Tuesday, May 19, 1987
A nice day. I did my washing and ironing. I made a blueberry pie. We sat the flowers out. They got Carmen’s cement forms in today. Betty and Carmen got a lot of cleaning done in her kitchen today. Anna Hewson and Betty Smith took Sadie over to Lewiston for test etc.
Wednesday, May 20, 1987 Kim
They set up the forms to pour the cement walls at Carmen’s. Today about 10:30 AM Kim came to attend the funeral of Gwen’s father. Gwen Garland was one of Kim’s childhood and adulthood friends). Went through school together. Billie and Milan went to Norway shopping. Got a lot of things. Anse Buzzell called to see Billie. He has some cows coming tomorrow. After supper Betty H, Betty S and I drove over to Harrison. Anna and Betty took Sadie over to Anna’s house for a while. Betty got two bedrooms done today.
Thursday, May 21, 1987 PERM
I got my permanent today. It looks good. I got up early. 5 AM. Got a bath and my hair washed. Got breakfast and the work done up. After I got home didn’t do much. Got the lunches etc. I watched the soaps. Billie up to Dorothea’s and to town.
Friday, May 22, 1987
Well it came off hot in the night and been very hot all day. Carmen and Betty came and washed all the windows on the outside. They looked very good. Also I cleaned the screens and we got them all on. Carmen to town and done the shopping. Brogan was here all day, she was very good.