Saturday, September 1, 1962
Cloudy, miserable day. I cooked. Bill home all lamed up.
Betty cleaned up the whole house. Finished the barn. Billie didn’t have to
work. Fern and Lloyd getting ready to go to Ohio. In evening Betty and I down
to Ferns.
Sunday, September 2, 1962
Cleared off in a.m. yet kind of cloudy. I got up early so as
to prepare dinner and eat at around 11. Fern and Lloyd here for dinner. At 1230
Bill, Betty and I left with Fern and Lloyd to meet the Trailways bus in
Portland to go to Ohio. A nice afternoon. We bought sandwiches on the way home.
Aunt Ava and Uncle Lewis here with Mama while we were gone.
Monday, September 3, 1962
A beautiful day. I did my wash. Bill rototilled the garden.
Billie picked the shell beans. We picked some pickling cukes. In PM Billie,
Betty and I took a ride way down in Casco, Poland, Minot, Oxford, Norway,
Harrison and home to find pullets. None. Came home, got supper. Aunt Ava and Uncle
Lewis here. Bob called. Kennie and Dot called. A phone call from Fern and
Esther. They got there all safe and sound and was in high glory. A happy time
to them all.
Tuesday, September 4, 1962
Beautiful day. I did a big ironing. Dolores called. Done
some shell beans. Canned. Betty got her CHECK. She walked to town, met Dawn.
She and Steve brought her home and visited. Dolores called again in PM. Took
care of Lloyd’s hens again today.