The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

April 22 - 25, 1988


Friday, April 22, 1988


The wind blowed all night hard. It has blowed today. I got the washing done. Carmen, Brogan and Kim came. They was here for lunch and Zack. Billie and Zack got rest of the manure hauled out and harrowed the gardens. Debbie and girls called this p.m.




Saturday, April 23, 1988


A nice sunny day. And no wind. We got the porch open up and sat out there a lot today. Betty came up. She and I went down to see Eddie where he was painting at the Cemetery. He did a good job. It looks very nice. He is a nice guy. I wish and hope Kim will fall for him again??? Time will tell and what is to be will be. Billie and Zack got Walt’s fencing done today. Zack was to his friends last night. I’m glad for him. Billie’s feet are hurting tonight but he is relieved. I did my regular Saturday chores. Kim came up today. Brogan over to Dennis’s folks today and tonight. It clouded up and rained about six tonight.




Sunday, April 24, 1988 RAIN


A good warm slow rain all day. We didn’t go out. No one came till Betty called in the late PM. I read some papers etc. this PM. Bill slept all day in his chair. Billie soaked his foot and relaxed and slept some too.




Monday, April 25, 1988


A fair day. It was cloudy when we got up. It cleared off after a while. I done a big washing, ironing. I made brownies. I went over to Harrison with Kim and Betty to look at the small building that Kim might want to make her a house. Carmen came about 1 PM. She done up the housework. Brogan is something now I tell you. She is so cute, puts on the radio and rock ‘n roll’s to the music. Carmen to the Dr. today for her nose and throat problem. It is serious. I’ll be glad when she gets the problem corrected. I hope she will be a lot better. Billie over to Fryeburg for his feet.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

April 18 - 21, 1988


Monday, April 18, 1988


Some rain, cloudy and some sun. I did my wash. Carmen and Brogan came. Carmen cleaned the house and changed the beds. She got the lunches. She went and done the shopping. Brogan stayed here. She was very good today. Zack and Bill put rest of the birdhouses up. Betty didn’t get much done today. Brogan is down there this PM and tonight. Zack been busy all day. Frogs are peeping. I washed.




Tuesday, April 19, 1988


A very nice sunny day. I got up a dite earlier this morning. I did the work, a big ironing, watched soaps. I made a chocolate pudding. I got a piece of corned beef to cooking. I got a cabbage ready to cook with it. Betty and Carmen came. Zack came to help do the fencing. Billie went down and got his haircut. Then they got some nice fresh donuts at the bakery. All had donuts. Betty, Carmen, Brogan down to Betty’s then Billie and Zack fenced down in the woods.




Wednesday, April 20, 1988


A mostly cloudy day. I got my work done up early, got ready. When Carmen came we went to the tooth Dr. for her in South Portland. I babysat for Brogan. She was very good. On the tired side. We came back to North Windham. She got her glasses and also she got a haircut. Carmen is under a lot of strain all in all. Billie and Zack didn’t fence today. Billie’s foot is so bad.




Thursday, April 21, 1988


Sunny this morning. I helped Betty do her cupboards in the dining room. Also Betty Smith got all the cupboards and draws done. She also got her window seat done. I got home about three. Got supper, corned oyster and sausage. Billie and Zack been busy all day. Hauled the dressing and got Walt’s all out and some of his. Cold all day, windy.


Friday, December 29, 2023

April 14 - 17, 1988

Thursday, April 14, 1988


Nice and clear when we got up. The sun came out and it was a very nice day. I did my hair. They worked all day at Betty’s getting ready for spring- painting, fencing, fixing flower gardens etc. Carmen helped today down to Betty’s. Billie been busy all day cleaning up around etc.




Friday, April 15, 1988


A cloudy day after nice day yesterday. It snowed and rained. I got ready early. Carmen, Brogan and I went to the eye Dr. in Windham. Had eyes checked etc. He got to remove the cataract in May. I didn’t do much. Dorothea came in evening and fixed the paper in the bathroom. Helped Billie with some papers he has to send away.




Saturday, April 16, 1988 SNOW


Well when we got up this morning we saw about 4 inches of snow on the ground. What a mess. I been busy all day. I done up regular work, made a chocolate cake with a boiled frosting. I washed, washed floors, vacuumed etc. etc. It cleared some in PM. Cloudy, some wind. Dorothea came and did some more papers for Billie.






Brogan 18 months today. Well I done up my work, got lunch. Brud and Verna called for a little while. I wrote to Esther. Betty, Walt and pets up to camp for first time. Betty came up and done Billie’s paperwork. Dorothea and David called in PM. Dorothea took David out for his birthday supper. Betty brought up some popcorn. Dennis took Carmen out for dinner, an Easter gift.




Thursday, December 28, 2023

April 10 -13, 1988

Sunday, April 10, 1988


Zack to work at the ANG again today. It has been a nice day, cold and windy but sunny. I read papers etc. Carmen called and down to Betty’s but had to work. Kim don’t feel very good.




Monday, April 11, 1988 KIM’S BIRTHDAY SUPPER


A quite cloudy day. I expected the plumber today but did not come. So I did my washing. I made rolls, and angel cake delight. This is the day we gave Kim her birthday supper because she didn’t have to work. She is sick. I hope her problem,  it won’t be too serious. We had Kim’s birthday supper and Eddie was here. He is a good guy. I hope there may be a reunion some day. It is hard to find real good guys these days. Had baked ham and milk, spinach greens, lima beans, mashed potatoes, hot rolls and angel cake delight for dessert. We enjoyed them very much. Brogan came back from visiting Dennis and family. She and Carmen came. She was so pleased to see everyone. She is so cute and smart.




Tuesday, April 12, 1988 KIMBERLY ALLIE HORTON 22 years


Today is Kim’s birthday. It was celebrated yesterday because she will work today. Cloudy this morning but it cleared off, sun came out. Carmen came and cleaned the house, the weekly work. Carmen and I went to Westbrook for Betty to get some material to use up in the shed chamber. Brogan was good exception got awful tired. Billie has cleaned up all the sand alongside the road and all the raking is done. It looks very good. So neat. The grass is nice and green.




Wednesday, April 13, 1988


Cloudy when we got up this morning but cleared away soon. On the cool side. Billie still cleaning outside. He fixed around the trees. Carmen and Kim cleaned the things from rent down town. They went down to Betty’s and helped to get her flower gardens to going. I made a pie, did the ironing. Eddie came, he is going to do some painting for Betty, fences etc. He got a lot done today. Barry and son came and worked tonight. It looks very neat and clean around here. Billie’s foot is very sore.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

April 6 - 9, 1988

Wednesday, April 6, 1988


It was cloudy when we got but it cleared away at about 10:30 or 11. Then it was sunny and warm all rest of the day. Betty H, Betty S, and Kim came, they did the living room and kitchen cupboards and the china closets. The one in the living room is very pretty and shiny. Kim did all the vacuuming, she did such a good job also helped doing other jobs. Betty S is such a good hand. And Betty H knows as much as I do and takes over and done some as I always did. Billie did some raking. He is getting along real well. It looks very good outside. Carmen didn’t come over today.




Thursday, April 7, 1988


A cloudy dreary day. Carmen came, we cleaned cupboards also Kim was here and she helped. Betty and Betty did the breezeway and porch. It all looks so nice after it is all done. Brogan was here. She got very tired at end of the day. Billie is having problems with his feet all the time. He is so busy outside.




Friday, April 8, 1988


Well another cloudy dreary day. I did a washing, done a lot of odd jobs. Cleaned silverware, cleaned draws, did some windows. Betty and Betty went to Norway. Betty brought home my desk. It is beautiful. Lighter color than before. She got a new rug for the porch floor and new curtains for kitchen and bathroom. Eddie came today, he called to see Kim. He visited with her.




Saturday, April 9, 1988 ZACK


Today Zack started his first day Army National Guard at Norway. I hope you will like this decision he has made. He is a good boy and I want the best for him always. Well it cleared today and became nice and sunny. It seems so good. I done up regular work. Washed floors etc. etc. Then this PM I settled my desk. It is beautiful. Billie done rest of his raking. The wind blowed hard all day. Eddie called today. He looks very nice. He is going back to school, he had a talk with his folks and friends. He is a nice guy. We like him very much. David called today, it has been a long time since he has called.