Saturday, February 29, 1992
A very windy day and on the cold side. David down for coffee and spent the forenoon. Blustery. Zak out this morning. Didn’t see Carmen or anyone today, all busy etc. David here this morning, it would have been boring if he hadn’t dropped in.
Sunday, March 1, 1992
This was a dreary cold stormy windy day. I worked at the desk. Walt up for coffee. Cloudy. They all met at Walt’s for a family meeting. No one here today except Walt for a very short time. Carmen and Bro up to the camp today.
Monday, March 2, 1992
A fair kind of a day. I done the washing and done a few other puttery jobs. I sent the bills all off. Betty to Portland to have her eye checked. She will have to go again, tests etc. Carmen called a little while today. On the cold side. Betty dropped in for a visit.
Tuesday, March 3, 1992 permanent, $489
A very nice sunny day, very mild, warm. I got up early this morning, 4:40 AM. I got up, took a bath. Got the breakfasts, done up the work. Got ready to go to Barbara’s and got a permanent. Dorothea took me today. I am so glad to get it done. It looks some better. I’m so glad it is done. I was ashamed of it. Checks came today. Zak took them down and got them cashed. Brogan spent today at Walt’s. I hope she will be able to go to school tomorrow. Zak vacuumed today.
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