The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 20 - 22, 1991


Friday, December 20, 1991 Brogan’s Christmas party at school


It was nice and sunny this morning. Very cold. I finished the cards this morning. Carmen took Brogan to school. Then she came and got Zack. They went to Oxford shopping.




Saturday, December 21, 1991


Snowing when we got up. It cleared later in the day. David came for coffee. Zac went with Walt in a.m. We had callers in a.m. Lori and girls also Betty called. Later Carmen came. She got me some things at the store. Susan called today. Zac cleaned the whole house. I did a washing. They hauled Dorothea’s car to the garage. It broke down at Betty’s last night.




Sunday, December 22, 1991


Walt up for coffee. Nice sunny day. Zac down to get the paper. Went to Norway was Carmen.


Monday, December 30, 2024

December 16 - 19, 1991


Monday, December 16, 1991


Snowing this morning then cleared away sunny. Walt and Zack and Betty over to Norway. Betty to shop. Today Dorothea gone for the surgery for her teeth. David took her. She is sore mouthed and taking it easy.




Tuesday, December 17, 1991


I worked at the desk, cards cards. I washed today. Snowing tonight. They are expecting a big storm.




Wednesday, December 18, 1991


I did the ironing, did some more cards. Betty and Bro came up. No school. BJ came up and brought up her school pictures.




Thursday, December 19, 1991


School today. Carmen came, went to the bank, got the money for Christmas cards. A nice clear day. Very cold and windy. I worked on Christmas cards. Betty and Walt to Portland. Betty to the dentist and had her stitches taken out.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

December 12 - 15, 1991


Thursday, December 12, 1991


Dorothea, Zack and Betty S and I went to Norway. I done shopping. We enjoyed the day. Betty to the dentist, had surgery done on her teeth. Walt took her. Her face is swollen, pain coming back.




Friday, December 13, 1991


A cloudy foggy day. I did the ironing and washed out some pants for Zack. Zack did the cleaning today. Early this morning he took Billie to the hospital for blood tests. Carmen called today, Dorothea called tonight. Today I got an inheritance from Fern’s estate. Also Esther got hers and Fern’s will was read and bequests made to all. Friday the 13th was a lucky day for most of the family.




Saturday, December 14, 1991


Carmen and Kim got the tree decorated. Zac got it down back in the woods. It is a beautiful shape. The girls did a very good job on it. Zac gone to a party in Portland. Dorothea came today also Carmen stopped in, brought up soup.




Sunday, December 15, 1991


A rainy day. I didn’t do much except Christmas cards. Got most of them done. Walt up for coffee. Carmen and Bro came for a little while. A lovely day. Zac watched ballgames. I got the B news read.



Saturday, December 28, 2024

December 8 - 11, 1991


Sunday, December 8, 1991


Walt up for coffee. Nice and sunny in morning. Got cloudy in p.m. I wrote to Esther and some cards. Zack down and got the medicine.




Monday, December 9, 1991


It was bad traveling in the morning. No school anywhere. Dorothea came, she and Zack, Betty Smith and I to Norway and Oxford and done some Christmas shopping. Betty to Lewiston and got her permanent. Also shopping. Carmen went too.




Tuesday, December 10, 1991


It dawned a nice sunny day after all the miserable weather this past week. Going to make applesauce at Betty’s. Well we made the applesauce. Also Carmen and Betty wrapped gifts. We enjoyed the day. Walt up to Augusta all day to a meeting. It was a nice day. Ttinna gone one week today. Today’s Zac went to Portland and to the pool meeting in the evening. He also met his girl.




Wednesday, December 11, 1991


Betty and Carmen back to school today. I went to Norway shopping with Dorothea, Betty S and Zack. We did a lot of shopping.


Friday, December 27, 2024

December 6 - 7, 1991 Christmas Party at Ridge House


Friday, December 6, 1991 plowed snow


Snowing when we got up. We did a big washing and changed the beds. Zac done all the cleaning, dusting etc. It looks very nice. He does a good job. Tom came and plowed the snow. Jason did the shoveling. It cleared off and a very nice sunny day.




Saturday, December 7, 1991


A Christmas party at the Ridge House. It has been snowing, but tonight a very nice Christmas party. Many guests. A very nice array of snacks, tonics etc. Everyone had a nice time. I enjoyed it. Brogan was happy. I got my papers all read today. I did the ironing. David down for coffee.