The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

October 6 - 8, 1974

Sunday, October 6, 1974 very mild

Another very nice mild day. Sunny, hot. I done regular work, got ready, went down to Betty’s and helped her to get her windows washed and the storm windows on. Billie worked up to the camp again today or in a.m. Betty, kids and I went over to see the Keen barn, it burned flat last night. Most of the shed and ells. We ate at a cookout at Betty’s. Dorothea and David gone for a ride up in the mountains. Billie gone with Lawrence.

Monday, October 7, 1974 Dorothea, $35

Another nice day, mild. Some cloudy. I done up my work and talked with Dorothea for a long time. She is facing problems with David. Hard to believe. Take this with her troubles with Jeff and how much can she take. I wish I could help her in some way. Possibly it will work out as it should. She is so upset, it’s too bad, she is such a good, kind and thoughtful soul. I feel so bad for her. Bill worked at Mattie Crockford’s. I was down to Betty’s but we didn’t get anything done. We went shopping in p.m. Kim to a birthday party and out for supper tonight after school.

Tuesday, October 8, 1974 Bill worked at the cottage

Bill worked at the cottage. This is been a very pretty day, the colored leaves are extremely beautiful this fall. I had Zak while Betty went to her club meeting. I washed. Betty and I went to town. The new car is very pretty and I enjoy it as much as the Hortons do.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

October 2 - 5, 1974 New Car

Wednesday, October 2, 1974

Well another miserable day. Betty to Portland this forenoon to exchange Kim’s coat. I was down there helping her to get ready to go to Portland. I came home and brought Zak. He was here and got ready for school. Bill finished up the septic tank down there to Walt’s. Betty up here in p.m. I made a pie.

Thursday, October 3, 1974 Bill $180.90, Althea $83.80

It has been a cold day. This is been a cold day and I done some washing. Esther called this morning. I went down to Betty’s and helped her. Kimmy came home very sick tonight. They took her to the doctors. She has pneumonia, 104°.

Friday, October 4, 1974 HORTON’S HAVE A VERY PRETTY 1971 WAGON, A NEW 1971 LTD STATION WAGON, No School

On the very cool side, windy. It was Teachers Convention. I had to go to Betty’s in a.m. to stay while she done some errands and took Zak to eye doctors. He has to have glasses. In p.m. Walt called. He has a car for Betty, asked her to come to Portland. He found her a new car. 1971 LTD Country Squire, tan and brown station wagon. It is beautiful. Just like new. We are all pleased and like it very much. Betty is so pleased with it.

Saturday, October 5, 1974 $40, HOT HOT

A hot sunny day. Carmen up here all day. Kimmy is better. Walt and Bill out doing soil testing. Billie done up rest of the outside work here. Took off the screens. I washed kitchen windows inside and out. I did a dite of cooking. In p.m. Bill worked at Mattie Crawford’s cottage. It seems good to have the doors and windows open up. A very mild day. After supper a fire broke out in the George Keen barn. It was a big fire. Carmen, Billie and I went but couldn’t get to the fire, roads were all blocked off. Mr. Philip Saltman called, he paid Bill and wants him to do some work tomorrow and a lot this fall. Walt, Betty took Kim and Zak on a ride in the new car.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

September 29 - October 1, 1974

Sunday, September 29, 1974 showers

Not a very good day, mostly cloudy and very mild. I done regular work. Bill worked on the flag pole. Billie and Zak hauled sawdust. Later in the day Dorothea and David called at Betty’s. They both seem kind of glum. Bill and Billie took the tops off ours and Lloyd’s back porch.

Monday, September 30, 1974

Mostly sunny, very windy. I washed, did a dite of cooking. Then down to Betty’s. In p.m. she and I went shopping. Carmen back to doctors. She is much better and could go to school tomorrow. Betty got the dog back from Crystal and Steve Morgan and Bonnie and Jim came and got her. Bill got the new flagpole up. He and Betty raised the new flag Betty and Walt gave me for my birthday. It came from our Congressman Peter N. Kyros. It was flown over the capital at Washington on my birthday, August 8, which this day was a historical day because it being the day Pres. Richard Newhouse Nixon resigned from office.

Tuesday, October 1, 1974 2nd frost, Carmen back-to-school

I done up my work. Had quite a few things planned. Instead went to Portland with Betty in p.m. Linda Berry went too. Betty got the kids some new coat. We didn’t stop at Dorothea’s. Bill began on the septic tank of Walt. They began digging at Ilan’s the septic tank and cellar foundation.

Monday, April 27, 2020

September 25 - 28, 1974

Wednesday, September 25, 1974

Bill worked at Betty’s today. He did her garden and other jobs. I was down there and stayed while she went to her meeting. I got Zak ready for school. Carmen home from school and is sick with a fever and headache and chills.

Thursday, September 26, 1974

It is partly cloudy most every day. This fall has been like this past spring. I went down to Betty’s this morning while she went down to Fern’s to help Esther put the storm windows on. She sold a bureau to Holly. In p.m. she took me shopping. Carmen to the doctor. She has pneumonia. She has been quite sick with a fever and headache. Dorothea called tonight, Jeff is better. Esther here in evening. Bill took Walt’s truck up to the garage in Conway for a overhaul. Walt came home sick this afternoon.

Friday, September 27, 1974

A very nice day. I done up regular work. Down to Betty’s. She took me to town in p.m. Carmen don’t feel very good at all. Walt better and back to work.

Saturday, September 28, 1974

Cloudy again today. I did regular work, cooked a dite. Kimmy up here all day and for supper. Walt on a soil testing job today.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

September 22 - 24, 1974 Jeff in Car Accident

Sunday, September 22, 1974 JEFF, Bill worked at Camp Encore, Bill got paid $220

A nice sunny day. We got up this morning, it has cleared off from the awful rain. I done my regular work and did a big wash. I dusted the house. Billie gone with Lawrence. Bill worked at Camp Encore. He got paid for 11 days work which came to 88 hours at 2.50 per hour. $220.

Dorothea called me early this morning. She was very upset. Jeffrey had been in a bad accident last night and will his car is a total wreck. She was called to the Maine Medical Center about 11 o’clock last night. He has been taken to the emergency unit. He and his two friends. He wasn’t hurt seriously.

Monday, September 23, 1974 Bill worked at Camp Encore

Cold today. A very nice day, on the very cool side. I got up and got my work done. Betty, Zak and I went down to see Dorothea and Jeff. Jeff is still quite upset and docile from the accident. We saw his car and thank the good Lord he is still alive and his two friends also. It was a miracle no one was killed. The sight of that car was unbelievable. Came home and Betty went to town shopping after she got Zak off to school. Billie picked rest of the tomatoes and cukes and squashes.

Tuesday, September 24, 1974 FIRST FROST

This morning we had the first frost of the season. It was a big one. Everything was covered. I done up my work and went down to Betty’s after I washed. We cleaned up her garden. Esther here in evening. Walt at school, the first night. Kimmy played soccer ball tonight. Betty picked over the kids clothes closets.