Betty and Walt also did theirs.




Tuesday, June 5, 1979 Planted


Foggy when got up this morning. I done up my work after it cleared off. I did a big wash, mittens, scarfs, sweaters etc. To be put away for the summer. I made a pie. Did my other ironing. I cultivated my flower gardens. Bill didn’t do much today. It cleared and was such a very nice day. Clothes all dried good.



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

May 29 - June 1, 1979


Tuesday, May 29, 1979 rain and enough sun to dry clothes


Well it cleared and I did my washing. I made pies etc. It seemed very good to see the sun. Bill still working on the boat. Finishing touches etc.




Wednesday, May 30, 1979 rain, fencepost


I done up my work. I did the ironing. It has been another mostly rainy day. Betty and I went down to Windham and got fencepost. Came home, watched TV programs. Got supper. The man came at about suppertime and fixed the refrigerator on the porch. Got ready, went down to Fern’s to the come and see party. To see the new rugs and curtains. It looks very nice. I’m glad she has it.




Thursday, May 31, 1979


Not too good day. It was showery. It didn’t rain all day. I done up my work. Susan came over, she took Esther, Delores and me to town. Done the shopping. Came home, got supper. Dorothea came up in the evening. She fixed Billie’s shirts. We called at Fern’s. She made many stops on the way up.






Friday, June 1, 1979 $242.30 $106.30


Well it broke away some today, not too bad a day. I washed windows and did a big wash. After it got cleared away. I changed all beds. I got my work done up, but went down to Betty’s to help her so she could get her house cleaned up. She took Fern, Delores and me to town to cash the checks.



Tuesday, July 27, 2021

May 26 - 28, 1979

Saturday, May 26, 1979 A WEE BIT OF SUN LATE IN PM, KIM TO WORK


Well another one of those miserable dreary rainy days. I was busy all day. I done regular work. I cleaned the refrigerator on porch. I washed windows, floors, cooked, cleaned some more pots and pans etc. Billie went to Norway this morning. His tractor came back today with the new mowing machine. Wes and his girl Julie called. Betty dropped in a minute. Zak came up and got some milk. Carmen came up for rolls. Betty and girls house been very busy at the shelter all day. Carmen was at the school all day, it was a show put on by the AFS to get money for next year’s program. Tonight KIM went to work on her first job. I hope she does well and enjoys. She is smart.




Sunday, May 27, 1979 HORSES AND HEIFER OUT, Flicka, Angel and heifer all got out early this morning. Went to the 4 corners


Well, after over a week of rain except one day it was better today. There was breaks in the cloud, no rain until dark. The clouds would go it would clear for a long time at times and we would see sunshine and blue skies. Then big black clouds again. All in all a quite nice day after all the rainy days. I done up my work, made cupcakes for the shelter sale. Went to the Cemetery with Esther and Fern. We got the flowers all down. The cemeteries look nice. Came home, Fern stayed for lunch and watched the ballgame. Cliff came and he watched it to and Bill. Then they left after the game. I got supper and went to the cemeteries with Betty, Joy, Zak and the girls seen C and K. They did quite well at the shelter open house. One thing it was a good day for them. The horses and heifer was so pretty coming up the road.




Monday, May 28, 1979 RAIN


Back to rain this morning. Heavy rain all day. Well I done up regular work and picked over some things I had. Billie out riding around. The house is getting all smoke and nasty again. It makes me sick. Carmen came up for a minute up. Also Es came after milk after supper.