Friday, April 22, 1988
The wind blowed all night hard. It has blowed today. I got the washing done. Carmen, Brogan and Kim came. They was here for lunch and Zack. Billie and Zack got rest of the manure hauled out and harrowed the gardens. Debbie and girls called this p.m.
Saturday, April 23, 1988
A nice sunny day. And no wind. We got the porch open up and sat out there a lot today. Betty came up. She and I went down to see Eddie where he was painting at the Cemetery. He did a good job. It looks very nice. He is a nice guy. I wish and hope Kim will fall for him again??? Time will tell and what is to be will be. Billie and Zack got Walt’s fencing done today. Zack was to his friends last night. I’m glad for him. Billie’s feet are hurting tonight but he is relieved. I did my regular Saturday chores. Kim came up today. Brogan over to Dennis’s folks today and tonight. It clouded up and rained about six tonight.
Sunday, April 24, 1988 RAIN
A good warm slow rain all day. We didn’t go out. No one came till Betty called in the late PM. I read some papers etc. this PM. Bill slept all day in his chair. Billie soaked his foot and relaxed and slept some too.
Monday, April 25, 1988
A fair day. It was cloudy when we got up. It cleared off after a while. I done a big washing, ironing. I made brownies. I went over to Harrison with Kim and Betty to look at the small building that Kim might want to make her a house. Carmen came about 1 PM. She done up the housework. Brogan is something now I tell you. She is so cute, puts on the radio and rock ‘n roll’s to the music. Carmen to the Dr. today for her nose and throat problem. It is serious. I’ll be glad when she gets the problem corrected. I hope she will be a lot better. Billie over to Fryeburg for his feet.