Wednesday, May 22, 1957
A nice day. I cooked to get ready to go away tomorrow.
Thursday, May 23, 1957
A very nice day, quite hot. I went down and cleaned Seaber’s
cottage. Fern helped in p.m. In the mail today we got a nice picture of
Dorothea, a triple one. Very good. Also a letter from her. Donnie little
nervous and upset today. Dot, Lorraine and baby up here today.
Wanda Jean Harmon |
Friday, May 24, 1957
A very nice day, cooler. I cleaned up the house, took a bath.
Donnie not very good today. To town in late p.m. Betty and her classmates at
school having fun getting ready for the graduation. Bill got some new pants,
shirt, shoes, also haircut tonight.
Saturday, May 25, 1957
A very nice day, quite warm today. Billie worked only in
a.m. I cooked, cleaned up the kitchen. Betty up to Kennard’s in p.m. In evening
Billie took Mama, Fern, Betty, Donnie and I for a nice long ride and down
through Poland, West Poland, East Poland, Minot, Auburn, Danville Junction,
Naples and Harrison. Also Donnie went but he wasn’t feeling very well. He
seemed better in p.m.