Thursday, July 2, 1992
Checks came this being a holiday weekend. Today I didn’t do too much. I washed my hair and put a rinse on it. It has been a very nice sunny day. A good haying day and Billie got his hay all in. Jason and he hauled it. Betty brought my chairs up today, they have had a little taken off the legs. They are nice. Carmen and children called today. She got our supper tonight. Also they came today and mowed Walt’s hay. I hope they will be able to get it all in tomorrow.
Friday, July 3, 1992
A kind of a fair day. On the coolish side. I sent the checks for the bills at the vet. Also Carmen cashed the checks today. They came and teddered then hay raked and baled it. Today Betty is setting up for a big weekend of entertaining. It is friends from the school where they went this past winter. I hope it will be very nice for the next two days. Dorothea came and did the cleaning. Billie mowed the lawns. They look good. Ground quite dry. I washed this a.m. Carmen here this a.m.
Saturday, July 4, 1992 Rain
What a miserable day this has been weatherwise. RAIN RAIN RAIN. Well they had the parade, racing and BBQ and fireworks. All got soaked. Dorothea, Betty S and I down to the parade. Jeff was with us. We had a good day. Then we were here for supper and David also. Well Betty didn’t have a good day at camp either. I haven’t seen the children at all today. I’m so glad they all got their hay in yesterday. David down this morning for coffee. Kim back to work after a nice vacation with her husband Tom. He too had vacation.
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