Thursday, July 23, 1992
Well our nice sunny weather has gone this morning. It is so disgusting after they said they would be okay till last of the week. No, it is a messy mess. I hope it will be nice through the coming weekend. I went to Lewiston with Carmen and children. Brogan got her haircut. Carmen got hers colored. Cameron was quite good. I went along to look after him. They are so busy getting ready for the big event. The kids are going all out for their parents. Jason here and worked today.
Friday, July 24, 1992
A most beautiful day, it was very sunny and hot. We got up early. Esther and I did of the work. Then we waited. Finally Esther and Cliff got off to pick some blueberries. Carmen took them over. They got quite a few blueberries. Carmen came and brought the baby. I looked at the him while Carmen and Kim went to Norway. Susan called today. Betty called in while she was mowing lawns. Also Dorothea came this p.m. Billie mowed his lawn today. Carmen had a customer.
Saturday, July 25, 1992
This has been a very busy day. Esther made sloppy Joe’s. I did dishes, a lot of the odd jobs. Made preparations for tomorrow. Dorothea came and helped to prepare the supper. Es made cookies. We washed. Dorothea cleaned up the house, washed the floors. The kids busy busy all day making preparations and getting things together for the big day tomorrow. I was a nervous wreck. Very nice hot day.
Sunday, July 26, 1992
This day dawns. Nice and sunny. It kind of clouded up some later on as the day wore on. Well they got Betty and Walt over to Harrison for brunch. Carmen, Arnold, Tom and Kim and Zac. A very lavish outlay then after they came home they suggested up to camp. A big surprise up there, all the relatives and his sister and brother-in-law and nephew Matthew. A nice cake, cards and a money tree. A big supper was all set up. A nice surprise of gifts and their breakfast from their three children. A rug was laid out by Zac and he chauffeured them to breakfast and home. Also up to camp.
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