Tuesday, June 24, 1969
It rained hard all day. We had a shower. We stayed at home
all day. Carmen okay. Kim has cold and is fussy.
Wednesday, June 25, 1969
Cleared today. We washed and got ready and went and looked
at a house. Also drove around a lot. Found nothing. Called at Dorothea’s, she
wasn’t at home. We saw a car accident.
Thursday, June 26, 1969
It came off quite hot, got some of the work done and then we
went looking for a place. Nothing found as usual. We covered quite a territory.
Came home, had a cold supper. Billie happy all his bills are paid. Called at
Dorothea’s, she wasn’t at home.
Friday, June 27, 1969 $5.00
Came off very HOT. I worked at Dorothy’s in a.m. Came
home, washed, ironed, cleaned up the house. Had swordfish for supper. Sat
outside in evening, very hot and humid. I talked with Fern in evening. Betty
talked on phone with ex-husband. We didn’t go anywhere today. Peas all
blossomed. Betty to doctors (Richards).