The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

December 17 - 20, 1990 New Kitten for Brogan


Monday, December 17, 1990 BROGAN GOT KITTEN


A very nice sunny clear day. I didn’t get down to Betty’s today so we didn’t get any wrapping done. I did some odds and end jobs. All day Carmen away on business. Later this evening Betty called with a cute small Siamese kitten. She took it up to Brogan’s. She was so pleased with it and Carmen too.




Tuesday, December 18, 1990 LOST KITTEN FOUND


RAIN ALL DAY. I went down to Betty’s, she, Betty Smith, Carmen and I was all going to wrap gifts for her. But something happened that put a stop to that. Brogan let her little kitten out this morning early supposedly. Well they said it was lost. Well everything went askew, all was so upset and Brogan got the effective of it and it shook her up very much. As she was told she did a very bad thing letting the little kitten out. All went into a frenzy and all was hunting in the rain. At about 6:30 Carmen went to Betty’s holding the little helpless kitty. It was a big delightful and happy ending. KITTEN BACK.




Wednesday, December 19, 1990


Wow this is been a very nice sunny day. Zak washed windows for me. Carmen came, she done some things. She had a lot of errands she did. She done my shopping. Then came and got supper. Very mild and warm today.




Thursday, December 20, 1990


Another very nice sunny and quite warm today. I made another batch of fudge. It came out good and Carmen came and I went down to Betty’s. We made corn balls, fudge and also she made pumpkin bread. I came home and watched the two programs. Carmen and Brogan got Portland this p.m. She had an appointment for Brogan. We just got a call, Billie can come home Christmas Eve and stay till Christmas night. I hope we will have good weather.


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