Sunday, October 6, 1974 very mild
Another very nice mild day.
Sunny, hot. I done regular work, got ready, went down to Betty’s and helped her
to get her windows washed and the storm windows on. Billie worked up to the
camp again today or in a.m. Betty, kids and I went over to see the Keen barn,
it burned flat last night. Most of the shed and ells. We ate at a cookout at
Betty’s. Dorothea and David gone for a ride up in the mountains. Billie gone
with Lawrence.
Monday, October 7, 1974 Dorothea,
Another nice day, mild. Some
cloudy. I done up my work and talked with Dorothea for a long time. She is
facing problems with David. Hard to believe. Take this with her troubles
with Jeff and how much can she take. I wish I could help her in some way.
Possibly it will work out as it should. She is so upset, it’s too bad, she is
such a good, kind and thoughtful soul. I feel so bad for her. Bill worked at Mattie
Crockford’s. I was down to Betty’s but we didn’t get anything done. We went
shopping in p.m. Kim to a birthday party and out for supper tonight after
Tuesday, October 8, 1974 Bill
worked at the cottage
Bill worked at the cottage. This
is been a very pretty day, the colored leaves are extremely beautiful this
fall. I had Zak while Betty went to her club meeting. I washed. Betty and I
went to town. The new car is very pretty and I enjoy it as much as the Hortons