Monday, January 28, 1980
Another very nice pretty day, very sunny, clear and dry. The wind did blow some. I did my wash and hung the clothes out, most of them. Billie in and out. Bob Thomas called. Bill to town and around. I made a cake, watched the programs in PM.
Tuesday, January 29, 1980
The nights during this past winter have been very pretty, also nice bright moons. I did my ironing this morning early. I did a wash. Washed the floors. Pat Linscott called while out on her usual walk.
Wednesday, January 30, 1980
A very nice day, very cold. Some wind. I got my work done up, got ready and went with Betty to Portland with Kimmy to the orthodontist for her teeth. Fern went. Wanted to finish Carmen’s shopping, but didn’t get it done. They don’t have the things you want. I did a dite of other shopping. The moon was very clear and beautiful last night and before daylight.
Thursday, January 31, 1980
Another nice sunny clear day. The ground is a third bare now. I done up regular work. Went to town with Betty and Delores and Susan. Today Kim stayed after school to work on the rocket her grade has been making for their science class. Bill better. Billie in and out all day.