Wednesday, November 21, 1973
A nice day. I cooked, made preparations for dinner tomorrow.
Down to Betty’s. We done a few odds and end jobs. Dawn called and brought Judd
up for a couple days. They went up to her brother’s for the holiday. In evening
Esther, Betty and I called at Fern and Lloyd’s. Es said she and Cliff would
come over.
Thursday, November 22, 1973 THANKSGIVING, Christopher Rager 3
years today
It was cloudy and rained by showers. I got dinner and at
about one we began to eat. Esther and Cliff came about 11:30. Esther helped me
get the dinner on. We had all of the Horton family, Esther and Cliff. Pa didn’t
come. Fern and Lloyd ate at home alone. We had a good dinner and a nice time.
Joy,Buddy and girls came about 5:30 to visit. We had turkey, stuffing, gravy,
mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, turnip, shell beans, celery, salad,
relish, olives, dark breads, rolls, custard pie, lemon sponge pie, tarts,
coffee and milk. Pres. John Fitzgerald Kennedy been gone 10 years today.
Assassinated. Too bad.
Friday, November 23, 1973
On the cloudy side. Not cold though. I or we didn’t get up
too early. Betty and Walt to Portland to finish their shopping. They got a
brand-new bike for Kim. I went down to Betty’s all day to stay with Carmen and
Kim. I washed clothes, did regular work and washed their kitchen floor. Kids
were good, they took Zak with them. In evening Bill took me to town. Betty and
Walt came up. Also Jack and Sylvia call. He and Bill talked about the settling
of Jean’s estate etc. He
would like to buy Bill’s lot Jean left him.