Saturday, September 7, 1963
A very nice pretty day. I cooked. I got the kitchen ready to
paint the floor. Bill and I painted it in the afternoon. Betty up to Chet’s.
Down to Fern and Lloyd’s with Carmen. Aunt Ava not very good. Dolores called.
Painted kitchen floor. Fern up for supper. Betty and I to town and Aunt Ava. Betty to movies with Bonnie.
Sunday, September 8, 1963 Pullets
Got our pullets at Cornwell’s at Oxford ME. Billie bought
15. We called at the Phil Hunt’s. Mama went with us. Betty and I called at Aunt
Ava’s and Uncle Lewis’s. Kennie and Dot here in p.m. Bill got a haircut.
Monday, September 9, 1963
Hot hot. A very nice day after the fog burned off. Very hot.
Did a wash. Made two pies. Had fricassee chicken. Kay here for supper. She and
Betty went horseback riding after supper. Betty took Kay home. Betty got a
letter from MIKE. He is homesick but glad he only has less than a year. I got a
letter from Adair’s. Betty called Dorothea.
Tuesday, September 10, 1963
Very nice day. I cleaned up the back porch and painted the
floor. Got a boiled dinner ready. We did the ironing. Had Fern up for supper.
Boiled dinner very good.