The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, April 30, 2023

November 11 - 14, 1985


Monday, November 11, 1985 Cloudy, Snow Flurries


Another cloudy dismal day. I didn’t get up very early. (A holiday). I got the breakfast, done up the work. Did the washing, got supper started. Billie over to the girls house today. Milan called, Dobbins called. Carmen having asthma trouble. Kimmy not very good, problems. She may need to go to the Dr. for checkup, a medication.




Tuesday, November 12, 1985


Rain, snow and rain. A miserable day. I cooked a chicken dinner. Done the ironing. Milan and Betty called. I watched shows, been busy all day. Today Dorothea called on her way home. Betty and Carmen cleaned some more at Betty’s.




Wednesday, November 13, 1985


Well at last we had some sunshine today, it was good to see sun at last. It was mild too. It cooled off towards night. I called at Betty’s a little while. She showed me her clean house. Betty Smith called also Milan and Carmen. Carmen is sick with asthma, also Kim is sick. Bill is passing blood again. Billie enjoys working with the two new heifers. I watched my TV shows today. Carmen called tonight on way home from work, still not feeling good.



Cats soaking up the sun


Thursday, November 14, 1985


Nice and sunny in a.m., it cleared up though before noon. I did the wash, wrote to Esther. Bill still bleeding. Carmen still has asthma.



Saturday, April 29, 2023

November 7 - 10, 1985


Thursday, November 7, 1985


At last sunshine today. It looks good, we had a good rain. The brooks are running again. Bill over to Carmen and Kim’s today. Billie down to help Milan and helped do some more shelves. Bill took me to town this morning to shop.




Friday, November 8, 1985


Today Billie, Betty, Carmen and Bill Bugsby hauled hay and bedding for Carmen. Also Betty got some bedding. Bill and I went over to the landing. Kim was working. I done up the housework, watched the soaps. Billie in and out, he called Butch. He won’t be able to bring the cattle till Sunday morning.




Saturday, November 9, 1985


A quite nice day but it got cloudy in PM and early evening it rained and during most of the night. I been busy all day, cleaned up the house. Made cookies, beans were good. Carmen and Milan called today.




Sunday, November 10, 1985 HEIFERS CAME


Billie had two Durham heifers come today, he got one from David, one from Gordon Week’s. Kim called for breakfast this morning. Milan called a little later. Betty Smith called also Walt came, had coffee. Carmen called, she is sick with asthma. They hauled some wood today. Kim going to dance with Eddie tonight.



Friday, April 28, 2023

November 3 - 6, 1985


Sunday, November 3, 1985


Cloudy and quite cold. Bill and I called at Milan and Betty’s. Their place looks so nice. Betty has a beautiful cellar fixed up for her kitchen. Billie in and out. Carmen and Kim came over to help get the wood sawed.




Monday, November 4, 1985


Cloudy all day. I did a washing. Billie out and in. Bill to the doctor. Carmen called this PM. She went to town and cashed check. Betty to the Dr. with her back again. I hope it will get better soon. Bill got an appointment to go to Portland for a checkup. Today they checked out the Ring House for the escaped convict (Chase), he was seen there.




Tuesday, November 5, 1985 RAIN, OIL


Today it has rained all day. Dorothea called. Milan called. Billie over to Clyde Rowe’s. Rose called to fill out papers for the oil. I made a mac & cheese for supper, a grapenut pudding. They came about Bill’s hearing aid, brought the new ones. They work good. We was late about supper because the man didn’t come til suppertime.




Wednesday, November 6, 1985 PERM, TAXES


Cloudy and rain again. We still are having raining cloudy weather. We have got a lot more rain, which we needed very much. I got up early, got the work done. Took a bath and shampooed my hair. Bill had to go to Dr. Winchenbach  for a checkup. They got to watch the blood condition. I came home, got the lunch. Got the roast beef supper started. Watched TV programs. Milan was here, also Carmen called. We paid the taxes today. Billie down to help Milan set up a shelf.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

October 30 - November 2, 1985


Wednesday, October 30, 1985


On the cloudy side today. I done up the work, went over to Carmen’s. I watched all programs today. Bill over to the CRE junction twice today. Billie cleaned up the floors today, washed some windows in the barn etc. Betty and I over to Carmen’s and Kim’s house. Kim didn’t work, her day off.




Thursday, October 31, 1985


I been busy. I got my work done up and went shopping with Dorothea over to Norway. Watched some of the shows. Bill and Billie in and out. Halloween tonight, 20 kids called and a few adults.




Friday, November 1, 1985


A nice day. I cleaned up the house, washed, went down to Windham with Betty and Carmen. Got some Italian sandwiches. Checks came today. We took them to the bank. Milan and Betty called. Billie been doing up his fall work. Bill been reading. Kim working.




Saturday, November 2, 1985


Cloudy, on the cool windy side. I got breakfast, done up the regular work. Made rolls and a chocolate cake. Bill and Billie out and in. Betty and Walt put some more window blinds up. Milan called. Carmen called. She is walking Katie’s dog while she is away. Got hay.

Katie Elder's dog, Lacy



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

October 26 - 29, 1985 Moving Safe into the House


Saturday, October 26, 1985


A beautiful day. On the windy side. I been busy all day. I got the breakfast, done up the regular work. I vacuumed, dusted, washed floors, made a pie. David called this a.m. and had coffee. Milan called. Betty and Zack dropped in. Also Randy Smart and his boy Benjamin called. We haven’t seen him for several years. I cleaned the kitchen cupboards and draws. Zack to the parade and ballgame, coming home weekend.




Sunday, October 27, 1985


A nice day, sunny and mild. Barry came and started putting the windows on the back of the house for the new bathroom. Bill and I went down. Charlene, Tom and Katie was there. Tom helped to move the safe in. Betty and I went and got Erica and took her over to Carmen’s. David called, made a long visit. Also Milan called.




Monday, October 28, 1985 COLD AND WINDY


It has been cold and windy. Clear and sunny. I cleaned the kitchen, got it done, it took all day. We drove down to Betty’s to see the new windows. The back side of the house looks very good. Bill been reading all day. Billie been doing odd jobs, cleaned and oil the machinery down in the shed. Other odd jobs too. I made a beef stew and chocolate pudding for supper. Joy down to Betty’s today. Milan called today. Carmen called last night after work. HORSES home tonight. Zack came and took them home after school.




Tuesday, October 29, 1985 NEW TRUCK, MY FALL CLEANING ALL DONE


I cleaned the breezeway, it is all done. That makes all the fall cleaning done. It has been a very nice sunny day, wind finally died down. Today MILAN got his brand-new truck, a jeep. He is pleased with it. I’ll be glad when he gets the money paid back to Betty. Dorothea here this PM for a long visit. She is going to Jeff’s for Thanksgiving. Bill to Dr. Marcia, he is okay. CARMEN met a new guy tonight. He is okay but I don’t know whether he will see her again or not. I hope someone will soon.