Saturday, July 8, 1989 MOWED WALT’S HAY, mailed Jeff’s b-day card
The most beautiful day we have had for a long time. Billie mowed all of Walt’s hay, it was such a nice drying day it made good. Carmen and Brogan came and had lunch, got Billie’s. Betty came, she, Brogan, Carmen and I all went up to the new house. Brogan and Carmen moved Brogan into her new play house. She was very excited and pleased. Then Carmen and I went over to North Bridgton to get Carmen’s mail. We came home and went to the Cemetery and put down some new plants. She came in and visited a minute. Zack, Betty and Brogan down to Betty’s. Walt sick today. We had a baby tornado. We got a letter from George. Betty died June 29. We are very sorry, she has had a long sickness. It was a shock as that is always when it happens.
Sunday, July 9, 1989 Walt’s hay all done
Another beautiful sunny drying hay day. Weeks came early and got the hay raked and baled, at about 4:30 it was all in the barn. They were so lucky. Two perfect days for haying. Billie hauled it in his truck. Zak and a Brian Jesse. Also David, he was a big help. Walt and Carmen a very good crew. Brogan rode in the truck with Billie. Kim came and helped. They all had supper here and enjoyed it very much. A good Perdue roaster chicken, green peas, cukes, stuffing, hot rolls and cranberry sauce. Dorothea came, but couldn’t stay for supper. Had a nice day. Billie got some from Walt. 150, good hay too.
Monday, July 10, 1989 Carmen to the Dr. in Lewiston to be checked over
Well we are some pleased about this hay being all done. It clouded up this morning and rained. Carmen up and started at 8 AM to go to the hospital in Lewiston. Kim came up here and done some washing. I did mine too. They hauled the farmall tractor out here by the road for sale again.
Tuesday, July 11, 1989
Well we can’t believe this nice (weather) we are having right now. I hope it will continue so the garden will grow good. I done my ironing. Also I got my letters written to George and Betty and off. Billie and I over to Oxford and got berries and vegetables, peas, greens and cukes. Also he got some grain.