The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Friday, May 31, 2024

November 5 - 8, 1989


Sunday, November 5, 1989


A nice day. A big surprise = NOT ONE HORTON KID HERE TODAY. I’m glad for them that they have their own place and can relax. That is good for them. I miss them and Brogan. I worked at my desk all day getting some Christmas orders checked over etc. Jason was here and work. He hasn’t got much more to do here maybe two hours work. Walt worked on his ditch. He and Betty out for supper. At last Billie has his fall work done. David here in PM to help to get the cows in and out. Brogan has a cold.




Monday, November 6, 1989


Cloudy with clearing in PM. I did the wash. Made a squash pie. Carmen, Brogan and Zack called. Billie to the foot doctor. I washed Billie’s bedding today. Zack to the Dr. today.




Tuesday, November 7, 1989


Nice clear sunny day. I did the washing and ironing. I worked on Christmas orders etc. Didn’t get much done. Carmen, Brogan called also Kim and Zak came. We watched TV in PM. Brogan has a cold. She was full of it today. Zak didn’t get any moving done. Betty and Dorothea and Betty Smith got that room all papered. Betty and Walt over to see Zack’s doctor.




Wednesday, November 8, 1989


It has been a cloudy day and rain. I did some more work on the Christmas orders. Got them about all done and ready to go. Carmen and Brogan here. Brogan was quite sick today with a cold. She took a nap here while her mother did some office work. Kim and Betty to Norway to do some shopping. Walt got Zak moved out today.




Thursday, May 30, 2024

November 1 - 4, 1989


Wednesday, November 1, 1989


Another nice day. Carmen and Brogan here also Zak and Kim called. Carmen cleaned the living room and finished the little hallway. Billie cleaned up some more leaves and other places. I made two apple pies. Got a call from George today. He is coming for Christmas, he’ll get here 6th of December. I’m glad he is coming.




Thursday, November 2, 1989


A beautiful day. Carmen came. She cleaned the kitchen. I did the curtains. She done all the rest. I done a wash and ironed. Betty called, also Zak here. Betty got her finger caught last night. They got the papering done in the apartment. Carmen had an appointment at the town office, manager Tarr. It is supposed to cloud up and some rain,  possibly snow.




Friday, November 3, 1989


It was cloudy and rain today. Carmen came and cleaned the house. She went to Norway shopping. Took Brogan with them. Kim’s dog ran away. Billie didn’t do only his regular work today. Carmen got a chicken and mac & cheese for supper. She made a cake and brought it up. Very good.




Saturday, November 4, 1989


A very nice day, on the real cold side. I got up early. Got my work done up, cleaned up, washed kitchen floor. David came and had coffee and made a long visit. Carmen came and cleaned the breezeway and back porch. I’m all done cleaning. Dorothea and Betty and Betty doing the papering.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

October 28 - 31, 1989 Halloween


Saturday, October 28, 1989 hot


Another one of those very nice mild sunny days. I made rolls and chocolate pie. In PM I went for a long ride with Carmen, Kim and Brogan looking for gifts etc. David down for coffee and helped Billie do some jobs. We had a good supper. Carmen brought us up some good yellow eye beans.




Sunday, October 29, 1989


Another one of those sunny hot days. I wrote to Esther. I went down to Betty’s while she washed her storm windows. Then she and I took some blankets up to Evelyn Ridlon’s to fix her quilt. Then we drove over to the camp. She took some things up. Then went up to the girls house. It looked very nice, very clean and the door Carmen painted looks nice.




Monday, October 30, 1989


Carmen came up, she got my cleaning started, got the bedrooms done. They look so nice, and Kim painted the porch which looks like new. They are two nice kindhearted and smart girls. Betty doing some of her outdoor work today. Zack saw a bear today up to the kids place.




Tuesday, October 31, 1989


Carmen came, did some odd jobs, went to town, done the shopping. Billie been busy all day. Zak up for breakfast etc. Tonight the Halloween kids came and Brogan out. She had a good time. She went to Fern and Dorothea’s, up to Joy’s, down to Betty Smith’s. Her first Halloween she ever understood.



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

October 24 - 27, 1989


Tuesday, October 24, 1989


At last we are having good sunny weather. It seems so good. I did a lot of odd jobs. I did the ironing. Made a squash pie. I got a corn beef cooking. Carmen to town to get groceries and a cabbage for the corned beef. Betty, Carmen, Kim here for lunch. Billie got a lot of outside work done today. Carmen and Brogan here for supper. Carmen didn’t work today.




Wednesday, October 25, 1989


Another one of those nice sunny days. Zak came and had coffee, juice and toast this morning. Carmen washed the windows on the outside. They been busy up to the shelter today. Kim painting today. Also Carmen did some, she is better. Nice and mild today, very nice day.




Thursday, October 26, 1989


A very nice sunny day. It was very warm. I done some odds and end jobs. Carmen called, brought a meat pie for our supper. It was very good. Also we had rest of her pie. It was very mild today. Up to 60 to 75°. Billie cleaned up the old flowers today.




Friday, October 27, 1989


Very warm. I done up the work and ironed. Carmen came and cleaned. Brogan also and Kim. Zack came for breakfast and lunch. Billie got up the leaves. We had the old-fashioned supper of salt pork, salt fish and the bread biscuits pudding with the green sauce. Very good.


Monday, May 27, 2024

October 20 - 23, 1989 Fern's Birthday 87 Years!


Friday, October 20, 1989 hair set


A very nice day. It was foggy in early a.m., cleared away and it was nice, windy. Got up early. Got my regular work done. Billie took a shower and got ready and he and Carmen to Portland and got his eyes checked. They are in fair shape. He couldn’t get his pants. I took a bath and got ready to go to Barbara’s to get my hair set. I had Brogan this morning. Carmen did the cleaning today. Kim called. Brogan gone over to see and stay with her father tonight.




Saturday, October 21, 1989


Fern is 87 years old today. We all went up to Dorothea’s to celebrate with her. She got a nice lot of gifts and some money. We had ice cream bars, birthday cake etc. David here this morning for coffee. I made a cake and frosted it and some awful rolls. I baked beans, they were okay. Carmen baked beans today also. Zack was up here for supper. He watched TV in evening.




Sunday, October 22, 1989


Jason came, he helped to rake and cleaned up the leaves. Walt up for coffee. I did some odd and end jobs. Jason worked for a while this morning. Carmen and Brogan called and Kim.




Monday, October 23, 1989


It seems good to see a nice sunny day. I did the washing. Carmen and Brogan called, also Betty and Kim dropped in a little while. Kim and Carmen painted at Betty’s today. Carmen had an attack. Kim took her to Norway to the doctors. She was over there for three or four hours. They took a lot of tests. X-rays. They discovered a large cysts on the ovary. She came home very tired and weak.