The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Friday, April 30, 2021

June 25 - 28, 1978


Sunday, June 25, 1978 a beautiful day


This is been a very nice day on the very warm side. I done up my regular work. I put a rinse on my hair, took a long time as usual. Carmen called also Kimmy and Zak here. Billie went with Lawrence again. Bill worked on the canoe. I did a dite of wash after my hair. Betty, Walt, Dawn, Carmen, Billie D and Julie worked up at the shelter. They finished getting the roof covered. Carmen got a call, Donny can’t get off Monday. I feel so sorry for him and Carmen.




Monday, June 26, 1978 Cow had her calf, steer beef went today


A very nice day, a good drying day. I did my washing and a few other jobs. Billie worked on the canoe. Zak up hear this a.m. Betty and Dawn and kids moved today a lot of Dawn’s things up to her house. This afternoon the cow went way down in the pasture and have her calf bull. The steer we raised for beef went to be dressed today. He sucked the cow so much, had to get rid of him.


Curing Joy's sunburn with Bacardi and tea





Tuesday, June 27, 1978 a real hot humid summer day, COUCH.


I ironed, done other odd jobs. Betty, kids and Dawn here for lunch. I got ready for the couch. Betty came and we moved the old one out. She and Bill. I made a salad for supper. Also coconut custard pie. Fern, Esther and Cliff called this evening. About 7 PM my Mother’s Day couch came. This is been a very hot and humid day.




Wednesday, June 28, 1978 HAY DAY, DAWN MOVED


A very nice hay day. A good westerly wind and sun. I washed, cleaned the oven. I did some figuring. Kimmy worked hard weeding and trimming lawns so as to go swimming in PM and to the movies tonight. Bill done some weeding. Zak up today, called in on his way back and forth to the shelter. The CETA working there today. I hope they get it all done. Dawn moved into her new home today.




Thursday, April 29, 2021

June 21 - 24, 1978

Wednesday, June 21, 1978 RAIN


Well another one of those miserable days. Rain cloudy and foggy. At least the sun got out through the thinness of a few moving clouds. Picked up the glass today down in the pasture. Carmen, Betty and me. Kim went to town with Dawn. I was down to Betty’s for a little while. Went up to Dawn’s house for a little while. Bill worked on Saltman’s canoes. I did my ironing.




Thursday, June 22, 1978


Raining when we got up again this morning. Well, it was partly cloudy with some rain showers. We went to town in late PM. Delores went to, Susan took us.




Friday, June 23, 1978


Well it was all kinds of a weather day today. I done my regular work also the weekend jobs. Bill worked on the canoes. I went down to Betty’s for a little while. She and Dawn busy. Carmen mowed, Kim doing her work. It seemed good to see some sun today. We got a rain shower.




Saturday, June 24, 1978


A nice day, on the cool windy side. I done my regular work. Made a few rolls, baked beans. Carmen is expecting Donny tomorrow for a day and a half. Bill worked on the boat. Billie went with Lawrence. Kids up here. Late this PM Carmen got a call from Donny, he can’t get off till Monday.





Wednesday, April 28, 2021

June 17 - 20, 1978


Saturday, June 17, 1978 Donny gone




A quite nice day. Billie got the barn ready for haying. Bill worked in the garden. I done my regular Saturday work. Kim called. Zak called and Carmen. She told me about her visit at Donny’s yesterday. They worked at the shelter most all day. Donald Levine went away today to work for the summer at Moose Cove Lodge in Sebago.




Sunday, June 18, 1978 steer went, Cindy got a new bike


All in all a quite nice day, just a small sprinkle of rain. They got a lot done up at the shelter. Billie went with Lawrence and Keith. Dorothea and Dave called little while. Betty and Walt late in the evening. I done regular work, went up to Joy’s to see Cindy get her new bike. Also went up to the shelter and Dawn’s. The steer went today. They got quite a lot done at the shelter.




Monday, June 19, 1978


It was sunny in a.m., I did a wash. They dried. The late PM it began to cloud up and a East wind came in and it got cloudy and showery. We had thundershowers in evening. One bolt of lightning came and we saw the light go through the room. Our lights went out in our bedroom. They worked at Dawn’s today. Bill and I went to town today.




Tuesday, June 20, 1978


A very miserable dreary day. It is so disgusting this weather. Dorothea came up. She, Fern, Kim, Zak and I went to see Lloyd. Lloyd is just the same. Not any worse. In PM Dorothea came home. The rain came and we talked a while then she and Dorothea went up to Joy’s and made a visit. Than Dorothea came back for supper. She enjoys it so much when she can sit and relax. Betty, Dawn and kids worked up to the lot. They started the garage building for Dawn to use for storage.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

June 12 - 16, 1978 Last Day of School


Monday, June 12, 1978 began on Dawn’s house, last week of school, to Zak’s school program


They have to go to school to make up the snow days they missed last winter. I washed. Went up to see Dawn’s house. I hope they will keep at it until it is all done. This afternoon I went to Zak’s school program. He was pleased I was there.




Tuesday, June 13, 1978


Well, it was sunny in a.m. but it clouded up and rain showers. I made 2 rhubarb pies, washed windows. We got some phlox plants. Bill set them out. I watched TV programs in PM.




Wednesday, June 14, 1978


Well it has cleared and it is very cool and some wind. Sure hope we don’t get a frost now. Strawberries are blossomed, garden vegetables are all up. I cleaned my electric stove, washed kitchen floor and made molasses cookies. Bill worked in the garden.




Thursday, June 15, 1978


This is Lloyd’s birthday. In a.m. Bill and I went down to see Dorothea and Dave’s new room. It looks real nice. They are very pleased with it. We came home, ate lunch, I did a few things and Susan came. We went to South Paris to see Lloyd on the 77th birthday. I missed one of my programs.




Friday, June 16, 1978 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL


A most beautiful day. A perfect hay day. I done regular work, washed, ironed, went to town with Susan, Delores and Esther. Been busy all day, we went up and got milk. Today kids all got home at noon for the summer vacation. It was such a nice day. Carmen went up to spend the PM with Donny and for supper. He goes away to work tomorrow for the summer. Man came to check the TV.



Monday, April 26, 2021

June 9 - 11, 1978 Party for Zenya

Friday, June 9, 1978


It rained, foggy and messy. Joy came early this morning for coffee. Then Susan and Monica came for water. Bill to hospital for checkup. Tonight Carmen had a party at her house. It was honoring Zenya on her birthday. A group of kids at her school.






Saturday, June 10, 1978 nice day, windy


A nice day but on the cool windy side. We need the wind to dry out the ground after all the rain. I done my regular work, washed. Made some rolls, tougher then old tripe. Had some good baked beans. Zak here all day.




Sunday, June 11, 1978 sunny and mild


 A very nice day, it was very warm in PM. I done my regular work. Finished looking at the B news. Esther called in early a.m. Kim and Zak called. Bill and Billie fixed for mowing machine, getting ready to do the haying. Joy, Betty, Walt and Bobby Hatch called in PM. Bill took Carmen and Kim down to help him fix something on the beach, a pair of stairs at Barnaby’s.