Sunday, November 29, 1981 Carmen gone back to school for about three weeks
Clear and windy but a nice pleasant day. Billie helped Walt, Betty, Kim and Zak to get the rest of the wood piled up etc. All cleaned up and it looks neat down around his wood pile. Bill up and helped David fixes light switch in the barn. David called, also Carmen up for breakfast then she went home and cleaned out the hen house and horses. Laurie called this morning. Carmen left at about 4 PM with Zenya and Natasha to go back to college. Boy I hate to see her go. But I’m glad for her. She is enjoying it very much.
Monday, November 30, 1981 HEIDE (as Nanny spelled it)
A fair day. Billie took Heidi over to the vets at 7 AM. They operated and remove the tumor on her leg. It was not malignant. She had all her shots. Billie went after her at 4 o’clock. She is okay. Got to go back in two weeks for checkup. Also yesterday Betty, Dorothea, Kim, Zak and I all went to Portland and done her Christmas shopping. I got mine done all but three things. It was a long days job. Didn’t get home till 10 PM. Kim went to the orthodontist. We saw and visited with that Linscott’s, Ervin and Pat. It was good seeing them at the mall.
Tuesday, December 1, 1981
I done the ironing early. I went down to Betty’s. I done my washing early. Went down to Betty’s, we did a lot of her wrapping.
Wednesday, December 2, 1981
A miserable day. Rain every day. I done some wrapping today. Got supper and watched the shows in PM. Billie in and out all day.