Thursday, September 10, 1987
A nice day, on the humid side. Done up the work, got the pickles to going. Carmen and Brogan came. Carmen went right to work on the pickles. We got them cooked and canned. Betty came up. She and Carmen went to Norway to take Carmen’s car over. Then they did Zack’s birthday shopping. Well, this was Zack’s day in court. But he did not lose his license. He only had a $50 fine to pay. Dorothea and Jeff didn’t get home from Massachusetts till 6 AM. Dorothea came down, she was so tired. She has broke out again. Billie all shook up today. I hope he don’t end up in Augusta.
Friday, September 11, 1987
It was cloudy today. I done up my work. Watched shows, down to Betty’s. She and Kim wrapped Zack’s birthday gifts. We talked with Esther. She was glad to hear from us. Betty put a proposition up to her. Carmen worked today, home at four. Zack had a friend come home with him school. They are going to Portland to go to the JFK ship.
Saturday, September 12, 1987 ZACK DOWN TO PORTLAND
A cloudy kind of a showery day. I done up my regular work. Washed floors. Made a apple pie, first one of the season. Carmen and Betty came, they brought Brogan to leave here till Walt could pick her up. She was as good as gold. All afternoon and so smart and cunning. Carmen went to work and Betty up to Twin Oaks for the farewell party for Kathy Wolff. Today Zack and a friend of his went to Portland to tour the United Kennedy ship that is in Portland Harbor for a few days.