The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, September 30, 2023

May 19 - 22, 1987


Tuesday, May 19, 1987


A nice day. I did my washing and ironing. I made a blueberry pie. We sat the flowers out. They got Carmen’s cement forms in today. Betty and Carmen got a lot of cleaning done in her kitchen today. Anna Hewson and Betty Smith took Sadie over to Lewiston for test etc.




Wednesday, May 20, 1987 Kim


They set up the forms to pour the cement walls at Carmen’s. Today about 10:30 AM Kim came to attend the funeral of Gwen’s father. Gwen Garland was one of Kim’s childhood and adulthood friends). Went through school together. Billie and Milan went to Norway shopping. Got a lot of things. Anse Buzzell called to see Billie. He has some cows coming tomorrow. After supper Betty H, Betty S and I drove over to Harrison. Anna and Betty took Sadie over to Anna’s house for a while. Betty got two bedrooms done today.




Thursday, May 21, 1987 PERM


I got my permanent today. It looks good. I got up early. 5 AM. Got a bath and my hair washed. Got breakfast and the work done up. After I got home didn’t do much. Got the lunches etc. I watched the soaps. Billie up to Dorothea’s and to town.




Friday, May 22, 1987


Well it came off hot in the night and been very hot all day. Carmen and Betty came and washed all the windows on the outside. They looked very good. Also I cleaned the screens and we got them all on. Carmen to town and done the shopping. Brogan was here all day, she was very good.



Friday, September 29, 2023

May 15 - 18, 1987

Friday, May 15, 1987


Cloudy and rain. They came to work on the barn roof at Hortons, but the rain came so they had to stop. Carmen came, she had to go to Raymond and take a sample of water down so she is getting the groceries. Billie up to Dorothea’s. Fern was having a lot of pain. Milan went down and got some pills. They came and spread the fertilizer at Betty’s.




Saturday , May 16, 1987


A beautiful day. I done up the work, had some very good beans for supper. Low’s Champions. Milan raised them in his garden. Billie busy all day, also Zack doing all his mowing.




Sunday, May 17, 1987


A mostly cloudy day. I done up the work. Walt up for coffee. I wrote to Esther and cleaned D greens. Carmen got us our supper. Very nice of her. A nice supper. Billie done the lawns again.




Monday, May 18, 1987 Run Cement


Cloudy in a.m. I got up early, got breakfast, done up my work. Got ready to go down to Betty’s. Betty Smith and I helped Betty do her cupboards, china closets etc. in dining room. Then we went over to Carmen’s. They run the cement for the cellar walls. Had a good mess of dandelion greens for supper. Very good. Zack called after school. It cleared nice in PM. Billie and Milan over to Norway and got garden seed etc. for the gardens.




Thursday, September 28, 2023

May 10 - 14, 1987 Mother's Day


Sunday, May 10, 1987 MOTHER’S DAY


This year another new mother. Carmen. She got nice gifts from her daughter. I got $85 in money and the most beautiful cards from them all and chocolate and flowers to set out in the garden. We had Italian sandwiches on the back porch. All was here except Fern. She is better today. Dorothea and Jeff came up tonight, also he brought a very nice card.






Monday, May 11, 1987


Betty H started to get the Heritage Room ready. Betty S and Carmen helped her. Dennis is home with Brogan. Billie to Dr. Goldenhar. Milan made a brief call and Betty. She is on her way down to help Betty H get her place ready for Barry Richardson to put a new roof on the barn.




Tuesday, May 12, 1987 Kim


Cloudy rain showers and sunny in p.m. with some wind. Carmen came and cleaned the house. Brogan was very cute. Smarter than chain lightning. We called down to Betty’s for a minute. Watched the TV soaps. Well, Betty got a call from Kim. She will be moving back home. I hope she gets a good job. She has applied at the NCM Hospital. Dorothea called tonight.




Wednesday, May 13, 1987


A nice sunny day. I didn’t do much today. It was a very nice sunny day. Betty cleaned some draws today. I watched soaps today. Billie been working outside. It looks so very nice after he gets cleaned up raking etc. Well tonight Zack returned his truck back. It was in poor condition. Now he has got to find another one.




Thursday, May 14, 1987 A NICE DAY


They came and started the barn roof at Walt’s. They got one side all done. Will do the other one tomorrow if it is good weather. They also began digging the cellar over to Carmen’s for the cellar etc. Bill, Betty and I went over. We ate Italian sandwiches at Carmen’s. Zack went to school with Walt this morning. He hasn’t his car anymore. Sadie Robbins had a stroke today. Billie got the flower garden ready. A hearing was set up for Vince today. Also Chris had to report to the judge today.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

May 6 - 9, 1987

Wednesday, May 6, 1987


Cloudy rain, some sun. Well, took off again today, went way up to Rangeley Maine, what a long ride. Betty S, Betty H, Carmen, Brogan and me went up to see a man about a log cabin home for Carmen. Brogan was very good all day, she slept some. Bill and Billie home all day. Billie done odd and end chores. Bill to the doctors and read.




Thursday, May 7, 1987


A quite nice day compared to what we have been having. It was sunny and quite warm. Betty, Carmen, Brogan and I went over to Norway and Oxford to look at the new modular homes at Twin Town. They are beautiful and just what they want. They took one, it is beautiful. At last Carmen will have her new home. Didn’t get home till five. Got supper, cleaned up the dishes etc. Bill didn’t do a thing all day. Billie fenced etc. Fern not very well.




Friday, May 8, 1987


A fair day, not very warm. Bill went over to Oxford with Betty, Carmen, Dennis and Brogan to make the delivery payment on the new house. It is beautiful, the house. I did some odd and end jobs. Carmen came and cleaned the house in PM. Zack had a slight accident with his truck today. Took Fern to the hospital for x-rays and tests. Still has a lot of pain.




Saturday, May 9, 1987


Kim got here about 11 AM. She looked very nice, hair long but stylish. We was glad to see her. Betty and Carmen took her over to see the new house after she came, Bill went to. She liked the house very much. I did regular work, made a cake. Washed floors etc. Milan, Betty called a minute.




Tuesday, September 26, 2023

May 2 - 5, 1987


Saturday, May 2, 1987


A quite nice day. I done up regular work. Made a Indian pudding and made a batch of rolls. Baked some good white pea beans. Carmen, Brogan and Zack here for supper. Carmen and Brogan with Zenya had been to Windham all day shopping. Baby got very tired. Zack and Billie hauled out the dressing down to Walt’s. Bill read all day. Betty and Walt out to Portland for supper and some shopping. Zack’s truck has problems, got to take it to Portland.




Sunday, May 3, 1987



A fair day, kind of on the hazy cloudy side. I been busy all day. I did odd and end jobs. In PM Bill and I called up to David and Dorothea’s to see Fern. Milan called today. Walt up for coffee. Billie did fencing down on Walt’s pasture down in the woods. Cassie has a good time.




Monday, May 4, 1987


A quite nice day, more sun. I did a wash, got my supper started. Betty came up for a minute. Billie fencing some more at Walt’s. Bill reading all day. I had a baked sliced ham supper.




Tuesday, May 5, 1987


Well, got up and it was raining. Well, I made sandwich materials also packed some brownies. We went way off up to Meredith in New Hampshire looking at trailers for Carmen. Carmen, Betty S, Betty H and Brogan and me all went. It was such a rainy day, miserable. Bill and Billie home all day. I did my work up. Got started early.