Thursday, September 23, 1971
Kind of cloudy today, some sun. I done up my work, down to
Betty’s. We went to town shopping. Esther went with us. We went down to the
cottage where Bill is working. I bought some things of Avon dealer Mrs. Alice
Friday, September 24, 1971
Saturday, September 25, 1971
A nice day. Bill worked at Helen Jones’s cottage painting. I
done up my work. Went down to Betty’s for a little while. Carmen came up and
stayed all night.
Sunday, September 26, 1971
A pretty good day. Bill painted at the cottage. Billie up to
Chet’s and sawed wood. I washed my living room floor. Carmen here all day.
Monday, September 27, 1971 Tom left
Bill began work for Gordon building a house down to the
Lake. I went down to Betty’s early. We went to town to get her paint for the
kitchen floor. She painted the floor in the kitchen and around ends of dining
room floor. Got a new rug for dining room. They came up here for supper. I
washed today, made a pie etc. Tom left Susan and his children today for good.