Friday, January 29, 1971
A pretty nice sunny day. I went down to Betty’s while she
took Kim to school. Then got ready and went over to Aunt Ava’s. Picked the desk
over and Betty brought it home. Deming’s called in evening.
Saturday, January 30, 1971
A cloudy snowy day. Billie took me to town. Kimmy went with
us. Bill worked most all day.
Sunday, January 31, 1971
A nice day. Bill and I called at Fern and Lloyd’s. Cliff and
Billie there watching Apollo 14 take
off. Susan gone ski dooing. Esther took care of her kids.
Monday, February 1, 1971 18 below, $5 dollars found in card $2.50
Very cold this morning, 18 below. I rushed around, done up
my work. Washed. Down to Betty’s while she took Kimmy to school. Over to Aunt
Ava’s. We did the bureau draws in bedroom, kitchen and living room. Came home,
got supper. Washed some more, got other clothes in.