Saturday, May 23, 1992
Another very hot hot day. Dorothea expecting company. David’s sister and husband. They didn’t come til later. Dorothea got a good supper. She done a lot while she was here, got a good supper. She had to go home because the company came late. I read papers all p.m. I am in hopes to soon get caught up on my magazines. Susan done my hair.
Sunday, May 24, 1992
At last cloudy, cooler weather. It rained too. We had doors and windows all closed and the furnace going. Walt up for coffee. Zak came up. Carmen and Bro called this morning and later BJ over to Carmen’s and called when Carmen and Brogan came. I wrote to Esther. I looked at the magazines. Poor old Cass is on a diet for her weight. Betty dropped in for a short time this p.m. I looked at more magazines etc.
Monday, May 25, 1992
A fallish looking day. Carmen had to work. I did the washing etc. Betty came and got the supper. I helped her by getting it started. It was a good supper. Tom and Kim came up and picked some more greens.
Tuesday, May 26, 1992
A pretty good day. I picked over the greens, and got them ready for supper. Carmen came and I went down to see the chicks and the turkeys. A year ago these days getting ready for the wedding of Kim and Tom. I didn’t do much today. Betty came and got the supper. She looks so tired. It is too much for her to do this work here after she is so busy at home. Betty had a good supper tonight.
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