The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

December 31, 1991 The End of 1991


Tuesday, December 31, 1991 last day of 1991


Many events this year. I began puzzled today. Carmen not very good. I read the papers. Dorothea here also Betty. Betty and family out for supper also Dorothea and David. Also Brogan went. All having New Year’s gatherings tonight. Brogan came up here. She is going to be a guest.






Year End


Billie came home from the rehab center in Portland. He had therapists here, muscle and speech. He had another stroke last of November 1990. He made some improvements, done a lot of things around the place. He had Jason paint the house and make some repairs around. Zac to dentist first of this year. Got new glasses. I got new glasses also and Billie. All or many of the family sick with the flu. David hurt his back, went to specialists. Well we had a bad war in Persian Gulf. Billie Deming was there. Had a new cubbard built on the breezeway. Also new steps from the garage in January.


The war is progressing now in good shape. I hope Billie D is okay. War was declared on January 16, all day it was more news and every day.


Billie is having therapy and speech all the time now. Dorothea is starting the work on her teeth.


Carmen had a problem with Dennis, lawyer talk etc.


First of the year the wedding plans started.


Carmen got the custody of Brogan on January 31. David had problems first of the year with his back. He began to have therapy and an improvement. Betty and Walt gave Carmen a nice birthday. Also Zack and Kim. Billie began to improve a dite. February 11 and 12th Zack stirred things up a lot. In Portland and to S Paris for stays. Betty S had a operation. Betty and Dorothy are both having new teeth this month. I had throat problems. Went to the doctor and throat specialists. It had its run late this summer, it came back to normal. I had a lot of good help etc. from the family daughters and grandchildren.


Stephen Myles died this past April. It’s too bad, we liked him very much. We had a very nice wedding in our family this past year. Tom and Kim. A great affair. The whole family.


Betty Milne here this past year also Esther here for the wedding. Billie Deming home from the war. Chris also over (?) during. Chris and Missy had a baby girl.


Tom got a new truck and bikes and dog this past year. Betty and Carmen to school this year.


Also Fern died November 23.


They are getting a place up here to the shelter for their office.


Betty Milne arrived in Portland tonight by plane from her home in Arbroath Scotland to visit with us for a month. Enjoyed herr visit very much. Zac worked in Portland this past year, did very well. A very pretty wedding in this family this past summer. I hope they will have a long happy life together. We called at Jack and Sylvia and also at Gordon and Sally’s with  Betty M. Also Peggy was up here and Sally too. Zack with the National Guard all summer. This past summer Ebony, Tara and Trinna was put to rest. A very sad affair. During this past summer everyone busy preparing for the upcoming wedding. Vince called first time for a few years. Also Chris, wife and daughter called on us this summer. A very nice family he has. We went to the Persian Gulf. Also Carmen worked for me or us for the summer. Esther here this summer also to attend the wedding. Esther came June 4. George died suddenly June 4. A hard to believe news. We are so sorry and will miss him so much. Kim had a very nice wedding shower, got a lot of nice gifts. Monica graduated this spring from Lake Region High School. Had a nice party for her. We are so pleased for her.


Arnold worked at Betty’s this summer, he and Carmen kind of fell for each other more or less. Betty H and Dorothea had their teeth out and got some new ones, much better. Betty likes her school very much. Well Brogan began school today, Humpty Dumpty. Carmen likes going to school. Walt took care of Brogan. Also Arnold and I helped. She missed her mom a lot.


Fern has her 89th birthday at Dorothea and David’s. It was to be her last. Carmen became pregnant this year. Zack moved to here November 10 to work here for the winter. He did very well all told. On December 13 got an inheritance from Fern’s estate.






Friday, January 3, 2025

December 27 - 30, 1991


Friday, December 27, 1991


I got caught up on the reading. Got a check today from Fidelity investments today $6386.33. Billie, Dorothea and Betty from Fern. Dorothea took the check down and cashed it. Also other errands. This check will be cashed on January 2.




Saturday, December 28, 1991


A very nice sunny day. Mild. Dorothea called, also David came for coffee. Zac went skiing with friend Chris Watson. Carmen didn’t feel very good today. Dorothea came this p.m. and done Billie’s papers. She got the supper.




Sunday, December 29, 1991


Walt didn’t come up for coffee this morning. I wrote to Chris Rager, Esther. RAINED hard all day. Zac gone to Portland with the pool group. Had a good time. Kim called. Carmen still sick.




Monday, December 30, 1991


A very nice day. Sunny and quite warm. I did the washing. Got letters off to Es and Chris. Card to Dorothy and David. Also a thank you to Sullivans. Dorothea, Betty, Brogan and Carmen called today. I read the letter that Esther wrote. Carmen, Zack and Brogan gone to McDonald’s. I got a calendar from Harrison Insurance Company. Dorothea cleaned the whole house.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

December 25 - 26, 1991


Wednesday, December 25, 1991 Christmas Day


Well another nice one of those Christmas days. We got up early, got breakfast. Got ready and left to go up to Carmen for their Christmas. What good time we had. It was very exciting. They got very nice gifts. Then over to Kim and Tom. Had nice gifts, then we had a very nice dinner at Carmen’s. Carmen, Arnold, Betty, Walt, Kim, Tom, Zack. Dorothea, David, Jeff, Brogan, Jeff’s girlfriend, Billie Joe, Arnold’s daughter. Then to Betty and Walt’s for their gifts. They got a lot of nice gifts also. We all was there. Then came up here and watched videos. Had lunch then cleaned all up.










Thursday, December 26, 1991


Well I nice day dawned. We had so much to do. We did a washing, put away a lot of the things. Zac down to Betty’s. Kim and Tom came, had chocolate pie. Zac went with his dad. Came home and went to town. Got the new bulb for light in bathroom and got the supper.




Wednesday, January 1, 2025

December 23 - 24, 1991


Monday, December 23, 1991


It was a nice day. Zac and I been busy making bread etc. I cleaned up the stove. Carmen sick. Brogan’s grandmother, aunt and cousin came to see Bro. Bro got a lot of gifts also her father sent her a lot. Dorothea called in late p.m. Also Betty. In evening Betty came and we rode all around to see trees and decorations. Also called to see Dorothea’s tree, Joy’s and Carmen’s. All beautiful. First we went down to see Betty’s tree and it looks so nice down there. My feet, legs are good today.





Tuesday, December 24, 1991


A nice day. Been busy. I made a custard pie, a chocolate pie. Got ready for tonight. Kim didn’t come to fix, get the sandwiches. Dorothea came, she and Zack got them made. We got supper. Dorothea had to go home. We all went down to Betty Smith for her Christmas gifts then came home. We had ours here. Then we had refreshments. Then they all cleaned up the tree and everything back in place. We had a nice lot of nice useful gifts and candy. No end to it. Also we had a nice lunch and one of those good chocolate rolls by Dorothea.